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Sickness help

Hi all, just wondering if anyone had something or knows someone who had something similar recently or can share any expertise. I know loads of bugs going around recently. 
Short version without going into real details
Monday eve felt really round (flu like symptoms) and then ending up with bottom end explosions let’s say turning into diahorrea with horrendous stomach cramping. No exaggaeration that evening I was up every 15-30mins on the toilet throughout the night shivering with a fever too. My wife wanted to call an ambulance but I couldn’t see what they would do and I’d just be shitting myself the whole way there. No better 24hrs later doctors called and want me in, explain worried about journey and not in state to drive but I get lift go down and basically after seeing a nurse then a doctor am told intially food poisoning but rule out on basis I’ve had no meal out takeaways and same home cooked food as wife for last few days. That then leaves a case of gastritis so was told to go home rest drink plenty of water take ibro/para and Imodiums. All of above done and now it is Friday morning and we are still at around every 40-60mins on the loo (and feel that’s only because of the 6 Imodiums) just wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar and how long lasted or anything advice or help. Right now feel a lot better re fever it’s the stomach cramps that are the worst with the loo visits which causing the pain and no sleep. 


  • Hi all, just wondering if anyone had something or knows someone who had something similar recently or can share any expertise. I know loads of bugs going around recently. 
    Short version without going into real details
    Monday eve felt really round (flu like symptoms) and then ending up with bottom end explosions let’s say turning into diahorrea with horrendous stomach cramping. No exaggaeration that evening I was up every 15-30mins on the toilet throughout the night shivering with a fever too. My wife wanted to call an ambulance but I couldn’t see what they would do and I’d just be shitting myself the whole way there. No better 24hrs later doctors called and want me in, explain worried about journey and not in state to drive but I get lift go down and basically after seeing a nurse then a doctor am told intially food poisoning but rule out on basis I’ve had no meal out takeaways and same home cooked food as wife for last few days. That then leaves a case of gastritis so was told to go home rest drink plenty of water take ibro/para and Imodiums. All of above done and now it is Friday morning and we are still at around every 40-60mins on the loo (and feel that’s only because of the 6 Imodiums) just wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar and how long lasted or anything advice or help. Right now feel a lot better re fever it’s the stomach cramps that are the worst with the loo visits which causing the pain and no sleep. 
    I had this for 4 days over Christmas week. Thought it was my meds but my partner had less severe version.
  • edited January 10
    I had similar in the middle of December, lost 7 lbs in 4 days, my resting heart rate is normally mid 50’s went up to 70 and took a few weeks to drop. Then picked up a chest infection, wasn’t feeling great for nearly a month all told.
  • Could be norovirus which is doing the rounds and part of the "quademic" this winter. But your wife and everyone in your house would almost certainly have got it too 
  • Was gonna say gastroenteritis. 

    Do you have mice in your house, that you know of?
  • Drink Dioralyte.  Best stuff to keep you hydrated and get the essential minerals in the system.
    We had a case of norovirus last summer and I wasn't right for about 2-3 weeks.
  • edited January 10
    Info from UKHSA re Norovirus:

    Hope you feel better soon, as others have said, keeping hydrated is very important.
  • The only other thing I can add is try and get rest/sleep (even a nap) if you can, not easy with the pain but don't worry about it being too late/early just rest up whenever possible 
  • Would think it’s a stomach bug of some sort. Can pick that up practically anywhere. Touching something and then transferring that to your mouth most likely cause. Most important thing is to drink plenty of fluids and unless you deteriorate you’ll ride it out. Hope it’s resolved soon.
  • To prevent infection all surfaces should be cleaned with a bleach based cleaner. 
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  • Make sure you're not getting dehydrated with all the fluids you're losing. Those hydration salts are good, or a sports drink with electrolytes. 
  • My Son has been vomiting on and off since about 4am, it just came out of no where as was absolutely fine last night... So definitely something going around
  • My Son has been vomiting on and off since about 4am, it just came out of no where as was absolutely fine last night... So definitely something going around
    Hospitals are struggling with Norovirus, Flu, RSV and Covid.
  • no matter how hungry or empty you feel
    avoid eating as long as you can
    keep up the fluid intake
    boiled water plus dioralyte or just  teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt (essentially what the "rehydration" sachets are) in a mug of water
    the proprietary isotonic drinks generally have way more of the 'good' stuff in them than we can usefully absorb and are broadly a waste of money
    if you have limes, adding a squeeze of lime juice to your boiled and cooled water can add a tiny amount of Vit C and such other nutrients as the lime contains - that's a folk remedy in India where water borne trouble is endemic

    you can easily go a week to 10 days without solid food, unless you're already malnourished
    the more you give your stomach etc to digest the more it has to expel and all the explosive output can be deleterious to the lining of your lower workings, prolonging your looseness
    If you're feeling really undernourished then tiny morsels of banana, chewed beyond the point you need to really swallow anything, can add vitamins and potassium to your intake
    Beyond that rest, paracetamol for when you're feeling feverish and more rest.  Anything beyond a fortnight might be cause for concern.  And don't expect your guts to be back to "match fitness" for another fortnight after the worst has passed.

