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Players Marks: Posh v Addicks (closes Sunday teatime)



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    At the match today 
    AMB: 7
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    NESS: 6
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBO: 8
    CAMARÁ: 7
    PAYNE: 6
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 7
    REFEREE: 3 poor all round. Brandished early unnecessary yellows and then wasn't sure what to do.
    Could and should have got a draw.
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    edited August 2023
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    AMB:              7.5
    ASIIMWE:      7
    NESS:        7
    JONES:       7 
    THOMAS     6.5: 
    DOBO:      7.5
    CAMARÁ:    5  expensive mistake
    PAYNE:    6
    MAY:      6
    CBT:     7.5
    REFEREE: 6

    Ineligible but can be marked
    EDUN: 5  good player but some poor decisions today
    KIRK:   5
    KANU:  5
  • Options
    AMB: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 6
    NESS: 6
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBO: 7
    CAMARÁ: 6.5
    PAYNE: 6
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 7
    REFEREE: 4
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    edited August 2023
    AMB: 6
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    NESS: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBO: 6.5
    ANDERSON: 5.5
    CAMARÁ: 6.5
    PAYNE: 5.5
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 6.5
    REFEREE: 4.5
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    AMB: 7.5 - A good performance and a great block near the end
    ASIIMWE: 7 - Impressive. Didn't look at all out of place in the first team. Needs to add a bit of attacking threat to his game.
    NESS: 7 - Looked assured but distribution not the best. But hey, he's a defender first and a play maker second.
    JONES: 7 - Same as Ness
    THOMAS: 6 - I thought he was the weakest link in the defence today. A full back needs to be fast and nimble to deal with wingers. Unfortunately he isn't.
    DOBO: 8 - Yeah, a couple of passes went stray but other than that he was immense as usual.
    ANDERSON: 6.5 - A promising performance. Didn't really do anything wrong but at this level you need more.
    CAMARÁ: 7.5 - Minus a half for the pass that gave away their goal. Looked quality apart from that
    PAYNE: 6 - Can't fault his work rate and effort. Unfortunately though his control and passing lets him down.
    MAY: 7 - I like him. Going to be so important for us this year. Needs someone to play off as everybody can see. Had to try and deal with countless balls in the air, which against Crichlow was a lost cause.
    CBT: 6.5 - First half was anonymous but came alive in the second. If anyone was going to score it would have been him.
    REFEREE: 5 - Some poor decisions and inconsistent.

    Ineligible but can be marked
    EDUN: Looked useful. But that final set piece ... inexcusable
    KIRK: No comment
    KANU: I think he touched the ball once or twice!
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    AMB: 7.5 some decent saves
    ASIIMWE: 7 thought he was solid. Looked good going forward too
    NESS: 8 MOM. Passing was better. Was quicker on the ball. Tackling was immense
    JONES: 7 solid again
    THOMAS: 6.5 solid but he’s not a full back. Done for pace too many times
    DOBO: 7.5 his passing has improved since last season. So reliable
    ANDERSON: 5.5 tough game today. Especially second half where he started to tire
    CAMARÁ: 5.5 loses a mark for the goal
    PAYNE: 5 one minute he’s good, next minute he’s awful. Shouldn’t be starting if we have aspirations of going up
    MAY: 5.5 had one chance and should’ve put it away. That’s what he was brought in for. Will struggle if we don’t bring in a big man to partner him. 
    CBT: 6.5 he’s so frustrating, but has two glorious chances
    REFEREE: 6 I think all the cards (apart from Dobbo’s) were the correct decision. That high foot on Asiimwe though was nasty

    Ineligible but can be marked
    EDUN: 6 loses a mark for that pathetic free kick. Other than that, looked really good 
    KIRK: 5 looked completely disinterested. Didn’t run. Wants the ball to feet, but remains static. Would like to see him moved on
    KANU: 5 desperately needs a loan to L2

