The Revitive advert with Ian Botham. All that muscle pumping, does it really work? If so, a mate of mine was wondering if they do one you strap on your old man. Just asking.
Theres an advert for furniture on at the moment, one of the suites is called the Eltham and they completely mispronounce it in Northern as ell - thamm, scrambles my eggs.
People lane swim in the open pool section and then get arsey with you for swimming along picking yoir way between them because 'you' e put them off their stroke'. Go and swim in the lanes marked for lane swimming and leave me to awim slowly how i want.
People lane swim in the open pool section and then get arsey with you for swimming along picking yoir way between them because 'you' e put them off their stroke'. Go and swim in the lanes marked for lane swimming and leave me to awim slowly how i want.
I thought of him as I carried out a simple repair to my glasses frame with superglue. Within a nanosecond it was obvious they were destined for the bin. I also spent ages removing glue from the worktop, before finally separating my index finger from its neighbour.
This bloke can strip stuff down to component parts, rub down, repair, rebuild, repaint, sign write ... in short, there is nothing he can't do.
@Raith_C_Chattonell at least you didn't superglue your finger to your glasses.
I've thought of another one. Search functionality that throws in results that are vaguely similar but not actually what you asked for. Worst culprit for this is Amazon, you search for a particular item in a given colour and size, and it'll bring back a load of results for those but mixed in with some of the same colour but a different size, or the same size but a different colour. Oh and some items that will be delivered in 3 days time when you've selected "next day delivery". It's infuriating.
I thought of him as I carried out a simple repair to my glasses frame with superglue. Within a nanosecond it was obvious they were destined for the bin. I also spent ages removing glue from the worktop, before finally separating my index finger from its neighbour.
This bloke can strip stuff down to component parts, rub down, repair, rebuild, repaint, sign write ... in short, there is nothing he can't do.
People lane swim in the open pool section and then get arsey with you for swimming along picking yoir way between them because 'you' e put them off their stroke'. Go and swim in the lanes marked for lane swimming and leave me to awim slowly how i want.
I thought of him as I carried out a simple repair to my glasses frame with superglue. Within a nanosecond it was obvious they were destined for the bin. I also spent ages removing glue from the worktop, before finally separating my index finger from its neighbour.
This bloke can strip stuff down to component parts, rub down, repair, rebuild, repaint, sign write ... in short, there is nothing he can't do.
I thought of him as I carried out a simple repair to my glasses frame with superglue. Within a nanosecond it was obvious they were destined for the bin. I also spent ages removing glue from the worktop, before finally separating my index finger from its neighbour.
This bloke can strip stuff down to component parts, rub down, repair, rebuild, repaint, sign write ... in short, there is nothing he can't do.
Twitter or X as the new boss likes to call it. It always had the idiots on there but now its just full of blue tick twats. It has become the ultimate social media cesspit. I originally joined for the team news on a Saturday afternoon pre-game in the pub. But quickly got into the jokes and funny videos but that has got very samey and often repeated. Those who pay for X's blue tick get pushed to the top of most feeds and the majority of them hold views and opinions that I find shocking.
Twitter or X as the new boss likes to call it. It always had the idiots on there but now its just full of blue tick twats. It has become the ultimate social media cesspit. I originally joined for the team news on a Saturday afternoon pre-game in the pub. But quickly got into the jokes and funny videos but that has got very samey and often repeated. Those who pay for X's blue tick get pushed to the top of most feeds and the majority of them hold views and opinions that I find shocking.
You can block, and click "not interested" in some stuff. It works fairly well actually
Funny enough I had to go through Oxford St during lockdown and it was bliss.
How annoying!
I thought of him as I carried out a simple repair to my glasses frame with superglue. Within a nanosecond it was obvious they were destined for the bin. I also spent ages removing glue from the worktop, before finally separating my index finger from its neighbour.
This bloke can strip stuff down to component parts, rub down, repair, rebuild, repaint, sign write ... in short, there is nothing he can't do.
It ain't fair
Also the word ‘professional’.
Also the word ‘freedom’.
Swim widths, that really pisses them off.
Now my bloody Vet talks like the girl in the vid. WTF. Who the hell thought this would be a good trend!
It always had the idiots on there but now its just full of blue tick twats. It has become the ultimate social media cesspit.
I originally joined for the team news on a Saturday afternoon pre-game in the pub. But quickly got into the jokes and funny videos but that has got very samey and often repeated.
Those who pay for X's blue tick get pushed to the top of most feeds and the majority of them hold views and opinions that I find shocking.