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2023-24 CL Prediction League Week 3 Results

There's a website in Spain called Celta Vigo Life on which, coincidentally, there is a Prediction League. The fans of Celta Vigo moan about their club and its owners, but they love their Prediction League. This week, 50 out of 50 competitors on the Celta Vigo Life website predicted a win for Spain against England in the Women's World Cup Final; they were not disappointed. In the Charlton Life Prediction League, everyone who chose the England v Spain game did not foresee a Spain victory. And so, it became this week's Graveyard Prediction of the Week. To make matters worse, the Charlton v Port Vale game was not far behind, with 51 of 53 predictors expecting Charlton to come away with at least a point (and most expecting three points). Avoiding lifelong loyalties of Charlton Athletic and a brief moment of waving a St George's Cross flag was @barstool, who focused on the rational and avoided emotions to score an impressive 7 points and become the week's top scorer. @RaplhMilne secured an impressive 6 points, while a creditable 5 points were achieved by @addix and @Joshb2000. In a bunched Premier Division, @barstool, @flyingkiwiDK, @Low_Ears and @RC_CAFC are leading the pack with 10 points. Best Prediction of the Week goes to @Lewis Coaches for the wisdom shown in expecting Exeter to win 2-0 at Carlisle. Sorry, but I couldn't award it to the two people who thought Port Vale would win at The Valley. As for the Worst Predictions of the Week, take your pick. I'm thankful to be hidden amongst a long list of 'worsts'. Three weeks gone, thirty-odd to go...

This week's mini-statbank

Graveyard prediction of the week: England 0 Spain 1 (0 correct scores, 0 correct results, 23 wrong predictions)
Easy peasy prediction of the week: Sunderland 2 Rotherham United 1 (15 correct scores, 24 correct results, 0 wrong predictions)
Zero to hero predictor(s): @Big_Bob , LenGlover, thecat(0 points last week, 4 points this week)
Charlton result: Charlton v Port Vale 2-3 (53 predictions - 0 correct scores, 2 correct results, 51 wrong predictions)
Unfancied fixture of the week: Bristol City 0 Birmingham City 2 (4 predictions - 0 correct scores, 0 correct results, 4 wrong predictions)
Competitor in the same position as Charlton: @Swerve (18th)
Formguide - best over last 4 weeks: @barstool 10, @flyingkiwiDK 10, @Low_Ears 10, @RC_CAFC 10, @addix 9, @AFKABartram 9, @Dansk_Red 9, @GoOnYouHaddocks 9, @Kap10 9, @Mendonca In Asdas 9
Best prediction of the week: @Lewis Coaches - Carlisle 0 Exeter 2 (15 predictions, 1 correct score, 1 correct result, 13 wrong predictions)
Worst prediction(s) of the week: : @blackpool72 - Wolverhampton Wanderers v Brighton & Hove Albion 2-1, @meldrew66 - Charlton Athletic v Port Vale 3-0, @tommo - West Ham United v Chelsea 0-2, @tajaddick - West Ham United v Chelsea 0-2, @charscot - West Ham United v Chelsea 0-2, @Low_Ears - West Ham United v Chelsea 0-2, @Photollery - West Ham United v Chelsea 1-3, @redlanered - West Ham United v Chelsea 0-2, @CHG - Fulham v Brentford 2-1, @BR7_addick - West Ham United v Chelsea 0-2, @timken - Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United 0-2, @ken_shabby - Charlton Athletic v Port Vale 1-0, @Starinnaddick - Wolverhampton Wanderers v Brighton & Hove Albion 2-1, @TimAddick - Fulham v Brentford 2-1, @LenGlover - Fulham v Brentford 2-1, @thai malaysia addick - Fulham v Brentford 1-0, @GeorgeE - Charlton Athletic v Port Vale 3-0, @WHAddick - West Ham United v Chelsea 0-2, @Hamlet - Charlton Athletic v Port Vale 4-1, @Taxi_Lad - Wolverhampton Wanderers v Brighton & Hove Albion 1-0, @soapboxsam - Wolverhampton Wanderers v Brighton & Hove Albion 2-1, @Tavern - Fulham v Brentford 1-0, @ThreadKiller - Fulham v Brentford 1-0, @Bournemouth Addick - Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United 0-2, @Bangkokaddick - Charlton Athletic v Port Vale 3-0, @Dannoo_86 - West Ham United v Chelsea 1-3
Biggest riser of the week: @RaplhMilne from 21st League Two to 13th Premier League
Biggest faller of the week: @Webbja77 from 10th League One to 21st National League
Division Leaders: Premier League - @barstool , Championship - @Joshb2000 , League One - @Bedsaddick , League Two - @cafcwill , National - @Elthamaddick , National South - @bobmunro

