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Missed opportunities/ regrets



  • Gribbo said:
    ...... oh and not taking the offer of a threesome (2 birds and me) up from an ex I had a short lived thing with.

    Em from Bermondsey, if you're reading this - there's been a few transactions from the w*** bank over the last 18 odd years from that one entry alone, maybe more than the rest put together, so thanks for that at least x
    ……and they say Romance is dead. 
    Woulda done em both a glass of red, stuck a bit of Barry White on and donned my smoking jacket (even though I don't smoke), before we all kicked off.

    Jokes aside, I didn't see myself with Em for the rest of my life, bless her. I was in it for purely the physical aspect of it and the physical aspect only. F**k knows what she was in it for though....
  • Carter said:
    Gribbo said:
    Gribbo said:
    ...... oh and not taking the offer of a threesome (2 birds and me) up from an ex I had a short lived thing with.

    Em from Bermondsey, if you're reading this - there's been a few transactions from the w*** bank over the last 18 odd years from that one entry alone, maybe more than the rest put together, so thanks for that at least x
    ……and they say Romance is dead. 
    Woulda done em both a glass of red, stuck a bit of Barry White on and donned my smoking jacket (even though I don't smoke), before we all kicked off.

    Jokes aside, I didn't see myself with Em for the rest of my life, bless her. I was in it for purely the physical aspect of it and the physical aspect only. F**k knows what she was in it for though....
    I've done that particular tick box, first time I can best describe as like trying to shag a crane fly, legs everywhere and also a bit like walking into an all you can shag brothel. Definitely know what has to be done but knowing where to start is something else entirely. These were 1 girl I was having a very loose relationship with and a girl she had collared on a night out. Phone goes off, text reads 'fancy a 3sum' i look at it think 'yeah ok'. Then phone ringing and ringing, answer it, and indeed this is a legit offer. It was the most urgent and desperate call I'd ever made to a taxi company in my life! 

    The second time was almost by accident, been out, a load of people had piled back to my house, at some stage in the night, 3 of us were in the bed, I genuinely cant remember if I'd planned that or not, and at about 3am things started to get wriggly and interesting. One of the girls used to cut my hair and the other one worked and still does, work in Boots. 

    Shagging a crane fly might be a too harsh description, its more like making a fry up or Sunday dinner for a dozen people, in that logistical matters, timing and organisation are helpful. Can't take your eyes off the bacon for too long but need to ensure you aren't over cooking the eggs. 

    Also, as I think about those 2 situations now trying to work out a crick/knott/something in my back and as I rub nuclear strength CBD into my knees and ankles I am glad I did them when I was physically up to it rather than now when I'd need some physio half way through, probably a rest as well and I reckon a snack
  • When I was 15 we come back from an away game and as per norm our crowd decided to have one in The Oasthouse at London Bridge station before getting our different lines home. The was an old Scottish drunk in there with snot running down his nose that took a shine to our group and me in particular.

    All of a sudden he tries to give me a carrier bag, it was stuffed full of Scottish notes. Thousands upon thousands of quid (bear in mind this was about 1991). We got a bit spooked, I got talked out of it by @Swerve and a few other sensible heads that something was majorly off and we ended up scarpering. But always wondered what would have happened if I’d taken that bag. 
    Probably a sore bum.
  • Not a massive regret but when COVID hit and I was leaving the office for the last time before lockdown and I said to a colleague that I should go home and spend my savings on shares as they would bounce soon enough.  I went as far as writing a list of what to buy then didn't act.  Would have made enough to likely move house which I doubt I will ever do now.

    I remember doing the same in the Global Financial crisis before I owned a house and not acting on it; but my mate who I discussed it with that time did and had a deposit for a house 6 months after our conversation. 

