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Would CAFC Mens 1st team beat all the Women's teams at the World Cup?

Well anyone old enough to remember Billie Jean King vs Bobby Riggs? That worked out differently to the way some expected.

I've watched bits and pieces of the Women's World Cup and been impressed by the standard on display- the quality of passing in particular, the organisation
of the teams on the pitch. I've also also enjoyed the lack of the negative tactics/gameship employed by losing teams. Open flowing games free from cynical fouls. Maybe they went on the cutting room floor- I have seen mainly highlights. Sadly James lets the side down  with typical male type narky foul, maybe they should have clamped down on her harder than 2 games. Our Men's would be faster and more physical but for entertainment value......I'm finding it hard to say...but I  female  (International) game has a lot to offer (bottled it-I meant I prefer it)
Yet not one of my sons have even mentioned the competition to me.
I've never been to the CAFC women's game, but maybe that bridge will be crossed soon.



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    Yes, comfortably. 

    But it’s not really a fair or relevant comparison. 
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    The question is whether they would beat all 32 teams combined 
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    How would you expect a women’s team to defend any set piece of aerial battle against Miles Leaburn. Every cross/set piece would be an automatic short on target. I don’t watch any women’s football but I guess there aren’t many 6ft 4 centre back playing. 
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    Didn't Wrexham play the US earlier this year and won something like 12 - 0 

    And I think a few years back they played an under 15 boys team and lost 5 -2 
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    Didn't Wrexham play the US earlier this year and won something like 12 - 0 

    And I think a few years back they played an under 15 boys team and lost 5 -2 
    No idea about the Wrexham thing but the u15 team thing wasn't a match but a training exercise that was wildly misreported
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    I mean it's such a silly question
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    Didn't Wrexham play the US earlier this year and won something like 12 - 0 

    And I think a few years back they played an under 15 boys team and lost 5 -2 
    It was Wrexham's Vets team aswell
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    The men are bigger, stronger, quicker, have had more regular coaching and games.

    A good Saturday league side would probably beat them pretty easily, and as much as we moan about Charlton and League One, any of the 92 teams are an elite level.

    But just enjoy both for what they are.
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    How would you expect a women’s team to defend any set piece of aerial battle against Miles Leaburn. Every cross/set piece would be an automatic short on target. I don’t watch any women’s football but I guess there aren’t many 6ft 4 centre back playing. 
    The height thing is interesting. In every other aspect women's football is improving rapidly but obviously height will always be an issue. The goalkeeping this tournament has been brilliant but obviously that's where the majority of the taller players are I imagine.
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    yes .easily
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    Not sure the point of the question is unless it is a set up for people to say yes of course. It is the same as asking if the women's number one tennis player would beat the 100th or 200th rated man. Of  course she wouldn't, but the games are different and shouldn't be looked at like that.
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    Surely a wind up post? Just for clarity Women's football is 8th tier non league terrible. 
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    Tennis (the example mentioned at the top) being a non contact sport, and one where height is less crucial, would make it easier to have a male versus female contest. Serena at her peak for example would have beaten men of a certain level.

    In football, it's not just height, but also strength. 50/50 tackles, shoulder barges etc would give the male players a massive advantage
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    edited August 2023
    Breaking news....
    Men and woman are different.
    So much ignorance on this subject and those of us who coached from the youngest ages know that girls up to a certain age, I believe it was *10 could play boys football.
    More girls teams now so Chloe Kelly who was a baller when she played in the cages with her six brothers and was kicked from pillar to post but it made her the player she is today. Lauren James would have been stronger than most of the boys at that young age.

    Puberty, look it up, it's never too late to learn.
    Biology isn't a strong point of many men.

    *The young girl associated with my club went onto have coaching at Chelsea and Palace before going to an American college for sport and coming back to play mainly in the Championship and also played games in the Woman's super League. 
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    CAFCsayer said:
    Didn't Wrexham play the US earlier this year and won something like 12 - 0 

    And I think a few years back they played an under 15 boys team and lost 5 -2 
    It was Wrexham's Vets team aswell
    I believe they stopped it at 40 minutes too.  Not 40 in each half…40 minutes in total 
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    CAFCsayer said:
    Didn't Wrexham play the US earlier this year and won something like 12 - 0 

    And I think a few years back they played an under 15 boys team and lost 5 -2 
    It was Wrexham's Vets team aswell
    As in over 35s or animal doctors?
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    Not if they played Charlton's 11 v All 352 from the 32 countries but 11 v 11 yes.
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    LenGlover said:
    Not if they played Charlton's 11 v All 352 from the 32 countries but 11 v 11 yes.
    It's the equivalent of asking whether Usain Bolt would beat Elaine Thompson or whoever the best Female 100 metres sprinter is presently.
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    LenGlover said:
    Not if they played Charlton's 11 v All 352 from the 32 countries but 11 v 11 yes.
    What's your tip over point between 11.and 352 - how many to draw, how many to win?
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    is this a thread for a certain type of man to feel better about themselves? 

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    I wish the men’s/women’s comparisons would stop from both sides.
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    LenGlover said:
    Not if they played Charlton's 11 v All 352 from the 32 countries but 11 v 11 yes.
    What's your tip over point between 11.and 352 - how many to draw, how many to win?
    Hard to say.

    Back in the days of WG Grace an England or other strong representative cricket 11 would take on 22 local cricketers and usually win.

    Maybe similar might apply to football against the Women but sheer guesswork and if Chuks was playing he might get too knackered too quickly.
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    But would the best seven netball players in Charlton's 1st X1 beat all the women's teams at the recent Netball World Cup?

    For what it's worth, I think our best seven would be May (GS), Campbell (GA), Blackett-Taylor (WA), Dobson (C), Edun (WD), Hector (GD) and Maynard-Brewer (GK).
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    I wish the men’s/women’s comparisons would stop from both sides.

    I wish it would stop and then I wouldn't have to keep saying the fucking obvious that men and women are different.
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    LenGlover said:
    LenGlover said:
    Not if they played Charlton's 11 v All 352 from the 32 countries but 11 v 11 yes.
    It's the equivalent of asking whether Usain Bolt would beat Elaine Thompson or whoever the best Female 100 metres sprinter is presently.
    No it's not.
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    I wish the men’s/women’s comparisons would stop from both sides.

    I wish it would stop and then I wouldn't have to keep saying the fucking obvious that men and women are different.
    It's obvious that men and women are different, no one has suggested that they aren't.
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    What about in sports where accuracy and skill is more important than speed, power and strength? 

    Golf, for insurance (no 600 yard par 5s please)

    Or archery, or horse riding? More relevant to look at sports that have a more even base point I think.

    Irrelevant anyway, yes I'm sure even our youth teams will win against them
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