This week's scores
barstool ... 7
RaplhMilne ... 6
addix ... 5
Joshb2000 ... 5
Big_Bob ... 4
Chippycafc ... 4
Chris_from_Sidcup ... 4
dajavouslagan ... 4
fat man on a moped ... 4
GoOnYouHaddocks ... 4
IdleHans ... 4
LenGlover ... 4
lindos480 ... 4
Low_Ears ... 4
Mendonca In Asdas ... 4
Nicholas ... 4
RC_CAFC ... 4
Starinnaddick ... 4
thecat ... 4
AFKABartram ... 3
Blackheathen ... 3
bobmunro ... 3
Buglehorn ... 3
charente addick ... 3
Charlton_Stu ... 3
chezzafromcharlton ... 3
covered_end_junior ... 3
Dansk_Red ... 3
flyingkiwiDK ... 3
Lewis Coaches ... 3
MrLargo ... 3
MrOneLung ... 3
ParkinsonOut ... 3
paulbaconsarnie ... 3
rananegra ... 3
seth plum ... 3
Sillybilly ... 3
Sonicstud85 ... 3
stackitsteve ... 3
stonemuse ... 3
throughthickandthin ... 3
AddicksAddict ... 2
alan dugdale ... 2
Bangkokaddick ... 2
Bedsaddick ... 2
bellz2002 ... 2
Bournemouth Addick ... 2
BR7_addick ... 2
CL_Phantom ... 2
Frankie_de_Toro ... 2
johnnybev1987 ... 2
LeeValliant ... 2
Lordflashheart ... 2
Macronate ... 2
O-Randy-Hunt ... 2
Paddy Powell ... 2
Pedro45 ... 2
Redmidland ... 2
RickAddick ... 2
robroy ... 2
SaySomething ... 2
StrikerFirmani ... 2
thai malaysia addick ... 2
The Red Robin ... 2
TimAddick ... 2
timken ... 2
tommo ... 2
Viewfinder ... 2
walshiesleftfoot ... 2
Addick Addict ... 1
BertieB ... 1
Billyboy ... 1
cafcwill ... 1
charscot ... 1
ChicagoAddick ... 1
Chicken_Skins ... 1
clive ... 1
Covered End ... 1
Curbsgoldenera ... 1
Dannoo_86 ... 1
Davo53 ... 1
Dazzler21 ... 1
ecclesaddick ... 1
Follower Fred ... 1
GeorgeE ... 1
Hopeful Harriet ... 1
JamesSeed ... 1
Jonniesta ... 1
Kap10 ... 1
Karim_myBagheri ... 1
Killarahales ... 1
killerandflash ... 1
meldrew66 ... 1
moutuakilla ... 1
mrbligh ... 1
No.1 in South London ... 1
North Lower Neil ... 1
NorthheathAddick ... 1
osteoaddick ... 1
PaddyP17 ... 1
paulie8290 ... 1
Pessimist Pete ... 1
philcafc ... 1
Photollery ... 1
redlanered ... 1
RonnieMoore ... 1
Rudders22 ... 1
sarge1g ... 1
Saulc23 ... 1
Scott ... 1
soapboxsam ... 1
Swerve ... 1
tajaddick ... 1
Tavern ... 1
theeenorth ... 1
ThreadKiller ... 1
Tutt-Tutt ... 1
Wellred ... 1
WestSussexAddick ... 1
WHAddick ... 1
56yearsofdreams ... 0
Addick_in_Exile ... 0
Beardface ... 0
blackpool72 ... 0
CHG ... 0
croydonaddick ... 0
Hamlet ... 0
ken_shabby ... 0
lancashire lad ... 0
oohaahmortimer ... 0
Rossman92 ... 0
Seabros ... 0
sholland ... 0
T_C_E ... 0
Taxi_Lad ... 0
Webbja77 ... 0


