Upcoming Jimmy Giles Book - Help wanted
Calling fans of
fans who saw Jimmy Giles play. I am writing his official biography and would love to add your memories of him. DM me and add your name if you would like to be in the book being published in December by
I worked there and got to know him well he was a real funny guy.
We would play kickabout sometimes on the lawn behind the hotel always in his bare feet I would play goalie crapping my pants because some of his shots were ferocious.
He would go home to Exeter usually after a game and return a couple of days later.
Tom Enefer from Birmingham also stayed there he was the publicity guy for Charlton.
Jimmy was always a crowd favorite and it was a pleasure knowing him a real down to earth guy.
and Black Sabbath up in Birmingham.
I think he might have been their publisist back in the day,and with them connections he and.Harvey Gold smith the promoter were instrumental in bringing The Who to the Valley.
One tale about him which I'd like to either confirm or dismiss is that he particularly wanted to play in a reserve game when Tom Finney( he of the career ending Graham Tutt injury) was playing so that he could even things up a bit .
Well it was Jimmy we picked and we were pretty loud and soon got Jimmy's attention. At first he would give us a side glance , but as we did it every game this grew into a lovely smile and wave. We all respected him so much for his acknowledgement, and this went on for sometime. Simple pleasures
An unofficial Jimmy fan club was born.