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Colin Cameron book Home and Away 1920 -2004

Well with the football season kicking off this Saturday against Orient I am looking for Charlton fans who have an interest in the history of the club. 

I know a good friend who is attending this Saturday and is looking to pass on mint condition Home and Away books by Colin Cameron. Anyone who has missed out on this book before, now is your chance to obtain one free of charge. We have a limited number, so it’s first come first serve. 

You must be able to pick up in person this Saturday or any other given home game. If interested please give me inbox message and I will get back to with details of how to pick up. 


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    I have a signed copy sitting in my garage 
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    Great book, well worth getting a copy for anyone that is interested in our history, and/or a stat/fact nerd. Have a copy sitting on the top shelf on our bookcase (only shelf it fits on, it's pretty big)
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    Sure he did one earlier than that, which i subscribed too. Great reading it and settling some arguments over the years.
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    He did

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    I’ve got the earlier version, didn’t know there was an updated one 
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    Great book.  Such a shame it finished when it did 
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    It would be my desert island book. 
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    @tajaddick look in your inbox. 

    Left message for you.
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    I have inboxed the people who wanted the book and you can pick up book at that location.

    Still have afew more books left. So anyone else wanting one send me a message via inbox for details.
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    Doesn't "Rick" want it anymore?
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    Sorry @Off_it don’t understand your message.

    I have Home and Away books I would like to pass on to people who missed out first time. 
    The book was written by Colin Cameron.

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    Read the 7-6 at my Dad's funeral
    Wonderful book - an essential 
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    Hopefully you picked up your books today guys. If you didn’t inbox me , I will get an answer for you re later date.
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