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Players Marks & Applescore: Charlton v Bolton (closes Sunday teatime)



  • Applescore - 6 (At least he makes the changes, but reckon he needs to drop Thomas and start with Leaburn up front with May)

    AMB - 7 MOM
    T.WATSON - 4
    HECTOR - 5
    JONES - 6
    THOMAS - 3 (Can't see how he's a pro at any level)
    DOBSON - 5 (Off day)
    FRASER - 4
    CAMARA - 5
    T.CAMPBEL - 6
    MAY - 6.5
    CBT - 5
    L.WATSON - 6
    ASIIMWE - 6
    LEABURN - 6

    Referee - 4
  • AMB: 7.5
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 3
    JONES: 5.5
    THOMAS: 3.5
    DOBSON: 4
    FRASER: 3.5
    CAMARÁ: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 3.5
    MAY: 4
    CBT: 3
    L.WATSON: 5
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 5.5
    Referee 3.5
  • Applescore: 4
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 4.5
    HECTOR: 4.5
    JONES: 5
    THOMAS: 4
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 4.5
    CAMARÁ: 6
    T.CAMPBELL: 4.5
    MAY: 6.5
    CBT: 4
    L.WATSON: 7
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 6
    Referee: 5.5
  • Applescore: 3
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 3
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 4
    L.WATSON: 5
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 6
  • Applescore: 3
    AWB: 7.5
    T.WATSON: 3.5
    HECTOR: 3
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 4
    CAMARÁ: 6.5
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 - bottling out of challenges is unforgivable 
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 6
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 6.5
    Referee 3

  • Applescore: 3 May up front on his own against Santos, clueless fullbacks, leaving TC on, dropping the wrong Watson. Yet another manager who thinks we can play out from the back like City or Barca when they were good. We put ourselves under pressure every time and can’t handle it.

    AMB: 7 some good saves, not much he could do with the goals.
    T.WATSON: 3 doesn’t seem to use even one of his ten eyes when crossing
    HECTOR: 5 
    JONES: 5
    THOMAS: 3 not good enough. Needs a runner next to him to kick him up the backside & wake him up.
    DOBSON: 5 one strong tackle which cheered the crowd, but didn’t wake up his teammates, or himself.
    FRASER: 4 I like Scott, but he needs to be better to keep L Watson out in this position. 
    CAMARÁ: 5 needs a run of games to get up to speed.
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 lucky to still be on the pitch at halftime. 
    MAY: 6 frustrating for him. Makes the runs, but his teammates spend too long passing sideways across the back & middle. Good attempt from the corner - at least it looked like we’d tried something.
    CBT: 5 Bolton covered him well, but he didn’t look like troubling them anyway.
    L.WATSON: 7 added some urgency and probing passes. Tried to get us going. 
    ASIIMWE: 4 should have been on for Tennai, ended up on wrong side of the pitch for him. 
    LEABURN: 6 gave Santos something to think about
    Referee 6 didn’t do much wrong. Most of our fans obviously don’t know the 30 second rule. Appleton could have covered that by subbing Thomas there and then. 
  • Applescore: 5 Starting lineup wrong.  Didn't move quickly enough to change it and didn't make the best subs.  One to forget
    AWB: 7.5 mom
    T.WATSON: 4 Still seen very little to suggest he's any good.  Always goes backwards, crap in the air and not particularly good at defending
    HECTOR: 4.5 Still thinks he's a Rolls Royce of a defender but is more akin to a Morris Minor at the moment. Slow, cumbersome and seems to want to be billy big bollocks with the ball
    JONES: 7 I feel for him at the moment.  Surrounded by shit
    THOMAS: 3 As long as he has a bumhole he will not be a left back.  Cannot bomb-on, not pacy, no left foot.  
    DOBSON: 5 Mix of good and bad
    FRASER: 4 Needs to get up to speed quickly or Louie Watson will take his place
    CAMARÁ: 6 Some good and some bad stuff but got to see him playing
    T.CAMPBELL: 4 Shocker.  His instinct is usually to attack but today he was more concerned about getting whacked.  Very poor.  First touch was awful.
    MAY: 7 Alfie's 5'8" against Santos is just stupid.
    CBT: 5 Bottle job.  Realised early on his full back was pretty quick and that he couldn't bully him so didn't bother to take him on.  Hid, a lot.  Disappointing
    L.WATSON: 6.5 Reasonably effective when he came on bu the game was dead by then
    ASIIMWE: 5 not sure why playing a very young right back at left back is a good idea
    LEABURN: 6.5 probably should have started against Santos
    Referee 4  Cost us the 2nd goal.  Let them bully us bu pulled us up if we tried it.

  • edited October 2023
    AWB: 7.5
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 4
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 4
    CAMARÁ: 4
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 4
    L.WATSON: 6
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6

    Referee 6
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore: 6
    AMB: 8
    T.WATSON: 6.5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBSON: 6.5
    FRASER: 6.5
    CAMARÁ: 8
    MAY: 6.5
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 7
    ASIIMWE: 7
    LEABURN: 7
    Referee: 8

