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2023-24 CL Prediction League Week 2 Results

Having a number in your Charlton Life name seems to help when it comes to the Prediction League. The top three spots of the Prediction League are held by @56yearsofdreams, @Kap10 and @Bods64. This week's highest scorer was @Kap10 with an impressive 7 points, although it came with some pain as Charlton's 1-0 defeat at Peterborough would have been better if Charlton had lost 2-1, or, maybe, not at all. @ChicagoAddick and @PaddyP17 (I must put a number in my  CL name) also scored very creditable 6-pointers in a higher-scoring week than last week. No one was able to foresee a 1-0 defeat at Peterborough, although many were not optimistic about Charlton getting a result. @addix notched Prediction of the Week. Several chose wins for AFC Bournemouth or West Ham, but only @addix had the wisdom to go down the middle and predict a draw. Three people suffered from hallucinations, it would seem, imagining that the Watford v Plymouth game was on the coupon, but they can all relax as none of them predicted a draw.

Still, it's early days and sorting in alphabetical order this season rather than reverse alphabetical order has some weird effects after two weeks. We all know that Premier League wannabes like @AFKABartram will be crowing about being 6th in the Prem, but reverse alphabetical order would mean Champ standard only. Frankly, I'd rather wish I'd stayed with reverse sorting. Suffice it to say, I've got a couple of jumpers with me, so if anyone fancies a kickabout in Charlton Park, I'll be there.

This week's mini-statbank

Graveyard prediction of the week: Australia 0 France 0 (0 correct scores, 0 correct results, 12 wrong predictions)
Easy peasy prediction of the week: Ipswich Town 2 Stoke City 0 (7 correct score, 20 correct results, 3 wrong predictions)
Zero to hero predictor(s): @ChicagoAddick (0 points last week, 6 points this week)
Charlton result: Peterborough United v Charlton 1-0 (28 predictions - 0 correct scores, 17 correct results, 11 wrong predictions)
Unfancied fixture of the week: Preston North End 2 Sunderland 1 (1 prediction - 1 correct score, 0 correct results, 0 wrong predictions)
Competitor in the same position as Charlton: @WestSussexAddick (11th)
Best prediction of the week: @addix - Bournemouth 1 West Ham 1 (20 predictions, 1 correct score, 0 correct results, 19 wrong predictions)
Worst prediction(s) of the week: : @MrBurns - Birmingham City v Leeds United 2-4, @robroy - Hull City v Sheffield Wednesday 0-1
Biggest riser of the week: @ChicagoAddick from 22nd National League to 11th Premier League
Biggest faller of the week: @stackitsteve from 16th Championship to 11th National League South
Division Leaders: Premier League - @56yearsofdreams , Championship - @Rudders22 , League One - @LeeValliant , League Two - @DyerConsequences , National - @Saulc23 , National South - @Nicholas

