Must be good as no £ signs on the menu. (Two courses for £25 on the Table d'hote menu but only 4 simple mains on that)
Couple of times but last times was about 10 years ago so can't vouch for it now. Supposedly oldest hotel in the country and Charles 1 death warrant signed there.
Couple of times but last times was about 10 years ago so can't vouch for it now. Supposedly oldest hotel in the country and Charles 1 death warrant signed there.
Note…..the death warrant was not FOR Charles1. It was one signed there for the arrest and execution of some other poor rascal by Richard 3rd. Although Charles 1st did also hold court there.
Downside….West End prices and rather small portions.
It was one signed there for the arrest and execution of some other poor rascal by Richard 3rd.
Although Charles 1st did also hold court there.