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What is heritage

And how should museum's display controversial artefacts and images?

It's an ongoing debate as we saw with the Colston statue in Bristol.

At the museum we feel we need to reflect all of the history of the club "warts and all".

This item was recently on display in the boardroom. Now we have it.

The question is where in the museum should we display it? The ladies or the gents?



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    On the "Exit" door
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    edited August 2023
    You can’t ignore history, even if you don’t like it, why he had a picture in the boardroom at all, says it all really, certainly an evocative picture.

    Just out of interest, have the new owners put their picture(s) up yet, is it a directors tradition? 
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    Burn it
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    Just have a wall of shame.
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    Brownie12 said:
    Just have a wall of shame.
    and locate & call it the Centrally Under North Terrace Wall
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    No Matt Southall picture? Surely an omission error
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    Kap10 said:
    No Matt Southall picture? Surely an omission error
    What about the dentist?
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    edited August 2023
    bobmunro said:
    Kap10 said:
    No Matt Southall picture? Surely an omission error
    What about the dentist?
    Good point Bob, I think his portrait should be displayed at two thirty every day for 20 minutes and then extracted to the waiting room 😉.
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    From day 1 it was clear he had a ridiculous ego and it wouldn’t end well but I just can’t hate the guy. He genuinely saved us from a nightmare situation, kept the club afloat out of his own pocket. Ok we didn’t move forward but at least there’s still a club to support. I’ve no problem with him being part of the club’s history even if now happy to see him gone. 

    If there ever were a wall of shame he definitely wouldn’t deserve to be anywhere near portraits of Southall and Roland. 
    Thanks for crystallising my thoughts on the matter
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    edited August 2023
    And how should museum's display controversial artefacts and images?

    It's an ongoing debate as we saw with the Colston statue in Bristol.

    At the museum we feel we need to reflect all of the history of the club "warts and all".

    This item was recently on display in the boardroom. Now we have it.

    The question is where in the museum should we display it? The ladies or the gents?


    As long as you don't put up a statue you should be fine.  Otherwise expect to be fishing it out of the Thames shortly.

    Seriously though I think warts and all is good - there is complexity in most situations, TS had both good and bad points and it will be an interesting time to look back on.  Also, he wasn't responsible for mass murder or the enslavement of populations so probably an explanatory paragraph would do.

    Together with one of those buttons you can press which plays "Addicks to victory" when pressed.
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    Funny, never noticed before how small and close together his eyes are.
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    Funny, never noticed before how small and close together his eyes are.
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    And how should museum's display controversial artefacts and images?

    It's an ongoing debate as we saw with the Colston statue in Bristol.

    At the museum we feel we need to reflect all of the history of the club "warts and all".

    This item was recently on display in the boardroom. Now we have it.

    The question is where in the museum should we display it? The ladies or the gents?


    That’s not your problem.  You need to plan ahead for how you will accommodate the current raft of investors in due course 😆
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    It's an exhibit concerning our history, like any other, so deserves to be preserved. Not one that anyone would particularly want to see of course...
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    edited August 2023
    I’m loving the idea, of a two for one 1 at the museum.

    Ie, ‘the picture on the wall, with a dirty great button underneath it, which when pushed blasts out a rendition of ‘We need a battle cry’ it would like being sent to room 101!
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    It's a way of charging a fortune for tomatoes.
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    And how should museum's display controversial artefacts and images?

    It's an ongoing debate as we saw with the Colston statue in Bristol.

    At the museum we feel we need to reflect all of the history of the club "warts and all".

    This item was recently on display in the boardroom. Now we have it.

    The question is where in the museum should we display it? The ladies or the gents?


    I think it's a bit of a stretch to compare a man who's ego ultimately existed his talent to Colston who helped to inflict misery, pain, torture, and death on people purely because of the colour of their skin.
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    No one compared TS with Colston.

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