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STATBANK and Players Marks - IS BACK!

We have been running the Statbank for over 12 years and will continue this season which works in conjunction with the Players Marks. It case you have forgotten it works like this.

After each League or Cup game I put up a thread "Players Marks" which gives a list of our players involved in the match together with a closing time for marks to be included. Those players who have completed 30 minutes on the pitch are due a mark, those with less than 30 minutes can also be marked but they won't be included in the statistics. You are asked to mark each player with a mark between 0.5 and 10.0, you may also write a short remark on the player's performance. There is also the ability to mark the referee's performance.
After closure of the marks thread the Statbank is published which gives details of the average mark for each eligible  player and the referee together with other stats from the match. 
At the season end all League match marks are averaged to give a set of overall statistics on each player.

Last season I was asked to reduce the eligible time from 30 to 20 minutes. After discussion I have returned to a minimum of 30 minutes but you now have the option to give ineligable  players a mark which I will average but not include in the match stats but will show them in the accompanying thread.

Please do not comment on other Lifers marks, we all have our own way of marking and I ask that you respect each person's individuality.


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    Yes, much appreciated.
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    Thanks LL, always great to read 
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    Always look forward to this after every game, especially as I very rarely get to see them live, and when every comment is averaged out it gives me a clear idea how everyone played
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    Always great to see and participate in. I wonder which player has received the highest average over a season in the past 12 years?
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    Me too. Always look forward to what fans though and the average. 
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    Thanks LL. A great resource. 
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    Thanks ll.  Your column and the match previews are my two “must reads”. As an outsider in that I never submit scores am I allowed to suggest marks also for the Manager.  This would reflect on his strategies, formations, substitutions etc.  

    Just a thought.  I thoroughly enjoy lifers’ marks and comments.
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    Along with the Admins your dedication is greatly appreciated, keep up the good work! Thanks.
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    Thanks ll.  Your column and the match previews are my two “must reads”. As an outsider in that I never submit scores am I allowed to suggest marks also for the Manager.  This would reflect on his strategies, formations, substitutions etc.  

    Just a thought.  I thoroughly enjoy lifers’ marks and comments.
    Sorry but no, by allowing marks of players who have played less than 30 minutes the workload is already increased, this would be one mark too far.
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    Have you given Dean a dossier on last season’s performances? Great work, LL.
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    I do sometimes wonder if anyone at the club read our stats
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    Thanks ll.  Your column and the match previews are my two “must reads”. As an outsider in that I never submit scores am I allowed to suggest marks also for the Manager.  This would reflect on his strategies, formations, substitutions etc.  

    Just a thought.  I thoroughly enjoy lifers’ marks and comments.
    Sorry but no, by allowing marks of players who have played less than 30 minutes the workload is already increased, this would be one mark too far.
    Totally understand.  Thanks Lancashire Lad.
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