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3 defeats in 8 days

Well it’s been a fun week following Charlton. 

When was the last time we lost 3 games in a shorter number of days (and has anyone been to all of them)?


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    Easter 1979, we lost 2-0 at Brighton on Good Friday, 4-1 at home to Stoke the day after, and 1-0 at P*lace on the Tuesday. I make that 3 defeats in 5 days, I went to all three, at least they were all top 5 sides at the time. Must have been similar cases in the past when they packed games into the Easter and Xmas schedules.
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    edited August 2023
    Think I might have gone to those games.

    Was Frank Worthington playing for Brighton? What a player he was.

    Edit: Forget that he was there 84-85, we lost 2-0 over Easter that season.
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    edited August 2023
    Easter 1979, we lost 2-0 at Brighton on Good Friday, 4-1 at home to Stoke the day after, and 1-0 at P*lace on the Tuesday. I make that 3 defeats in 5 days, I went to all three, at least they were all top 5 sides at the time. Must have been similar cases in the past when they packed games into the Easter and Xmas schedules.
    Excellent sleuthing @Big William
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    edited August 2023
    Easter 1979, we lost 2-0 at Brighton on Good Friday, 4-1 at home to Stoke the day after, and 1-0 at P*lace on the Tuesday. I make that 3 defeats in 5 days, I went to all three, at least they were all top 5 sides at the time. Must have been similar cases in the past when they packed games into the Easter and Xmas schedules.
     Bloody hell, must have been soul destroying (especially with a defeat to Palace thrown in!).
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    se9addick said:
    Easter 1979, we lost 2-0 at Brighton on Good Friday, 4-1 at home to Stoke the day after, and 1-0 at P*lace on the Tuesday. I make that 3 defeats in 5 days, I went to all three, at least they were all top 5 sides at the time. Must have been similar cases in the past when they packed games into the Easter and Xmas schedules.
     Bloody hell, must have been soup destroying (especially with a defeat to Palace thrown in!).
    Love a bowl of soup 
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    Easter 1979, we lost 2-0 at Brighton on Good Friday, 4-1 at home to Stoke the day after, and 1-0 at P*lace on the Tuesday. I make that 3 defeats in 5 days, I went to all three, at least they were all top 5 sides at the time. Must have been similar cases in the past when they packed games into the Easter and Xmas schedules.
    Excellent sleuthing @Big William
    Remember it all too well….the next game was against West Ham who were also up the top, although we got a 0-0 in that one. I think the league computer really wanted to finish us off that season, although through an unlikely set of circumstances we got out of it on the last day. Not that it helped in the long term, we went down like a rock the following season.
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    Colchester/Huddersfield/Hull that famous week under KF & Riga is only one I can think of. 
    That Huddersfield Hull back to back was absolutely brutal. I remember having the worst day at work shortly after, felt like I'd just got back from a funeral 
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    Look at it this way. The only way is up!
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    CAFCTrev said:
    I actually want to join just to see the positive spin on 4 defeats in a row.

    I think its been disbanded already.....
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    Looks like I'm heading for 4 defeats in 19 days
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    Look at it this way. The only way is up!

    Sad times
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    CAFCTrev said:
    I actually want to join just to see the positive spin on 4 defeats in a row.

    With BT removing phone boxes, it's getting more difficult for them to find a venue for their meetings.
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    CAFCTrev said:
    I actually want to join just to see the positive spin on 4 defeats in a row.

    Charlton have 766 positive supporters?!?
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    edited August 2023
    CAFCTrev said:
    I actually want to join just to see the positive spin on 4 defeats in a row.

    Fuck off!

    This is a thing?  

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