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Dowie's Dilemma

edited October 2006 in General Charlton
Given the premise that this is a must win game what team does Dowie pick?

Should he go for the battlers like Kish and Fortune who care or the possibly more skilful Pousos and Diawaras who may not have the required commitment in what is likely to be a typically English blood and thunder match?

Would it be perceived, if he goes for old Curbs players, that he got his buying policy wrong?

Not only has Dowie got a game to win arguably his credibility might be seen to be at stake too.



  • From what I have seen from him so far, he is either tactically a bit naive by going for games too much, or he just plain tells them to try & win the game. Time will tell which one of these it is. I am hoping it is the latter. This being the case I think we'll set up to win tomorrow & would not be surprised to see two wingers & even Reid in the centre tomorrow.
  • [cite] LenGlover:[/cite]
    Would it be perceived, if he goes for old Curbs players, that he got his buying policy wrong?

    That is a very interesting point that has not been considered Len.

    I don't think he will be changing the back four for Saturday, though i would change Fortune for El Kak.

    The midfield is the main talking point. Faye is guaranteed, and Romm booked a stay of execution on Monday. Reid is hanging on by a thread, Jerome is coming back, so its important Reid shines, so the problem spot surrounds Hughes. Personally i would switch for Kish tomorrow, Watford will be too physical for Pouso to come straight into.

    Up front JFH will also be on last chance saloon.
  • Agreed that the defence would remain unchanged, although I too would play Fortune instead of El Karhouri. Midfield is a tricky one, but I would start Reid, Faye, Hughes and Rommedahl - but ensure that both JT and Kish are on the bench. Upfront is Darren and JFH - JFH will come good, I back him to score tomorrow. We should have kept Jay Bothroyd, I'd rather him upfront than Marcus Bent.
  • [cite] Ketman:[/cite]From what I have seen from him so far, he is either tactically a bit naive by going for games too much, or he just plain tells them to try & win the game. Time will tell which one of these it is. I am hoping it is the latter. This being the case I think we'll set up to win tomorrow & would not be surprised to see two wingers & even Reid in the centre tomorrow.

    Your not the first person that has suggested that ID is a bit "tactically naive" but as AFKA was saying the other day, I can't see that he has really done that much wrong and I certainly wouldn't criticise him for sending out a team with a desire to win.

    My personal preference for tomorrow would be a 4-3-3/4-5-1 Faye and Kish providing a solid base in the middle with Reid. Thomas and Rommedahl given free licence to support DB and do the damage up front.

    However I think that ID will stick with 4-4-2 but I would be disappointed if Hughes is given another run out.
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