And how should museum's display controversial artefacts and images?
It's an ongoing debate as we saw with the Colston statue in Bristol.
At the museum we feel we need to reflect all of the history of the club "warts and all".
This item was recently on display in the boardroom. Now we have it.
The question is where in the museum should we display it? The ladies or the gents?
Just out of interest, have the new owners put their picture(s) up yet, is it a directors tradition?
Seriously though I think warts and all is good - there is complexity in most situations, TS had both good and bad points and it will be an interesting time to look back on. Also, he wasn't responsible for mass murder or the enslavement of populations so probably an explanatory paragraph would do.
Together with one of those buttons you can press which plays "Addicks to victory" when pressed.
Ie, ‘the picture on the wall, with a dirty great button underneath it, which when pushed blasts out a rendition of ‘We need a battle cry’ it would like being sent to room 101!