This week's scores
Kap10 ... 7
ChicagoAddick ... 6
PaddyP17 ... 6
AndyG ... 5
Bods64 ... 5
BR7_addick ... 5
Covered End ... 5
Dannoo_86 ... 5
Low_Ears ... 5
MrLargo ... 5
Rudders22 ... 5
Viewfinder ... 5
56yearsofdreams ... 4
Addick_in_Exile ... 4
addix ... 4
AFKABartram ... 4
Beardface ... 4
Buglehorn ... 4
cafcwill ... 4
carly burn ... 4
Charlton_Stu ... 4
Curbsgoldenera ... 4
GoOnYouHaddocks ... 4
Jonniesta ... 4
North Lower Neil ... 4
RC_CAFC ... 4
Sonicstud85 ... 4
Taxi_Lad ... 4
_MrDick ... 3
AddicksAddict ... 3
charente addick ... 3
charscot ... 3
CHG ... 3
Chippycafc ... 3
ecclesaddick ... 3
IdleHans ... 3
Lewis Coaches ... 3
Lordflashheart ... 3
meldrew66 ... 3
moutuakilla ... 3
osteoaddick ... 3
redlanered ... 3
SaySomething ... 3
sholland ... 3
Sillybilly ... 3
soapboxsam ... 3
StrikerFirmani ... 3
Swerve ... 3
Tavern ... 3
AmpshireAddick ... 2
Bangkokaddick ... 2
barstool ... 2
Bedsaddick ... 2
bellz2002 ... 2
Blackheathen ... 2
Chris_from_Sidcup ... 2
covered_end_junior ... 2
dajavouslagan ... 2
fat man on a moped ... 2
flyingkiwiDK ... 2
Joshb2000 ... 2
ken_shabby ... 2
Killarahales ... 2
Macronate ... 2
Marriott110 ... 2
No.1 in South London ... 2
Paddy Powell ... 2
ParkinsonOut ... 2
paulbaconsarnie ... 2
Pedro45 ... 2
Pessimist Pete ... 2
Photollery ... 2
rananegra ... 2
Redmidland ... 2
RickAddick ... 2
sarge1g ... 2
Scott ... 2
seth plum ... 2
Starinnaddick ... 2
stonemuse ... 2
theeenorth ... 2
throughthickandthin ... 2
TimAddick ... 2
walshiesleftfoot ... 2
Webbja77 ... 2
Addick Addict ... 1
blackpool72 ... 1
Carl Leaburn ... 1
chezzafromcharlton ... 1
Chicken_Skins ... 1
CL_Phantom ... 1
croydonaddick ... 1
Dazzler21 ... 1
DyerConsequences ... 1
Elthamaddick ... 1
Frankie_de_Toro ... 1
Hamlet ... 1
Hopeful Harriet ... 1
Hornchurch ... 1
jakecafc ... 1
JamesSeed ... 1
Karim_myBagheri ... 1
killerandflash ... 1
LeeValliant ... 1
lindos480 ... 1
Mendonca In Asdas ... 1
mrbligh ... 1
MrBurns ... 1
Nicholas ... 1
NorthheathAddick ... 1
oohaahmortimer ... 1
O-Randy-Hunt ... 1
paulie8290 ... 1
RonnieMoore ... 1
Rossman92 ... 1
Saulc23 ... 1
Seabros ... 1
thai malaysia addick ... 1
ThreadKiller ... 1
tommo ... 1
WestSussexAddick ... 1
WHAddick ... 1
alan dugdale ... 0
BertieB ... 0
Big_Bob ... 0
Billyboy ... 0
bobmunro ... 0
Bournemouth Addick ... 0
cafc4life ... 0
clive ... 0
Dansk_Red ... 0
Davo53 ... 0
Follower Fred ... 0
GeorgeE ... 0
johnnybev1987 ... 0
LenGlover ... 0
MrOneLung ... 0
philcafc ... 0
robroy ... 0
stackitsteve ... 0
T_C_E ... 0
tajaddick ... 0
The Red Robin ... 0
thecat ... 0
timken ... 0
Tutt-Tutt ... 0
Wellred ... 0


  • Options
    And those meaningless early season League tables....

