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Update on Pre-Match ticket pricing

edited August 2023 in General Charlton

Charlton supporters will be able to purchase match tickets at reduced prices up until an hour before kick-off, starting from Saturday’s game against Leyton Orient at The Valley.

A price increase put in place for the 2022/23 season meant that tickets went up in price by £3 for adults and £2 for concessions the day before a game.

Managing Director James Rodwell explained why the decision has been made to make the change: “We don’t want to penalise supporters who, because of work or other reasons beyond their control, aren’t able to make a decision on whether they can attend a Charlton game until the actual day of the fixture, which last season’s price increase did.”

The increase will remain in the final hour before kick-off. This is to help reduce the risk of long queues on matchdays.


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    Good first step that will no doubt add bums on seats tomorrow
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    Shame they didn’t announce it a little earlier, but the important thing it appears they listened to the complaints from the supporters, well done the club, hope it encourages more to come along.
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    Some sense at last 👏
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    About time and I'm glad they are listening. 
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    edited August 2023
    Shame they didn’t announce it a little earlier, but the important thing it appears they listened to the complaints from the supporters, well done the club, hope it encourages more to come along.
    Little earlier than the first home game of the season ?

    Great move by the club, absolutely nothing to complain about with this. 
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    Mange tout, what a plonker, no wonder they’re staring at us, I think they’ve all realised I forgot to buy a ticket before the price increase deadline.You need to push it back to an hour before kickoff Rodders.

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    👏👏 Good start
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    A very good signal and smart management. The extra beer and soft drink sales alone within that hour before kick off with sort out all that needs sorting without the sense of animosity created by the previous twonks.
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    shine166 said:
    Shame they didn’t announce it a little earlier, but the important thing it appears they listened to the complaints from the supporters, well done the club, hope it encourages more to come along.
    Little earlier than the first home game of the season ?

    Great move by the club, absolutely nothing to complain about with this. 
    Like yesterday, that all I meant.
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    Really good news - down with the Meire tax!
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    common sense has broken out in SE7, well done to whom ever concerned. 
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    Well I'm shocked common sense prevails.
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    edited August 2023
    Showing as tickets for the match no longer available for sale ?

    that’s one way of not charging fans extra I guess…
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    It’s a start that’s the main thing , never did agree with what Roland and Katrien ideas about football were.
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    edited August 2023
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    Showing as tickets for the match no longer available for sale ?

    that’s one way of not charging fans extra I guess…
    tickets available in most sections at the moment
    probably can't get them posted out to you at this stage
    probably have to print at home
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    Excellent news, well done Charlton.
    I'm a little surprised about the lack of comments (although it's a big positive so not altogether surprising).
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    Excellent news, well done Charlton.
    I'm a little surprised about the lack of comments (although it's a big positive so not altogether surprising).
    We'd be 5 pages deep if it was something people could moan about 
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    edited August 2023
    Excellent news, well done Charlton.
    I'm a little surprised about the lack of comments (although it's a big positive so not altogether surprising).
    Guess for quite a few it's not a huge issue but for me and others it's very good news. I never know if I can get to the game until the day due to personal circumstances. It never sat well if for that you get penalised. 
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    Excellent news, well done Charlton.
    I'm a little surprised about the lack of comments (although it's a big positive so not altogether surprising).
    Guess for quite a few it's not a huge issue but for me and others it's very good news. I never know if I can get to the game until the day due to personal circumstances. It never sat well if for that you get penalised. 
    Yeah, I can't see how it ever made more than it lost in walk-ups. They'd need a fan to go to more than 8 last minute decisions to make up for 1 they didn't go to because of the extra charge.
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    edited August 2023
    This is a real positive and fan-friendly move, well done Charlton 
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    This isn’t a real positive and fan-friendly move, well done Charlton 
    Hopefully you mean IS and not ISN'T??
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    Ha, silly iPad 
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    Great to see common sense being applied on this.
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