  • Rizzo said:
    I'm honestly not sure if I regret this or not. I change my view depending on my mood. Just over 2 years ago, my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She explicitly told us that she did not want us to tell our kids (7 & 9 at the time) about it and she just wanted to carry on for as long as possible. They knew she was ill but not that it was terminal. We eventually told them after she went into a hospice but she only lasted 3 days after that and was out of it on morphine for one of those days. So the kids only got to see her a couple of times after they found out and when she was still 'with it'. It was what mum wanted but I do wonder if the kids would have wanted to do anything different if they had known she was dying. 
    Ask them Rizzo…..maybe?
    An excellent suggestion but if they tell me they would have wanted to do something different I'll feel guilty about denying them that choice. And if they say, 'nah, we're good' I'll be wondering why they didn't want to do something different.

    All things considered, I'll just do the typical man thing and bottle it up inside until I eventually go postal over something utterly trivial. 
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  • Not a massive regret but when COVID hit and I was leaving the office for the last time before lockdown and I said to a colleague that I should go home and spend my savings on shares as they would bounce soon enough.  I went as far as writing a list of what to buy then didn't act.  Would have made enough to likely move house which I doubt I will ever do now.

    I remember doing the same in the Global Financial crisis before I owned a house and not acting on it; but my mate who I discussed it with that time did and had a deposit for a house 6 months after our conversation. 

    I remember sitting chatting to a mate about Bitcoin in about 2011 saying we missed the boat on that and wish we'd invested when it was new.

    If we'd have put just £100 or something in at that point we'd have been absolutely laughing, missed the boat again!
  • Not a massive regret but when COVID hit and I was leaving the office for the last time before lockdown and I said to a colleague that I should go home and spend my savings on shares as they would bounce soon enough.  I went as far as writing a list of what to buy then didn't act.  Would have made enough to likely move house which I doubt I will ever do now.

    I remember doing the same in the Global Financial crisis before I owned a house and not acting on it; but my mate who I discussed it with that time did and had a deposit for a house 6 months after our conversation. 

    I remember sitting chatting to a mate about Bitcoin in about 2011 saying we missed the boat on that and wish we'd invested when it was new.

    If we'd have put just £100 or something in at that point we'd have been absolutely laughing, missed the boat again!
    probs not 2011, it literally was new
  • Not a massive regret but when COVID hit and I was leaving the office for the last time before lockdown and I said to a colleague that I should go home and spend my savings on shares as they would bounce soon enough.  I went as far as writing a list of what to buy then didn't act.  Would have made enough to likely move house which I doubt I will ever do now.

    I remember doing the same in the Global Financial crisis before I owned a house and not acting on it; but my mate who I discussed it with that time did and had a deposit for a house 6 months after our conversation. 

    I remember sitting chatting to a mate about Bitcoin in about 2011 saying we missed the boat on that and wish we'd invested when it was new.

    If we'd have put just £100 or something in at that point we'd have been absolutely laughing, missed the boat again!
    You say that, but let's imagine crypto had not happened and someone was trying to convince you to put real money into something that is very not real. Its a hard sell now let alone back then
  • Swisdom said:
    Massive one for me

    I was playing youth team football at Charlton alongside Jamie Stuart, Lee Bowyer and Jason Tindall.  I had been with them for a few months but only played a couple of matches as I was second choice goalkeeper to a guy called Dean Lee - who was decent tbf
    Anyway one Saturday we were playing Arsenal away and we were 2-0 up at half time.  The manager (the great John Cartwright) decided it was time for me to get some minutes so he told me to get warmed up.  I had a tight groin which I had aggravated in the warm up so I told him I wasn't fitto play.  So I stayed on the bench and we went on to win the game.

    That afternoon I went to watch my Sunday team play.  They didn't have another goalie and we were playing the league leaders so I agreed to play but I would have to kick using my left foot and obviously couldn't run much (not that this was my forte anyway)
    We lost the game heavily but I had an absolute blinder and was really busy all game.  Sadly there was a Charlton scout there and he put my name forward to the club as someone worth looking at.

