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How should Holden set the team up?

Have posted my thoughts on other threads but thought it would be worth it's own. Interested to hear people's thoughts on how Holden should be setting the team up, assuming we sign a striker/Leaburn returns soon and Dabo or a new wing back is signed at the very least, then what should our formation/line up be?

For me the best option would be to continue with 3 at the back so we can give May a partner. I can't understand why Terrell Thomas has been left out, when in the first 2 games it worked well having him as LCB moving to left back, with CBT ahead of him as a wing back that was essentially a winger. After 2 decent performances, Holden has then kept mixing things up when we really didn't need too. Here is what I am hoping to see us end up like: 

       Jones   Hector  Thomas
Dabo    Camara   Dobson   CBT
              Leaburn  May
Another option would be CBT on the right and Edun on the left, or maybe in a tougher game you use CBT to the bench and have Dabo and Edun either side. I think it is important that we go for experience at the back, at the moment we have far too many young players on the pitch in key positions and it is costing us. 

The 4-2-3-1 we saw in the second half on Saturday is another option. It worked yesterday and if we don't have a proper partner for May it is probably the best way of  setting us up at the moment. But I do think the fact we have May means we really should be playing with a front 2 so I'm not sure its the best option when we have Leaburn back or a new striker signed

Dabo  Hector  Jones  Edun
        Camara   Dobson
TC            Chem         CBT


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    Alternatives that keep the 2 up front, a good old 4-4-2

    Dabo Hector Jones Edun
    CBT Camara Dobson Chem
             Leabur May

    or in true Lee Bowyer style, a 4-4-2 diamond

    Dabo Hector Jones Edun
           Taylor     Camara
             Leaburn May
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    Preferably to win…
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    Dabo Hector Jones Edun
            Camara Dobson
    Chem ----------------------CBT
                May - Leaburn
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    I'd go for the old 4-4-2, it's not like our midfield is dominant anyway. Just no more of this wing back malarkey, please. 
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    Up against a wall, wearing blindfolds 
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    4 days before the transfer window slams shut and we don't have the right players to play anything.  Sort of sums it all up really.
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    x Hector Jones Edun/x
    x Dobson Fraser x
    Leaburn May
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    4-4-2 keep it simple, players playing in their correct positions and no more fucking about with it at the back. I'm absolutley sick of these stupid managers trying to get crap league 1 footallers to play like Barcelona, whilst having them all in the wrong positions.
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    424 with the wingers in the top reverting to a flat midfield when we aren't on the ball so if they press it won't catch us out. Dobson can sit inbetween the halfway line and oppo box during attacks to mop up any counter attack situations. 

    Need a big striker to feed balls into so when we attack the other 3 are running in behind for any flicks or balls out wide. 

    For now, we should have any wing backs we don't have the personnel. So if it comes to it, play a much simpler game to grind out results. 
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    I honestly don’t know what the solution is. But it seems to me we’ve played best with a 433. First 65 mins against Rovers, second half against Oxford.

    I’d go with…

    Asimiwe Hector Jones Edun
                Camara Chem
             Tyreece May CBT 

    I’m not convinced that 442 is magic bullet some think it is. 
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    I honestly don’t know what the solution is. But it seems to me we’ve played best with a 433. First 65 mins against Rovers, second half against Oxford.

    I’d go with…

    Asimiwe Hector Jones Edun
                Camara Chem
             Tyreece May CBT 

    I’m not convinced that 442 is magic bullet some think it is. 
    4-4-2 does probably fit what we have best, but realistically we will probably struggle in midfield. 
    That’s why I think we should return to how we played the first 2 games (where we actually looked like a half-decent football team) with a lopsided 3 at the back so CBT can still play more as a winger. 

    4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 are also options but I think we should be trying to get May and Leaburn both on the pitch if we can, which won’t happen in either of those 
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    or any combination that doesn't mean the CBT has to defend. It's not what he does.
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    edited August 2023
    442, tell the defenders to stay back, pass to Tyreece Campbell and CBT as much as possible, try and get them forwards to send balls in the danger area for May/Kanu/Leaburn etc. Lose the ball, get back, don't keep too many people forward, try and avoid losing games. 

    Oh and maybe don't ask our best striker to take throw ins to the place he should be trying to pounce on a I can think of. 
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    Was sort of hoping he would know that?
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    It's all getting too technical, its not chess!

    Pick your best players and play them in a formation that suits their strengths.

    Let the players get used to playing that formation and then stick with it as much as possible, tweak very occasionally only if necessary.

    Let other teams be the one's needing to try to counteract our formation, not the other way around.
    Embrace a style of play and stick with it.

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    How the hell should we know, DH and the coaches watch them in training all week and they still have no idea of team and tactics 😠
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    We don't have 3 good enough defender's to play 3 at the back.
    It has to be a back 4 as far as I'm concerned 
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    We don't have 3 good enough defender's to play 3 at the back.
    It has to be a back 4 as far as I'm concerned 
    This. We also need two out and out defensive midfielders sitting in front of them.
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    He can set them up standing on their heads with their willies in a vase of daffodils as long as they win matches. 
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    edited August 2023
    Needs to establish some sort of backbone, then go from there imo. It's all feeling a little bit Adkins at the moment to be honest.

    I still think we should stick with Holden btw
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    He can set them up standing on their heads with their willies in a vase of daffodils as long as they win matches. 

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    He can set them up standing on their heads with their willies in a vase of daffodils as long as they win matches. 
    The mind boggles...🤢🤪
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