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Is this year our year?



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    edited July 2023
    As someone else said we need to assess the squad and the opposition after 10 games. Still a couple of strikers short if you discount Aneke.

    Obvious threats are Derby, Barnsley, Blackpool, Bolton and Pompey. Posh, Oxford and Wyconbe will be in and around it I should imagine. Still a tough league tbh but far weaker than !last season.
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    Presently I fancy us for the top 6 and have backed us accordingly.
    I'm 99% certain we'll be top half and have backed us accordingly.
    I think we have a less than 50% chance of promotion and have backed that as well.
    If we continue to strengthen and I'm confident we will, it should look even better.
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    shirty5 said:
    Need to continue with the amount of goals scored as per last season but defensively we conceded far too many and I’m not sure we have done enough so far to rectify that if we want to push for a minimum of a top 6 finish 

    Plus players that can play 35 or more league starts to get that consistency needed.

    Last season as shown below showed that up

    Dobson - 44
    Fraser - 41
    Rak-Sakyi - 40
    Inniss - 36
    Clare - 34
    Sessegnon - 27
    Maynard-Brewer - 26
    Morgan - 24
    Stockley - 20
    Blackett-Taylor - 19
    I have been going on about this for a few seasons now but there is a caveat which hasn't applied to us before. Maybe it still doesn't but those numbers mean less when you are head and shoulders above your opponents. I think there is a possibility we could be. I am certainly not in my usual panic mode at this stage.
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    Maybe, can I call a rain check and confirm December?
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    edited July 2023
    shirty5 said:
    Need to continue with the amount of goals scored as per last season but defensively we conceded far too many and I’m not sure we have done enough so far to rectify that if we want to push for a minimum of a top 6 finish 

    Plus players that can play 35 or more league starts to get that consistency needed.

    Last season as shown below showed that up

    Dobson - 44
    Fraser - 41
    Rak-Sakyi - 40
    Inniss - 36
    Clare - 34
    Sessegnon - 27
    Maynard-Brewer - 26
    Morgan - 24
    Stockley - 20
    Blackett-Taylor - 19

    Interesting point. These are the stats for our new signings:
    Isted – 19
    Jones – 36
    May – 39
    Camara – 1
    Edun – 8
    Taylor - 26
    Obviously, there are various reasons why some of those players didn't make many league starts.
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    Gonna be a tough season with some decent clubs all with aspirations of promotion. We have chance though and play offs really should be the minimum we aspire to. Feeling a lot more positive this season than the last few.
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    Be lucky to make top half
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    Maybe, can I call a rain check and confirm December?
    Give it 15 games then start talking.
    Do any of us REALLY know the abilities of the players coming in?  Having said that it is good to see we are recruiting in advance of the season.
    PS, It'll all end in tears. Sorry.
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    Maybe, can I call a rain check and confirm December?
    Give it 15 games then start talking.
    Do any of us REALLY know the abilities of the players coming in?  Having said that it is good to see we are recruiting in advance of the season.
    PS, It'll all end in tears. Sorry.
    It will for you as you're going to miss our promotion charge  :D
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    edited July 2023
    Maybe, can I call a rain check and confirm December?
    Give it 15 games then start talking.
    Do any of us REALLY know the abilities of the players coming in?  Having said that it is good to see we are recruiting in advance of the season.
    PS, It'll all end in tears. Sorry.
    It will for you as you're going to miss our promotion charge  :D

    I'm over for Exeter away and Barnsley at home.
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    There’s still work to do. I still have a niggling doubt that we’re getting a little bit carried away with some of the individual preseason performances - such as Asiimwe, Deji and Anderson. I’m confident in midfield, but we still need a couple of defenders and a couple of attacking players. 