  • Options
    And those League Tables...

    Premier League
    1 barstool … 10
    2 flyingkiwiDK … 10
    3 Low_Ears … 10
    4 RC_CAFC … 10
    5 addix … 9
    6 AFKABartram … 9
    7 Dansk_Red … 9
    8 GoOnYouHaddocks … 9
    9 Kap10 … 9
    10 Mendonca In Asdas … 9
    11 MrLargo … 9
    12 PaddyP17 … 9
    13 RaplhMilne … 9
    14 throughthickandthin … 9
    15 56yearsofdreams … 8
    16 AndyG … 8
    17 Bods64 … 8
    18 BR7_addick … 8
    19 Charlton_Stu … 8
    20 fat man on a moped … 8
    1 Joshb2000 … 8
    2 mattinfinland … 8
    3 Sillybilly … 8
    4 Sonicstud85 … 8
    5 Viewfinder … 8
    6 Addick_in_Exile … 7
    7 Bangkokaddick … 7
    8 Buglehorn … 7
    9 carly burn … 7
    10 ChicagoAddick … 7
    11 Chippycafc … 7
    12 Chris_from_Sidcup … 7
    13 Covered End … 7
    14 Curbsgoldenera … 7
    15 dajavouslagan … 7
    16 Dannoo_86 … 7
    17 ecclesaddick … 7
    18 IdleHans … 7
    19 Lewis Coaches … 7
    20 paulbaconsarnie … 7
    21 Rudders22 … 7
    22 Starinnaddick … 7
    23 walshiesleftfoot … 7
    24 _MrDick … 6
    League One
    1 Bedsaddick … 6
    2 Blackheathen … 6
    3 charente addick … 6
    4 CHG … 6
    5 CL_Phantom … 6
    6 covered_end_junior … 6
    7 Dazzler21 … 6
    8 Jonniesta … 6
    9 LeeValliant … 6
    10 Lordflashheart … 6
    11 MrOneLung … 6
    12 Nicholas … 6
    13 North Lower Neil … 6
    14 NorthheathAddick … 6
    15 ParkinsonOut … 6
    16 rananegra … 6
    17 stonemuse … 6
    18 Swerve … 6
    19 thecat … 6
    20 1905 … 5
    21 AddicksAddict … 5
    22 Beardface … 5
    23 bellz2002 … 5
    24 Big_Bob … 5
    League Two
    1 cafcwill … 5
    2 chezzafromcharlton … 5
    3 DyerConsequences … 5
    4 Frankie_de_Toro … 5
    5 GetYerCoreyOut … 5
    6 Laddick01 … 5
    7 lindos480 … 5
    8 maddferrett … 5
    9 moutuakilla … 5
    10 osteoaddick … 5
    11 Paddy Powell … 5
    12 Pedro45 … 5
    13 philcafc … 5
    14 Redmidland … 5
    15 SaySomething … 5
    16 seth plum … 5
    17 stackitsteve … 5
    18 StrikerFirmani … 5
    19 Tavern … 5
    20 WestSussexAddick … 5
    21 AmpshireAddick … 4
    22 BertieB … 4
    23 charscot … 4
    24 E=mc2 … 4
    National League
    1 Elthamaddick … 4
    2 jakecafc … 4
    3 JamesSeed … 4
    4 LenGlover … 4
    5 Macronate … 4
    6 Marriott110 … 4
    7 meldrew66 … 4
    8 MrBurns … 4
    9 No.1 in South London … 4
    10 O-Randy-Hunt … 4
    11 Pessimist Pete … 4
    12 Photollery … 4
    13 redlanered … 4
    14 RickAddick … 4
    15 Saulc23 … 4
    16 soapboxsam … 4
    17 Taxi_Lad … 4
    18 The Red Robin … 4
    19 theeenorth … 4
    20 TimAddick … 4
    21 Webbja77 … 4
    22 WHAddick … 4
    23 Addick Addict … 3
    24 blackpool72 … 3
    National League South
    1 bobmunro … 3
    2 Bournemouth Addick … 3
    3 Carl Leaburn … 3
    4 Davo53 … 3
    5 Hamlet … 3
    6 Hopeful Harriet … 3
    7 Hornchurch … 3
    8 johnnybev1987 … 3
    9 ken_shabby … 3
    10 Killarahales … 3
    11 killerandflash … 3
    12 lancashire lad … 3
    13 mrbligh … 3
    14 paulie8290 … 3
    15 robroy … 3
    16 RonnieMoore … 3
    17 Rossman92 … 3
    18 sarge1g … 3
    19 Scott … 3
    20 sholland … 3
    21 thai malaysia addick … 3
    22 timken … 3
    23 tommo … 3
    24 alan dugdale … 2
    Couple of jumpers as goalposts in Charlton Park
    1 Billyboy 2
    2 cafc4life 2
    3 Chicken_Skins 2
    4 clive 2
    5 croydonaddick 2
    6 Follower Fred 2
    7 GeorgeE 2
    8 Karim_myBagheri 2
    9 oohaahmortimer 2
    10 Seabros 2
    11 tajaddick 2
    12 ThreadKiller 2
    13 Wellred 2
    14 T_C_E 1
    15 Tutt-Tutt 1
  • Options
    Despite new owners and a couple of decent signings I'm still under performing. 
    The next ten days are crucial 
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    Started with a decent enough win, underperforming since... Who am I?
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    Dazzler21 said:
    Started with a decent enough win, underperforming since... Who am I?
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    Yet another mediocre 1 point haul. I'm nothing if not consistent.
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    We are top of the league, say we are top of the league.
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    What a pathetic start to the season - 3 points. Still, I've heard all the best teams have that number of points right now so where there's hope.......
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    What a pathetic start to the season - 3 points. Still, I've heard all the best teams have that number of points right now so where there's hope.......
    Ha ha - I got 3 points this week alone - making my grand total errr..... 3 points. 

