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Season Tickets - Suggestion for the club



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    Plaaayer said:
    4 more years of that service is painful 
    If the team does have a good season and crowds are around the same as Saturday, or even higher, then I suspect things will get a lot worse, rapidly. Too much needs to happen in that 15 minute window at half time and the concourses aren’t big enough to cope with the movement of fans and the static queues at the same time. 

    And just to add to the moans about Saturday, I got a coffee to take to my seat. The lids were too small for the cup so I had to walk around everybody on the packed concourse whilst carrying a scolding hot drink with no lid. I couldn’t have been the only one. That is one fcking nasty accident waiting to happen. 
    Old Trafford seemed to cope with 9,000+ Charlton fans. Plastic bottles of lager instead of the ridiculously slow pouring of pints seems an obvious answer.
    How many plastic bottles will get thrown on the pitch though?
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    Was great seeing so many in the ground Saturday and there must have been really decent match ticket sales to get it to that. 

    Why not try to capitalise on it, ahead of the next home game offer a discounted season ticket to all those that bought a full price match ticket for Saturday? Either by the price of the match ticket they paid, or by 1/23rd of the price? 

    I’ve no doubt most of those there were lapsed ST holders. We won’t get those match day sales consistently so let’s try and get as many on board while spirits are high after a win.

    What do others think? 
    Seems like you predicted the future here! 
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    Plaaayer said:
    4 more years of that service is painful 
    If the team does have a good season and crowds are around the same as Saturday, or even higher, then I suspect things will get a lot worse, rapidly. Too much needs to happen in that 15 minute window at half time and the concourses aren’t big enough to cope with the movement of fans and the static queues at the same time. 

    And just to add to the moans about Saturday, I got a coffee to take to my seat. The lids were too small for the cup so I had to walk around everybody on the packed concourse whilst carrying a scolding hot drink with no lid. I couldn’t have been the only one. That is one fcking nasty accident waiting to happen. 
    Old Trafford seemed to cope with 9,000+ Charlton fans. Plastic bottles of lager instead of the ridiculously slow pouring of pints seems an obvious answer.
    How many plastic bottles will get thrown on the pitch though?
    You wouldn't be able to take them away from the concourse. I didn't notice any bottles being thrown at OT.
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    Surely these suggestions should be taken forward by the Fans Forum or CAST if need be?
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    edited August 2023
    Plaaayer said:
    4 more years of that service is painful 
    If the team does have a good season and crowds are around the same as Saturday, or even higher, then I suspect things will get a lot worse, rapidly. Too much needs to happen in that 15 minute window at half time and the concourses aren’t big enough to cope with the movement of fans and the static queues at the same time. 

    And just to add to the moans about Saturday, I got a coffee to take to my seat. The lids were too small for the cup so I had to walk around everybody on the packed concourse whilst carrying a scolding hot drink with no lid. I couldn’t have been the only one. That is one fcking nasty accident waiting to happen. 
    Old Trafford seemed to cope with 9,000+ Charlton fans. Plastic bottles of lager instead of the ridiculously slow pouring of pints seems an obvious answer.
    How many plastic bottles will get thrown on the pitch though?
    You wouldn't be able to take them away from the concourse. I didn't notice any bottles being thrown at OT.
    There's been a few things thrown at players and officials at The Valley in the last few seasons.
    The most recent being the tomato ketchup squirted over the referee and then the ketchup bottle thrown at him.

    A couple of fans in separate incidents have been hit at the front of the Covered End by items thrown from the upper tier.

    Also, it's not difficult to hide a bottle inside a jacket/coat.
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    Well done Charlton 👏 
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    More than 6,000 match tickets were sold for the game .
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    Nice to see the club getting a lot of things right lately. It's been a long, long time.
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    clive said:
    More than 6,000 match tickets were sold for the game .
    No doubt it would have been even more if the either wasn't shite and trains were normal. Great numbers 👏 
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    shine166 said:
    clive said:
    More than 6,000 match tickets were sold for the game .
    No doubt it would have been even more if the either wasn't shite and trains were normal. Great numbers 👏 
    Same as the Derby game for the first home game of last season. Time will tell if those will keep going from now on 
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    bobmunro said:
    Great move - well done AFKA.

    Strange though - I got the email thanking me for attending and offering me the same deal. I'm already a ST holder!!
    Same here.
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    @AFKABartram - you should be on 10% lol
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    ButtleJR said:
    They clearly read charlton life. @AFKABartram great suggestion mate 👍
    They’ve done it every season for a long time. 
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    We (well the club!) need to be thinking about the future. Why not publicise the under 18 ticket more and get more teenagers in the ground. Be better for the atmosphere and hopefully the fan base moving forward.
    Target schools and place ads in the local free press in areas within reasonable travelling distance from the valley. 
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    801912601 said:
    We (well the club!) need to be thinking about the future. Why not publicise the under 18 ticket more and get more teenagers in the ground. Be better for the atmosphere and hopefully the fan base moving forward.
    Target schools and place ads in the local free press in areas within reasonable travelling distance from the valley. 
    Tbh, the best thing for getting youth on board, is success. If we didn't have the Premier league years, our numbers would have been awful the last few years. Its worth a shot, but you're are not going to convert many 17 year olds to be charlton fans. I'm pretty sure schools already get freebies.
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    @AFKABartram - you should be on 10% lol
    AFKA can’t claim the glory for this.

    The club were already one step ahead of him and offering what he proposed last week. People who had season tickets last year but haven’t renewed this year we’re sent this before the Orient game last week:

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    edited August 2023
    Well that’s really encouraging 👋👋

    Hope many of those who went Saturday consider it, we all want The Valley as full and buzzing like that regularly. We fans have a part to play too in reinvigorating our club
    Fair play mate. Pretty unbelievable that!
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    Plaaayer said:
    4 more years of that service is painful 
    If the team does have a good season and crowds are around the same as Saturday, or even higher, then I suspect things will get a lot worse, rapidly. Too much needs to happen in that 15 minute window at half time and the concourses aren’t big enough to cope with the movement of fans and the static queues at the same time. 

    And just to add to the moans about Saturday, I got a coffee to take to my seat. The lids were too small for the cup so I had to walk around everybody on the packed concourse whilst carrying a scolding hot drink with no lid. I couldn’t have been the only one. That is one fcking nasty accident waiting to happen. 
    Old Trafford seemed to cope with 9,000+ Charlton fans. Plastic bottles of lager instead of the ridiculously slow pouring of pints seems an obvious answer.
    It is a glaringly obvious thing to do, makes things quicker and then make more money.

    I would like to know why this is not implemented.
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    @AFKABartram - you should be on 10% lol
    Nah, I heard he's getting 20%
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    @AFKABartram, you've definitely taken a Charlton happy pill of late. You seem way more optimistic about the club than you've been (sounded) for some time?
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    why not have an app where you order and pay for half time drinks, food then go to a pick up point to save all the processing time 
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    barstool said:
    why not have an app where you order and pay for half time drinks, food then go to a pick up point to save all the processing time 
    Tbh, pre pooring beers and tapping a credit card is just as quick and one less thing to fuck up.
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    shine166 said:
    barstool said:
    why not have an app where you order and pay for half time drinks, food then go to a pick up point to save all the processing time 
    Tbh, pre pooring beers and tapping a credit card is just as quick and one less thing to fuck up.
    Then you get flat pints though, oh wait this is the north upper bar so no danger of a pint with any life in it anyway 
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    barstool said:
    why not have an app where you order and pay for half time drinks, food then go to a pick up point to save all the processing time 
    Absolute chaos, from day one fans will be paying for food and drink and it not materialising.
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