    We didn’t play badly.. but we didn’t play well. Same as last week really. We have our defence sorted. The rest of the park is very thin on the ground. Our bench is weak
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    ASIIMWE: 7
    NESS: 6
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBO: 6
    CAMARÁ: 6
    PAYNE: 6
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 7
    REFEREE: 2
  • Options
    Amb 6
    Asiimwe 6
    Ness 6
    Jones 6
    Thomas 6
    Dobson 7
    Anderson 6
    Camara 6
    Payne 6
    May 6
    Cbt 6
    Ref 5

  • Options
    AMB: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    NESS: 7
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBO: 7
    CAMARÁ: 6
    PAYNE: 5
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 6
    REFEREE: 3

    Ineligible but can be marked
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  • Options
    AMB: 6
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    NESS: 6
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBO: 8
    CAMARÁ: 6
    PAYNE: 6
    MAY: 4
    CBT: 5
  • Options
    Marks 0.5 to 10.0
    AMB: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    NESS: 6.5
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBO: 8
    ANDERSON: 7.5
    CAMARÁ: 7
    PAYNE: 6
    MAY: 5.5
    CBT: 7
    REFEREE: 4

    Ineligible but can be marked

  • Options
    AMB: 7
    ASIIMWE: 7 Position is his to loose
    NESS: 7
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBO: 7.5
    ANDERSON: 6 On today's performance not quite ready
    CAMARÁ: 6.5
    PAYNE: 5.5 Tries but to no real effect
    MAY: 5.5 Not his fault
    CBT: 6.5 Better 2nd half
    REFEREE: 6

    Ineligible but can be marked
    EDUN: Poor free kick but looks skillful 
    KIRK: More work, less shirk but can't seem to move forward 
    KANU: Not involved 
  • Options
    AMB: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 6
    NESS: 6.5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBO: 6.5
    CAMARÁ: 4.5
    PAYNE: 5
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 6
    REFEREE: 6
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    ASIIMWE: 7
    NESS: 7
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBO: 8
    ANDERSON: 6.5
    CAMARÁ: 7
    PAYNE: 6
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 7.5
    REFEREE: 3

    Ineligible but can be marked
    EDUN: 6.5
    KIRK: 5
    KANU: 5
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    NESS: 7
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBO: 8
    CAMARÁ: 5
    PAYNE: 5
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 6.5
    REFEREE: 5

  • Options
    AMB: 7.5 - two excellent saves
    ASIIMWE: 6.5 - did well and is always looking to make himself available for the ball
    NESS: 7 - played well and made a great saving block near the end
    JONES: 6 - a competent looking defender, although some of his distribution looks a bit industrial. Early days
    THOMAS: 6 - did ok against Poku, a dangerous right sided attacker
    DOBO: 7.5 - a few misplaced passes but really tried to drive the team on in the second half
    ANDERSON: 5.5 - was slightly off his game against Peterborough's very fluid midfield
    CAMARÁ: 6 - a bit uneven but will get better
    PAYNE: 6.5 - he's too lightweight at League 1 level but he tried very hard to make things happen and Holden is hardly spoilt for choice
    MAY: 6 - had to largely feed off scraps and was well marshalled by big and very competent defenders. Picked up a silly yellow to go with last week's
    CBT: 8: MoTM - our only real attacking threat
    REFEREE: 4 - poor, although refs are clearly feeling the pressure to brandish yellow cards under the new directives. There were very few bad tackles in the game (aside from Dobbo's)

    Ineligible but can be marked
    EDUN: 6.5 - from the sublime to the ridiculous. The free kick at the end of injury time was mildly infuriating
    KIRK: 6 - ran about a bit
    KANU: 6 - couldn't get him into the game in the last 10 mins or so
  • Options
    AMB: 6
    ASIIMWE: 6 Creditable, but not yet good enough for a top 6 challenge.
    NESS: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBO: 7
    ANDERSON: 6 Creditable but not yet good enough for a top 6 challenge.
    CAMARÁ: 6
    PAYNE: 7 MOM
    MAY: 6.5
    CBT: 7 If only his crosses and shots were more productive.
    REFEREE: 4 useless twat.

    Ineligible but can be marked
    EDUN: 6
    KIRK: 6
    KANU: 6

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