    I turned up to Charlton training the following Tuesday, trained hard and was then called in at the end of the session to be told "You've got potential for Division 3 or 4 but we are looking for Division 1 or 2 so we are letting you go.  We also don't think you have the right attitude"  Basically they thought I had blagged being injured.  I was absolutely devastated and that was the end of my dream.

    I'll never forget that evening for as long as I live.  My sliding doors moment.
    I know Dean Lee, top fella - owns/runs Pure bar in Bexleyheath
  • Got a couple.

    I regret listening to my Dad when he wouldn’t let me apply for Police Cadets.
    He told me that he couldn’t afford for me to go and it didn’t matter how much I told him it wouldn’t cost him a thing, he would not have it.
    My life would have been hugely different.
    But then looking back I think the real reason he didn’t want me joining was that he would have been left alone at home with an alcoholic wife. He just couldn’t handle that. And then I wouldn’t have had the quality time with him and my Bruv when we used to take him to Charlton to get away from Mum for a few hours.

    Then the other, to lighten the mood.
    I was at a restaurant oop taan celebrating a friend’s birthday. Having great craic and then this very attractive waitress came in with the tequila shots belt and head’s straight for our table. She spends an unusual amount of time around me, giving me free shots etc.. and I just assume she fancies my hubby (happens a lot). After the meal the tables are cleared and the dancing starts. Now I love a dance me and will dance with anyone so the tequila waitress is now grinding all over me and it’s perfectly clear now that it’s me she fancies. Now Kylie has always been my bird of choice to turn to the dark side but there was something about this waitress……….it was all arranged, told hubby she was coming home with us, he ordered a cab & before it arrived her boyfriend turned up to surprise her and take her home.

    What could have been 🤣🤣🤣
  • Swisdom said:
    Massive one for me

    I was playing youth team football at Charlton alongside Jamie Stuart, Lee Bowyer and Jason Tindall.  I had been with them for a few months but only played a couple of matches as I was second choice goalkeeper to a guy called Dean Lee - who was decent tbf
    Anyway one Saturday we were playing Arsenal away and we were 2-0 up at half time.  The manager (the great John Cartwright) decided it was time for me to get some minutes so he told me to get warmed up.  I had a tight groin which I had aggravated in the warm up so I told him I wasn't fitto play.  So I stayed on the bench and we went on to win the game.

    That afternoon I went to watch my Sunday team play.  They didn't have another goalie and we were playing the league leaders so I agreed to play but I would have to kick using my left foot and obviously couldn't run much (not that this was my forte anyway)
    We lost the game heavily but I had an absolute blinder and was really busy all game.  Sadly there was a Charlton scout there and he put my name forward to the club as someone worth looking at.

    I turned up to Charlton training the following Tuesday, trained hard and was then called in at the end of the session to be told "You've got potential for Division 3 or 4 but we are looking for Division 1 or 2 so we are letting you go.  We also don't think you have the right attitude"  Basically they thought I had blagged being injured.  I was absolutely devastated and that was the end of my dream.

    I'll never forget that evening for as long as I live.  My sliding doors moment.
    I know Dean Lee, top fella - owns/runs Pure bar in Bexleyheath
    Dean was in my class at school. Used to have a few mutual friends with Jamie Stuart n all
  • Not a massive regret but when COVID hit and I was leaving the office for the last time before lockdown and I said to a colleague that I should go home and spend my savings on shares as they would bounce soon enough.  I went as far as writing a list of what to buy then didn't act.  Would have made enough to likely move house which I doubt I will ever do now.

    I remember doing the same in the Global Financial crisis before I owned a house and not acting on it; but my mate who I discussed it with that time did and had a deposit for a house 6 months after our conversation. 

    I remember sitting chatting to a mate about Bitcoin in about 2011 saying we missed the boat on that and wish we'd invested when it was new.

    If we'd have put just £100 or something in at that point we'd have been absolutely laughing, missed the boat again!
    But you may well have cashed out very much sooner and not seen the full rise. 

    Difficult to have ignored a doubling of your money and not been tempted to cash out early. 
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