    I just don’t want us falling into the trap of having a strong 14/15 core with the absence of 3/4 decent back ups. Hopefully our injury record will pick up but we’ve still got to cover the possibility we get unlucky. 
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    edited July 2023
    Rothko said:
    Istead looked a bit shaky with his feet, but nothing else looked concerning to me 
    Not even the one that went through him and nearly dribbled over the line? 
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    I'd be more optimistic if we had built on previous seasons of being top six.
    This has not been the case, so I'll side with @oohaahmortimer we have been in this division for too many years and the Curbs years are a distant memory.
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    I think Bolton and Derby will be way too strong for us. We've made good signings but I think the squad still needs work. 
    We have some very talented wingers but they aren't great at defending so if we persist with a 3-5-2 it'll be interesting to see how involved they are.
    I still think even top 6 is a stretch for us but with how weak the league is, you never know
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    I'm not sure we've done enough to our defence for this to be our year yet. We're changing shape completely and setting ourselves up to not be able to effectively change it back until January if it's not working. We had absolutely no problems scoring last season but conceded a ridiculous number of goals. Playing an extra CB and beefing up our midfield with Camara and Taylor should hopefully help but we're putting a lot of faith in Hector, Ness and Jones and then really hoping they stay fit for 46 games each. We're also relying on Egbo at RWB who was injured for almost all of last season and could have lost the momentum he picked up at Swindon, and Asiimwe who is very raw.  I'd be more comfortable if we brought in another proper first team CB to challenge the other three and a RWB to play ahead of Egbo as well as a first team striker to compete with May and Leaburn. Plenty of time left in the window and plenty of loan spots left so that could still happen but I'm still a bit nervous about the backline.
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    About the ability to change shape from 352 - in CBT and Campbell we have quality wing options to switch to a threatening plan B, eh!
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    About the ability to change shape from 352 - in CBT and Campbell we have quality wing options to switch to a threatening plan B, eh!
    In-game yes, absolutely. But what about if we can't pull off the 352 and decide we need to abandon the shape completely 5 games in? CBT and Campbell, both of whom prefer to play on the left, are an option as wingers, but CBT is injury-prone and Campbell is young. At the moment we have Kirk, who has never impressed on the wing, DJ who surely will be going but isn't anywhere near good enough and Payne, who is a 10 really. There's a huge difference between being able to change the shape here and there and having a squad to play a certain way for months at a time. I'd be happy enough with CBT and Campbell there but if one gets injured or loses form there's no-one else to take their place and we're a bit stuck until we can recruit more wingers in January. That's where the risk lies 
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    Looking at the odds and some of the teams with lower odds than us of going up, Derby have brought in Washington, Blackpool Morgan and Barnsley can't put a team out!!!!
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    I'm always optimistic at the start of every season, like most fans are, I imagine we will be promoted by Christmas. New owners, 6 new signings so far, new management team, get off to a good start and we will piss this league.
    Reality normally kicks in about the same time as the weather cooling down, about mid October. Until then its our year. 
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    There's a bit of work to be done with our squad to go - we need another striker and one or two players need to be shifted on. 

    League One doesn't look as strong as it was last year and two of the teams that were relegated from the Championship, Wigan and Reading, have been in financial bother. Wigan have just lost Jack Whatmough and Jamie McGrath who have left the club on frees, destination as yet unknown. Reading are having trouble paying some tax bills and have yet another transfer embargo imposed on them. Barnsley couldn't afford to compete with us over Harry Isted and are lacking money. Peterborough are selling off some players like Jonson Clarke-Harris while they still have some value. That leaves Derby, Bolton, Pompey as clubs who look well organised and who have recruited well. There's always a wild card in L1 - in the sense of I never saw them being contenders - add Charlton into the mix and you have a top six. 

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    FSLN1 said:
    There's a bit of work to be done with our squad to go - we need another striker and one or two players need to be shifted on. 

    League One doesn't look as strong as it was last year and two of the teams that were relegated from the Championship, Wigan and Reading, have been in financial bother. Wigan have just lost Jack Whatmough and Jamie McGrath who have left the club on frees, destination as yet unknown. Reading are having trouble paying some tax bills and have yet another transfer embargo imposed on them. Barnsley couldn't afford to compete with us over Harry Isted and are lacking money. Peterborough are selling off some players like Jonson Clarke-Harris while they still have some value. That leaves Derby, Bolton, Pompey as clubs who look well organised and who have recruited well. There's always a wild card in L1 - in the sense of I never saw them being contenders - add Charlton into the mix and you have a top six. 

    Pompey have brought in a lot of players who we wouldn't be too excited about if we got them.
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    Get another striker in, get a bit luckier with injuries than we have been, and I reckon top 6. I think that midfield, whilst overstocked, is going to be devastating. I think May, Leaburn and one of similar quality will be enough. The wingbacks will ship some goals, but that’s the price you pay, and they're decent enough, and I have no real issues with the keepers. I have a concern that beyond our first choice CB's Jones, Hector and Ness, I don’t rate the back-ups that highly: Thomas was a better LB last year, Mitchell and Deji are too green for me, without the 2 months of excellence that Ness showed. I'm predicting us to finish 4th. Done. 
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    Certainly hope so.

    The new sky agreement with the efl kicks in in 2024/25. That will be worth 46% more to Championship clubs than this coming season.

    So if we go up, the new deal will be worth even more to us as we will only receive league 1 funding this year from sky.
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    Must sign another decent striker before the season starts

    we can’t afford to be 5 games in and 8/9 points off the pace

    start well and I think we’ll have great momentum and a great season 
    The pace for promotion is surely two points per game so to be 8-9 off it after five would mean we’d have to have a real shocker of a start.

    We definitely do need a striker in, but if it takes a couple of weeks to get the right one, I’m ok with that.

    For example it took us a few weeks last year for Rak-Sakyi to arrive. And over the whole season, we were far better for waiting on him than jumping at the first option just because they were available in July.
    ‘Ahem’ !!
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    Must sign another decent striker before the season starts

    we can’t afford to be 5 games in and 8/9 points off the pace

    start well and I think we’ll have great momentum and a great season 
    The pace for promotion is surely two points per game so to be 8-9 off it after five would mean we’d have to have a real shocker of a start.

    We definitely do need a striker in, but if it takes a couple of weeks to get the right one, I’m ok with that.

    For example it took us a few weeks last year for Rak-Sakyi to arrive. And over the whole season, we were far better for waiting on him than jumping at the first option just because they were available in July.
    ‘Ahem’ !!
    We’re only seven points off the playoffs!
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    IAgree said:
    Er no
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    To implode, yes.
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