    Premier League
    1 56yearsofdreams … 8
    2 Kap10 … 8
    3 PaddyP17 … 8
    4 Addick_in_Exile … 7
    5 flyingkiwiDK … 7
    6 AFKABartram … 6
    7 AndyG … 6
    8 Bods64 … 6
    9 BR7_addick … 6
    10 CHG … 6
    11 ChicagoAddick … 6
    12 Covered End … 6
    13 Curbsgoldenera … 6
    14 Dannoo_86 … 6
    15 Dansk_Red … 6
    16 ecclesaddick … 6
    17 Low_Ears … 6
    18 mattinfinland … 6
    19 MrLargo … 6
    20 RC_CAFC … 6
    1 Rudders22 … 6
    2 throughthickandthin … 6
    3 Viewfinder … 6
    4 Bangkokaddick … 5
    5 Beardface … 5
    6 carly burn … 5
    7 Charlton_Stu … 5
    8 Dazzler21 … 5
    9 GoOnYouHaddocks … 5
    10 Jonniesta … 5
    11 Mendonca In Asdas … 5
    12 North Lower Neil … 5
    13 NorthheathAddick … 5
    14 Sillybilly … 5
    15 Sonicstud85 … 5
    16 Swerve … 5
    17 walshiesleftfoot … 5
    18 _MrDick … 4
    19 addix … 4
    20 Bedsaddick … 4
    21 Buglehorn … 4
    22 cafcwill … 4
    23 CL_Phantom … 4
    24 fat man on a moped … 4
    League One
    1 LeeValliant … 4
    2 Lewis Coaches … 4
    3 Lordflashheart … 4
    4 moutuakilla … 4
    5 osteoaddick … 4
    6 paulbaconsarnie … 4
    7 philcafc … 4
    8 Tavern … 4
    9 Taxi_Lad … 4
    10 Webbja77 … 4
    11 WestSussexAddick … 4
    12 1905 … 3
    13 AddicksAddict … 3
    14 barstool … 3
    15 bellz2002 … 3
    16 BertieB … 3
    17 Blackheathen … 3
    18 blackpool72 … 3
    19 charente addick … 3
    20 charscot … 3
    21 Chippycafc … 3
    22 Chris_from_Sidcup … 3
    23 covered_end_junior … 3
    24 dajavouslagan … 3
    League Two
    1 DyerConsequences … 3
    2 Frankie_de_Toro … 3
    3 GetYerCoreyOut … 3
    4 Hamlet … 3
    5 IdleHans … 3
    6 JamesSeed … 3
    7 Joshb2000 … 3
    8 ken_shabby … 3
    9 Laddick01 … 3
    10 lancashire lad … 3
    11 maddferrett … 3
    12 meldrew66 … 3
    13 MrOneLung … 3
    14 No.1 in South London … 3
    15 Paddy Powell … 3
    16 ParkinsonOut … 3
    17 Pedro45 … 3
    18 Pessimist Pete … 3
    19 Photollery … 3
    20 rananegra … 3
    21 RaplhMilne … 3
    22 redlanered … 3
    23 Redmidland … 3
    24 Rossman92 … 3
    National League
    1 Saulc23 … 3
    2 SaySomething … 3
    3 sholland … 3
    4 soapboxsam … 3
    5 Starinnaddick … 3
    6 stonemuse … 3
    7 StrikerFirmani … 3
    8 theeenorth … 3
    9 WHAddick … 3
    10 Addick Addict … 2
    11 AmpshireAddick … 2
    12 chezzafromcharlton … 2
    13 croydonaddick … 2
    14 Davo53 … 2
    15 E=mc2 … 2
    16 Elthamaddick … 2
    17 Hopeful Harriet … 2
    18 jakecafc … 2
    19 Killarahales … 2
    20 killerandflash … 2
    21 Macronate … 2
    22 Marriott110 … 2
    23 mrbligh … 2
    24 MrBurns … 2
    National League South
    1 Nicholas … 2
    2 oohaahmortimer … 2
    3 O-Randy-Hunt … 2
    4 paulie8290 … 2
    5 RickAddick … 2
    6 RonnieMoore … 2
    7 sarge1g … 2
    8 Scott … 2
    9 Seabros … 2
    10 seth plum … 2
    11 stackitsteve … 2
    12 The Red Robin … 2
    13 thecat … 2
    14 TimAddick … 2
    15 Big_Bob … 1
    16 Billyboy … 1
    17 Bournemouth Addick … 1
    18 Carl Leaburn … 1
    19 Chicken_Skins … 1
    20 clive … 1
    21 Follower Fred … 1
    22 GeorgeE … 1
    23 Hornchurch … 1
    24 johnnybev1987 … 1
    Couple of jumpers as goalposts in Charlton Park
    1 Karim_myBagheri 1
    2 lindos480 1
    3 robroy 1
    4 T_C_E 1
    5 tajaddick 1
    6 thai malaysia addick 1
    7 ThreadKiller 1
    8 timken 1
    9 tommo 1
    10 Wellred 1
    11 alan dugdale 0
    12 bobmunro 0
    13 cafc4life 0
    14 LenGlover 0
    15 Tutt-Tutt 0
  • Options
    I never seem to appear in the best or worst prediction of the week section, I prefer mediocrity  ;)
  • Options
    I never seem to appear in the best or worst prediction of the week section, I prefer mediocrity  ;)
    I’m striving for mediocrity at the moment.
  • Options
    And there’s me thinking @Tutt-Tutt knew his football :-) 
  • Options
    I never seem to appear in the best or worst prediction of the week section, I prefer mediocrity  ;)
    I’m striving for mediocrity at the moment.
    Yes, I see I have twice the number of points you have. You can only dream about being in the National League.
  • Options
    edited August 2023
    My first appearance in the Premier League, so proud of the boys. Still we had a great preseason including a trip to Woolwich barracks for some team bonding plus you may have seen us running up and down the hard shoulder of the A2 to build up fitness!!
  • Options
    Gone from top 6 in the Prem to Mid table championship in one week!

     Oh well it was good whilst it lasted, Greenwich park, here I come!
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