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I can't fault..

edited January 2008 in General Charlton
...anyone tonight, colossal performance by the whole team and the fans.

Surely Ambrose has shut up the haters, i thought for the 5th game running he was involved in everything positive we did until he was subbed.

Sam must have answered the "is Sam the new Lisbie" thread, he kept hold of the ball brilliantly at times and deserved the goal.

Paddy and Magic looked really comfortable all night.

Everyone had a blinder and special mention to Weaver's save at the end.

For me it was a victory for good passing football and I was so glad we didn't panic at 0-0 and start playing like Stoke.

I can't wait for next Friday.


  • Loved it at the end when they all ran to Weaver.
  • am so pleased for Sam!

    i nearly wet myself at one point though................................FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hilarious.................made my night!!!!!!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: dansmudge[/cite]Surely Ambrose has shut up the haters, i thought for the 5th game running he was involved in everything positive we did until he was subbed.

    Don't you believe it, the guys behind me said it was about time when he was substitued and had slaged him all the way through.

    Thought it was a great performance, to be churlish we just need to up our game a little in front of goal, we should have had at least three - Iwelumo's air shot and the 4 on 2, but as I said that is being churlish. Stoke, I thought were a very good defensive performance, not pretty but effective and I doubt we will play a better defensive unit all season.

    Special mention fort he referee, who I am sure will be very good once he has qualified and bought his glasses.
  • edited January 2008
    Thoroughly enjoyed it, if i could mention two minor negatives then i though we were wrong dropping Varney for Iwelumo, we played some cracking stuff first half but needed a striker to be getting round the back, both Gray and Iwelumo play with back to goal and we didn't need both. Also thought ZZ was noticeably below his standard tonight.

    But i don't want be seen to be griping. The centre halves were solid, the full backs give us fantastic attacking options and extra width, the two wide players were constantly in the game, Holland was everywhere doing all the bits and pieces, and Gray looks like a fair price and will improve us up top.

    Great atmosphere, good drama, very enjoyable night. I bet even OohAah liked it !!!
  • Oh and Weaver was superb !!
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite] Also thought ZZ was noticeably below his standard tonight.

    Eh? What game were you watching? I thought he had a cracking game in all departments with the exception of his final ball today. Mind you, I agree that we needed a bit of pace to get over the top/down the flanks and stretch them a bit.

    Still a good job VERY well done.
  • have to agree with AFKA - thought we should have starte with varney, which was the consensus of opinion of most of those around me. Playing both Gray & ilwelumo meant we wer playing with our back to goal and trying to lay the ball too often. When Varney came on we stretched them more and got at down the sides.
  • [cite]Posted By: golfaddick[/cite]have to agree with AFKA - thought we should have starte with varney, which was the consensus of opinion of most of those around me. Playing both Gray & ilwelumo meant we wer playing with our back to goal and trying to lay the ball too often. When Varney came on we stretched them more and got at down the sides.

    but apart from that golfie, did you think it was a good performace? did you enjoy it?
  • I hinted the other day that he would play Iwellumo and Gray, i think he summed up what we were to expect in the programme notes an ugly hard fought game,

    Big Chris unfortunatley was there to defend their long throw and corners and to a point he did that.

    i think if you was to ask pards what his game was he would tell you keep it tight for an hour and go for the win late on.

    i cant believe stoke are 4th they were so negative.

    Ambrose deserved the applause he got last night i have not been his biggest fan on here but i stood up and applauded him last night and rightly so.

    must admit disapointed that the songs from watford didnt take off last nigt especially the darts one.

    also the fish call was hillarious and one that should def keep going.

    up the addicks bring on scunny
  • I was extremely pissed off that we weren't winning when that poxy fish came on the screen and could not see the funny side of it
    (that's coz i'm a miserable bast**d).However if we were winning 3-0 i would have thought it was hilarious.
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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Loved it at the end when they all ran to Weaver.[/quote]

    Yes that was a good moment
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]Oh and Weaver was superb !!

    I love him now for all the reasons I used to detest him, we were even better at time wasting than them! Plus also Paddy is also fast becoming a cult hero.
  • Weaver was quality with his couple of bits of timewasting near the end
  • The thing with the fish is funny, but even funnier is hearing several hundred smug laughs following each rendition.
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