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The players DO care.....

I can promise everyone that those players do care and they are hurting. They are not these mercenaries that some are painting them out as. Yes they earn alot more than most of us but footballers earn good money. They are not the only ones. Other clubs are the same. Other sports also earn just as obscene money also. Footballers earn good money. JUST DEAL WITH IT! Don't follow a professional football club if you don't like it.

But they are not performing badly on purpose. They are desperate to perform well. FACT!


  • Very profound.
  • Thank you, Katrien.

  • How can you promise me that and how is it a fact?
  • Welcome to Charlton Life Karl
  • They care about their wages... FÀCT
  • Huskaris said:

    2 threads in 2 minutes. Having tried to be polite in the first of them, I am less willing to be so in the second one

    You are an idiot.

    And a troll
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  • 5 goals at Gloucester, unfortunately 3 of them for FC United, but you would be hard pressed to spot one player who didnt care.
    What would Johnny R think of it all?
  • What a load of bollox
  • What a load of bollox

    No, it's true - Gloucester lost 2-3
  • What a load of bollox

    No, it's true - Gloucester lost 2-3
    I meant this thread not you
  • I can promise everyone that those players do care and they are hurting. They are not these mercenaries that some are painting them out as. Yes they earn alot more than most of us but footballers earn good money. They are not the only ones. Other clubs are the same. Other sports also earn just as obscene money also. Footballers earn good money. JUST DEAL WITH IT! Don't follow a professional football club if you don't like it.

    But they are not performing badly on purpose. They are desperate to perform well. FACT!

    How do you know?

    To paraphrase a famous saying;

    A turd is a turd is a turd.
  • If they care and that's the result week in week out it probably means the ain't good enough.
    The only real fact I know is, I gave up caring nearly 3 years ago.
  • Great post. By the way, are you Roger Johnson ? I ask because, 1. You must be close to the players to know what you know and 2. The similarities to the "If you don't like it, stay away" comment are remarkable.
  • What a load of bollox

    No, it's true - Gloucester lost 2-3
    I meant this thread not you
    OK - sorry - the beer at Whaddon Road whooshed freely, literally for some that the Owner treated in the bar!
  • Where is that wanker button again?

    There was a lot of nudity on TV last night that annoyed me so much I shook my fist at the TV
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  • I can promise everyone that those players do care and they are hurting. They are not these mercenaries that some are painting them out as. Yes they earn alot more than most of us but footballers earn good money. They are not the only ones. Other clubs are the same. Other sports also earn just as obscene money also. Footballers earn good money. JUST DEAL WITH IT! Don't follow a professional football club if you don't like it.

    But they are not performing badly on purpose. They are desperate to perform well. FACT!

    You are probably right and sound like you may be on the inside.

    The simple reality is, they are not good enough - not enough quality.

    The defending for the Bury goal was so dire - 4 chances to clear and we pass the ball to their player to bury it and the reason the pass to their player was so shite was because the player concerned is a left footer and tried to clear the ball with his right foot and he is technically inept.

    The whole squad is simply not good enough.

    Mavididi must be wondering what he's done, coming to Charlton - such a talent - an oasis in a desert.
  • It's difficult for players to play in a team which is part of a club with no ambition. Plus no stability or certainty and knowing that the vast majority of fans have already lost heart.
  • Some might care, some might care a bit, some might not care much at all. If I have any sympathy with the players, it's that they know this club is rotten. However dedicated you are, not many can perform to their full potential if you are in bad environment. That's not an excuse and many could do better, I suspect, but don't get sidetracked with the main issue at this club is.
  • Some might care, some might care a bit, some might not care much at all. If I have any sympathy with the players, it's that they know this club is rotten. However dedicated you are, not many can perform to their full potential if you are in bad environment. That's not an excuse and many could do better, I suspect, but don't get sidetracked with the main issue at this club is.

    Reminds me of the pic of those higher birds pooing all over the lower birds in place that is meant to resemble the work place.

  • bobmunro said:


    I would say she looked more like a squirrel.
  • I care more than they do.
  • I can promise everyone that those players do care and they are hurting. They are not these mercenaries that some are painting them out as. Yes they earn alot more than most of us but footballers earn good money. They are not the only ones. Other clubs are the same. Other sports also earn just as obscene money also. Footballers earn good money. JUST DEAL WITH IT! Don't follow a professional football club if you don't like it.

    But they are not performing badly on purpose. They are desperate to perform well. FACT!

    Normal Saturday evening service resumed.
  • maybee a couple at most
    its all bull
  • edited February 2017
    I have given my opinion and people are shooting me down for taking side with the players. If you don't like my opinion TOUGH!
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