    relentless hand washing, obsessive cleanliness in general, not sharing towels etc with your household - quarantine yourself as far as possible cos these things can be voraciously contagious 

  • Thanks all for the advice really appreciate it. Sounds like I’m only halfway or so along on this ride. 
    It’s just crazy because I’ve taken like 6 the max Imodiums allowed and still frequently am going every 30mins or so and not even eating so it’s crazy how it’s still managing to find stuff in there. Only benefit at the end of all this is going to be hopefully a few lbs lost for sure.
    i was asked to get back to doctors today on their advice they have also stated acute gastroenteritis as a couple of you have mentioned. I’ll look at ordering dioralyte too. 
  • Get some sudocrem or alternative for the ring sting if you haven't already.
  • I’m a better out than in man but if the doctors advised it then go with them .
    I’d only take Imodium if I had to leave the house as a necessity but if that’s not working whatever’s in there needs to get out so I’d give it every chance to fcuk off 
    Good luck

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  • I can't vouch for this 100% but I was told lucozade or similar is good if you have the shits badly. You need to drink more and mostly water but glucose can help the bowel.
  • A few weeks ago I had the runs for about 7 days and took Imodium all that time. When the runs stopped, I had the opposite problem and after 5 days I had to seek advice from my GP. I was prescribed a laxative course for a week, which meant that I had to be near a loo and couldn't risk going out. 
  • Thanks for all the advice guys, update: I’ve stopped with the Imodiums now. Went 7hrs from 8 til 3am without going last night which was a record. Then it was literally every 10-20mins for a few hrs. Think this was worse due to eating. As someone mentioned im going to stop eating at all now see if that helps just drinking plenty of fluids. And thinking about the weight loss benefits hopefully going from looking like Andy Reid on the pitch to gassan ahadme (but not playing like him) next Sunday. 
  • If you don’t want to/ can’t eat but feel the need for a bit more than fluids I always opt for chicken soup & apparently so do very many others.
  • If you don’t want to/ can’t eat but feel the need for a bit more than fluids I always opt for chicken soup & apparently so do very many others.
    Chicken noodle soup I believe is best
  • Funnily enough, when I asked a doctor a couple of years back about using Imodium after a bout of Noro, he was ADAMENT to take it.

    His very clear reasoning was that the runs with a stomach virus is like a runny nose with a cold. It isn’t (despite most people’s beliefs) your body getting rid of the virus. The virus makes your stomach generate too much fluid and it’s a symptom that you can treat. I remember clearly that he said you should treat it like taking a medicine to stop said runny nose.

    Imodium is the most reliable over the counter medicine going IMO. As someone who suffers with IBS and has ever since Noro knocked my insides about - it is a fail safe that works EVERY time. 

    There is no need to sit there with the shits for two weeks. 
  • Funnily enough, when I asked a doctor a couple of years back about using Imodium after a bout of Noro, he was ADAMENT to take it.

    His very clear reasoning was that the runs with a stomach virus is like a runny nose with a cold. It isn’t (despite most people’s beliefs) your body getting rid of the virus. The virus makes your stomach generate too much fluid and it’s a symptom that you can treat. I remember clearly that he said you should treat it like taking a medicine to stop said runny nose.

    Imodium is the most reliable over the counter medicine going IMO. As someone who suffers with IBS and has ever since Noro knocked my insides about - it is a fail safe that works EVERY time. 

    There is no need to sit there with the shits for two weeks. 
  • Funnily enough, when I asked a doctor a couple of years back about using Imodium after a bout of Noro, he was ADAMENT to take it.

    His very clear reasoning was that the runs with a stomach virus is like a runny nose with a cold. It isn’t (despite most people’s beliefs) your body getting rid of the virus. The virus makes your stomach generate too much fluid and it’s a symptom that you can treat. I remember clearly that he said you should treat it like taking a medicine to stop said runny nose.

    Imodium is the most reliable over the counter medicine going IMO. As someone who suffers with IBS and has ever since Noro knocked my insides about - it is a fail safe that works EVERY time. 

    There is no need to sit there with the shits for two weeks. 
    I asked a GP this a few years back (you may recall those days when it was possible to see a GP).
    I said am I better taking imodium or is it keeping the virus in and he didn't give me a clear answer, leaving me with the belief that he/she didn't know.
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