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    have always thought non league is 'where it's at'
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    Top of league one. Don't hear that too often
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    I don’t think I’ve ever had a correct score. Remarkable. 
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    have always thought non league is 'where it's at'
    It’s more ‘where we’re going’. 
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    Division one … wow!

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    Knew I should have named myself AC_CAFC
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    Not a bad start but I'm now in the National League south after a pointless foray this weekend. Gonna change the team name to Charlton if this doesn't improve.
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    League is upside down
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    It’s very nice to look down on the rest of you :)
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    barstool said:
    It’s very nice to look down on the rest of you :)
    I bet your buzzing Stooly, make sure you don’t fall off your stool next week.

    Remember what they say, it’s easy to get to the top, it’s harder to  stay there!
  • Options
    RC_CAFC said:
    Knew I should have named myself AC_CAFC
    Ah, but next season it will be reverse sorting. Swings and roundabouts.
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    barstool said:
    It’s very nice to look down on the rest of you :)
    I suppose that tends to happen from a barstool.
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  • Options
    RC_CAFC said:
    Knew I should have named myself AC_CAFC
    Ah, but next season it will be reverse sorting. Swings and roundabouts.
    I'm going to rename myself AAAAAAAAAKillerandFlash for this season, then ZZZZZZZZZZKillerandFlash next season  ;)
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    I’m where I want Charlton to end up
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    This is the only time I get notifications. Top of the league. Huzzah!
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