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many thanks to the 85 Lifers who gave marks
Applescore: 7.33


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    Just about the easiest MoM decision we will have all season.
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    Just about the easiest MoM decision we will have all season.
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    What's your source for the shots on target etc stats @lancashire lad? Not quibbling, it just amuses me that we have 4 players who scored from their only shot on target in this game.
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    aliwibble said:
    What's your source for the shots on target etc stats @lancashire lad? Not quibbling, it just amuses me that we have 4 players who scored from their only shot on target in this game.
    I use the “commentary” provided by Press Association to BBC, Sky etc, I do this by counting up all the on, off and blocked shots mentioned in the “commentary “
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    Blimey Lancs, that's a bit of a mission.
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    aliwibble said:
    Blimey Lancs, that's a bit of a mission.
    yes but I know of no other way to extract the info, if anyone knows a site that does it for me then great and it will save a lot of time.
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    aliwibble said:
    Blimey Lancs, that's a bit of a mission.
    yes but I know of no other way to extract the info, if anyone knows a site that does it for me then great and it will save a lot of time.
    you gotta believe Auntie Beeb (hmmmmm)
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    it isn't the BBC to be believed as the information is cut and pasted direct from the Press Association, and in all these stats available one has to believe someone, although I did omit that our goalkeeper had a shot on target towards the end of the match at Cray Valley, or did I miss it?
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    it isn't the BBC to be believed as the information is cut and pasted direct from the Press Association, and in all these stats available one has to believe someone, although I did omit that our goalkeeper had a shot on target towards the end of the match at Cray Valley, or did I miss it?
    Ahh, so that's what he was trying to do when he punted lisbie on the edge of the box. 
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    Neck and neck between May and Dobbo for me.
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    Neck and neck between May and Dobbo for me.
    I would give it to May purely on the fact he has come in and made such a difference straight away, works is socks off (like dobbo) but has provided that real quality at the other end. Not to mention he is technically playing out of position.
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