Busy day at the museum welcoming the #cafc
Reminiscence Group and two special guests; Martin Tyler and Colin "Paddy" Powell.
Martin was showing the group a film released to him by the BBC of Charlton v Sunderland in 1956 while Paddy popped in to say hello to his friend Martin.
While Martin filmed some interviews with Reminiscence Group members for a Charlton related film he is making, Paddy chatted with group members in the museum's meeting room.
The Reminiscence Group meet every Thursday at the Valley, three weeks a month in Valley Central and once a month in the museum from 1.30pm.
It is free and it's open to anyone. For more info email a-malloy@sky.com
The museum is open tomorrow (Friday) from 11 to 2.30 and on Saturday 11 to 1.00
Free entry in Harvey Gardens
