Utterly depressing defending after the front players had fought to get us back into it. I would whip off Lloyd Jones at half time today. He has been a liability all game. Just no point playing a player in this sort of mood.
“We’re absolute fucking shite, never had a chance in this game because jones is a cunt. I’ve been saying that all game. No chance of playoffs this year. Wankers “
most of us know how an Evans team plays and that is how Rotherham play, surely our management team knew this and should have set up the team to counteract it instead of waiting until we are 2-0 down. Nathan Jones has the talk but not the ability
I never thought I would be saying this but maybe this is a game for Anderson atleast he battles and has high energy ! We are being totally bullied and are so far off the pace it’s mental. I would also sub AMB at halftime he looks like a rabbit in the headlights everytime a ball comes in
“We’re absolute fucking shite, never had a chance in this game because jones is a cunt. I’ve been saying that all game. No chance of playoffs this year. Wankers “
- average CL’er
No need to swear. Most Charlton life-rs that know how good/bad we are just get pelters for pointing out we're not good enough to get promoted.
It is ok to be a realist. It saves the disappointment.
Not sure what you can do when your defence falls apart as ours just has. Jones looks half the player he has been while Mitchell and Gillesphey have their normal quota of errors. Docherty, apart from the goal, and Berry have been invisible. NJ going to have to do something special to turn this around, or even just stop it getting worse.
All that fucking about between Coventry and Edwards leading to the fk. AMB useless, had a fucking age to come collect that. L. Jones playing like he can't be bothered and at fault again. Shite.
Worrying this performance. Could be a big score against us today. Defence looks like it will concede every time they attack us. Will be surprised if the don't get at least another 2.
Brownie keeps banging on about them being this and that. I think they look just as Shite as any other team in this pub league and it’s purely down to our own undoing. Defence is all over the place!!
Tough choices for NJ here. The diamond is better than the 352 for this game but Small and Edwards are both doing ok. Mitchell isn't a RB and L Jones having a shocker but has been good for the whole season. At the moment we have lots of square pegs playing in round holes
Our defenders all season have been appalling with the exception of Jones, and he’s having a stinker today like they all are, they’re just not good enough at this level.
Utterly depressing defending after the front players had fought to get us back into it. I would whip off Lloyd Jones at half time today. He has been a liability all game. Just no point playing a player in this sort of mood.
- average CL’er
Nathan Jones has the talk but not the ability
Our goal came from nowhere. Rotherham unlucky not to have four or five.
Absolutely fucking awful.
Entire team look shattered. Need some legs on at HT. There is ln't a single player out there who could complain if they are hooked.
The inability to maintain a level is baffling. A team that was starting to look ok dropping to this level of performance is a joke.
Most Charlton life-rs that know how good/bad we are just get pelters for pointing out we're not good enough to get promoted.
It is ok to be a realist. It saves the disappointment.
Looking forward to my Tuesday night trip