    All scores relative to a Bolton side who I scored 8/10 (two points lost for fading in the second half)
  • Applescore: 3 got it wrong and should have been brave enough to change things earlier 
    AMB: 8 MOTM kept us in it
    T.WATSON: 4 lot of effort, not a lot of quality
    HECTOR: 2 and that's being generous. A point for playing each half. Useless
    JONES: 3 slightly, but not much better than Hector. So weak and indecisive for such a big fella. 
    THOMAS: 4 run ragged but always puts a shift in. Why wasn't he subbed after appearing to be concussed. He was wobbling all over the place!
    DOBSON: 5 maximum effort, but let down by those around him
    FRASER: 2 an afternoon to forget 
    CAMARÁ: 3 tried hard but was poor
    T.CAMPBELL: 4 looked a bit shook by the physicality of the game. Always trying to make stuff happen, but it didn't really come off
    MAY: 6 isolated, looked much better once Miles was on
    CBT: 3 pretty anonymous
    L.WATSON: 7 why wasn't he starting?
    ASIIMWE: 6 provides much needed energy
    LEABURN: 6 leaving your best player in the bench is criminal. Should have started, but came on too late to really affect the game
    Referee: 0 shocking decision not to let Thomas back on when the ball was up their end, which cost us the second goal. Several other dubious decisions too. Useless
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  • Applescore: 5 didn't get it right this time, there was improvement but this time too late
    AMB: 7.5 good saves preventing embarrassment
    T.WATSON: 4.5 improved slightly, not very good though is he
    HECTOR: 6 not too bad idk
    JONES: 6.5 did okay
    THOMAS: 5.5 constantly bypassed in the first half 
    DOBSON: 5 very poor again
    FRASER: 6 a bit static but fairly classy on the ball and good delivery at corners
    CAMARÁ: 5.5 did a good thing and then lost the ball about 15 times in all
    T.CAMPBELL: 5 had a shocking first hour, improved late on but delivery and decisions so poor
    MAY: 5.5 couldn't get into it much
    CBT: 3 like playing with ten men
    L.WATSON: 6.5 did quite well, should start
    ASIIMWE: 5 reluctant to use left foot
    LEABURN: 6 looked fairly effective
    Referee 4 berk
  • Applescore: 3 - becoming like a lot of our recent northern mangers.  
    AMB: 7 - like Tuesday. He must/has to be good with that defence in front of him. 
    T.WATSON: 3 
    HECTOR:  3 - he's showing what kind of player he really is. 
    JONES: 4
    THOMAS: 3 - slow and is not suitable in that position. 
    DOBSON: 4 - another bad performance. not helped by those around him but we so need him to take the game by the scruff of the neck otherwise we really are at sea. Shows how influential he is, when he's not doing it the rest of the team also goes under. 
    FRASER: 4 - where is his so called talent?? 
    CAMARÁ: 4 - poor
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 - same as Tuesday. acting his age. poor decision making. 
    MAY: 5 struggled, as he would by himself up front. hopefully apples recognises this. 
    CBT: 3 - cant beat the player first time so then hides rest of the game. needs to be told it doesn't matter if it doesn't work out most of the time but if you can get through just that once to create a chance the full back has not done a good enough job. You need to keep trying! 
    L.WATSON: 6 - should be ahead of the likes of camara and Fraser. 
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 6
    Referee 3 
  • AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 5
    THOMAS: 3
    DOBSON: 4
    FRASER: 5
    CAMARÁ: 5
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 5
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 5
  • Applescore: 5
    AMB: 7.5
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    FRASER: 5
    CAMARÁ: 6.5
    T.CAMPBELL: 5.5
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 7
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    LEABURN: 7
    Referee 6
  • Applescore: 5 Starting line up he chose was always going to be a struggle against a big physical team like Bolton. Not a game to suit Fraser and a bit daft having May up front on his own against Santos, who must be nearly twice the size!

    AMB: 8 Clearly MOM. Some great brave stops. Kept us in it. 
    T.WATSON: 5 I am struggling to warm to him. Looks very average.
    HECTOR: 5 Back to typical Hector. Not great. Muscled off the ball too easily for a big guy.
    JONES: 7 Our best defender.
    THOMAS: 6 Thought he did okay, but clearly playing out of position is a problem for him
    DOBSON: 6 Poor first half, better second. Always puts in big effort. Looks knackered, but not surprising when he covers for so many others.
    FRASER: 5 A few nice touches, but the game mostly passed him by. Not the sort of game he should be starting. Rightly subbed early second half.
    CAMARÁ: 7 Thought he looked our best midfielder, but clearly still a bit rusty. Should have done much better with his chance.
    T.CAMPBELL: 5.5 Very poor first half, improved second, but even then crosses were poor. Should have scored the header, which would have put us right back in the game.
    MAY: 7.5 Given a thankless task first half, up against a huge defence, but worked his socks off and unlucky not to score.
    CBT: 4 Anonymous most of the game. Well marked and not his day.
    L.WATSON: 6 Better than Fraser, but not by much. Added more energy to midfield.
    ASIIMWE: 6 Did OK playing on his wrong side, but don't want that to be a regular thing. Always adds plenty of energy.
    LEABURN: 6.5 Battled really hard and it made a big difference having someone to partner May.

    Referee 6 Apart from the Thomas incident (-1 for that), thought he did okay. Not too picky and mostly let the game flow.
  • Applescore: 3 - totally wrong. 

    AMB: 8 - Kept the score down.
    T.WATSON: 5 - Some bad, some ok.
    HECTOR: 5 - meh, too good for league one, ha, yeah.
    JONES: 5 - meh, but the best defender out there 
    THOMAS: 4 - CB at LB
    DOBSON: 5 - poor apart from one good tackle when no one else could be bothered 
    FRASER: 4 - Scott Gilbey 
    CAMARÁ: 5 - Didn't think he did much, at least not noticeable, great chance spooned.
    T.CAMPBELL: 4 - poor, woke up a bit in the second half.
    MAY: 5 - Only ever going to be one winner against Santos
    CBT: 4 - You mean he was playing?!?
    L.WATSON: 6 - instant impact, has to start.
    ASIIMWE: 5 - Another non LB at LB
    LEABURN: 6 - instant impact 

    Referee 6 - Did alright, had better and much much worse.
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