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It's Xmas Day - My Child\Children Got Up At........

We had a right 9 year old daughter didn't wake up till 8.10am.


  • 7:40 - can't grumble...
  • We had to wake our two up at 8am. Result!
  • Woke the baby up at 9.30! She's a good girl.
  • Had to wake up the 2 year old at 845 !
  • My old man woke us all up at 7.30
  • 10.30 - but she is 19.
  • My mrs woke us up at 6, her and the middle child had been awake since 5 and had enough waiting around before waking the other kids first and then ambushing me
  • My daughter - aged 8 - had a "nightmare" at 2AM, "thought I heard bells outside on the roof" at 4:09AM then slept thru to 7:55! Could've been worse...
  • 9.30 - It's lovely when they get older.
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  • 4am the first one!!!
  • 5:45. She couldn't sleep last night, shouted down to us around 10 to say she thought she heard someone outside saying ho ho ho!
  • Midnight 3 year old traipsed in and was put back in bed
    2am 3 year old again traipsed in wife got in to his bed with him
    3am 5 year old came in said he was having nightmares , he got in to bed with me
    5am 7 year old came in and said he could hear footsteps downstairs and he thought it was Father Christmas , I said let's go down (bluff) he said no I'll go back to bed....
    6am 5 year old wakes and says can we go downstairs , we go downstairs and 7 year old hears us and comes down
    7.30am 3 year old 1 year old mum still asleep so we wake them up to get the party started
    I'm shattered add in the mix a mountain of cadburys being shit out with my IBS I must have had a grand total of 2 hrs kip last night
  • 6:15 luckily enough the ex wife had the pleasure
  • The first woke at 0400 and wanted the toilet, the second wanted the toilet at 0600. They both decided at 0730 it was time to get up and play. By 1030 both had opened their presents and been walked. I love my dogs ;)
  • Mine were up around 7, but thankfully didn't wake me up till 8.30 :)
  • Literally had about 18hrs sleep in last week and little fella always up at 5.30am latest.
    Today he was soundo til missus WOKE HIM at 6.45, then all up, not happy.
  • 5 year old and 1 year old. I went and got them at 9:15 as I was getting impatient

    5 year old (Francesca) just pointed at her sack and smiled. Then said "let's go and see if Santa got anything for Milo (the one year old)

    Then carried them down stairs and the carnage commenced. Been a bloody great day so far
  • The youngest has only opened 5 presents, it's his bday in January so may 'roll some over'
    Hes been like a pig in shit so far so pointless overloading, done them mistakes with the older ones.
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  • Had to wake both of our 3 1/2yr olds up at 8am.

    They wake around six most days, yet on supposedly the most.exciting day of the year, they sleep in
  • First of all, woke up by my eldest at 3.30am telling me the dog's barking, so I go down and let it out in the garden, then get woke again by my eldest at 5.30am asking if we could go downstairs half hour early (we'd agreed 6am no earlier), I said wait, but then gave in at 5.45am. I'm knackered!!
  • Half 5 with my 3 year old but my 12 year old couldn't sleep and snuggled in beside me and mum from about half 1
  • Went out for a 10k run this morning , kids had to wait till i got back before they got to open their presents ... mean daddy!
  • Went out for a 10k run this morning , kids had to wait till i got back before they got to open their presents ... mean daddy!

    RU just back now? LOL

  • Woke the whole house up at 5.45am for presents... I'm 20.
  • CAFCsayer said:

    Woke the whole house up at 5.45am for presents... I'm 20.

    Good lad :) Im 30 and woke at 2am, 4am and at 6am finally gave in.

  • shine166 said:

    Good lad :) Im 30 and woke at 2am, 4am and at 6am finally gave in.

    I do that most nights......
  • haha mine wasnt bladder induced :)

    I do that most nights......
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