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Just Stop Oil protestors.....



  • Major said:
    There's a heatwave in S. Europe. Happened many times before and will happen again.  Media seem to enjoy promoting hysteria. If it's a Climate Catastrophe, why isn't it universal?
    Weather in UK today,-35.63964843750001%5D,%5B63.7630651860291,27.641601562500004%5D%5D

    Just to add. I understand people have genuine concerns and I am in no way mocking how they feel.

    The only thing I mock is the JSO tactics that disrupt people going about their lawful business. Ceertainly not helping their 'cause'.
    Phew.  Crisis averted 

    I last posted 3 days ago. I wonder how many new coal mines that means so far...

    But yeah let's all pretend the issue is to be fought here.
  • PaddyP17 said:
    Here's the thing with stuff like this. Bigstemarra can post 3 quick links and I then spend a good 45 minutes writing a post to analyse them, or rebut them. And the conversation moves on.

    He'll use powerful rhetoric to convince people that he is right. And it'll be deliberately ambiguous e.g. "BLM is a capitalist conspiracy", where he's referring to the organisation set up by Cullors et al. People will take this to mean that "the social movement that promotes black lives as mattering equally is a conspiracy", and BS won't deny that, or clarify it, I guess.

    So, it's really clever stuff to be fair. I'm going to continue to disagree and respond where I can, though. But it's so hard to do this bit, when the easy bit of using florid language and posting "sources" from sites with agendas takes barely any time.
    This is very well put, Paddy.

    Additionally... let's move the conversation back to JSO?
  • Jonniesta said:
    Think this has gone for biggest diversion of the year from OP award... wasn't this about oil protests and environmental concerns? 
    agree but no it wasn't even about environmental concerns, just about them messing up peoples everyday lives.
    It's no surprise that people will want to discuss what motivates JSO protesters though when not everyone agrees that human activity causes (contributes to) climate change.

    I welcome contributions made here that take it back to environmental concerns and think a discussion on them has been long overdue given what the f*** is going on. It concerns everyone and most of us have a view on it.

  • Not sure I welcome that one 🤣
  • Quorn is made from mushrooms.

    So half a bag of Quorn mince. About £1
    Half a tin of chopped tomatoes 50p
    One large potato and one large carrot cooked and mashed. 50p
    A small cup of frozen peas 30p.
    Flavours to taste ( like crushed chillies, or a glob of marmite, or some paprika, soy sauce, ground black pepper, whatever takes your fancy 20p)
    Some lightly cooked or raw veg like cauli or broccoli…optional as an add on)
    Cook that up (using gas or electricity would be the downside, maybe make a little fire pit out of gleaned twigs or branches of dead wood).

    You would get a decent shepherds pie for a couple of people out of that for no more that £1.50 each I reckon.

    Even more choice of ingredients if you grow your own stuff, and cheaper.

    So that is one suggestion (not for everybody I imagine) where an individual feeling helpless in the face of what seems an overwhelming problem can make a tiny bit of a contribution in helping the climate.

    It seems to me something people could try, instead of not bothering because supposedly the planet is being killed off by China or wherever.

    There you have it, something positive and practical that might help a little bit.
  • seth plum said:
    Quorn is made from mushrooms.

    So half a bag of Quorn mince. About £1
    Half a tin of chopped tomatoes 50p
    One large potato and one large carrot cooked and mashed. 50p
    A small cup of frozen peas 30p.
    Flavours to taste ( like crushed chillies, or a glob of marmite, or some paprika, soy sauce, ground black pepper, whatever takes your fancy 20p)
    Some lightly cooked or raw veg like cauli or broccoli…optional as an add on)
    Cook that up (using gas or electricity would be the downside, maybe make a little fire pit out of gleaned twigs or branches of dead wood).

    You would get a decent shepherds pie for a couple of people out of that for no more that £1.50 each I reckon.

    Even more choice of ingredients if you grow your own stuff, and cheaper.

    So that is one suggestion (not for everybody I imagine) where an individual feeling helpless in the face of what seems an overwhelming problem can make a tiny bit of a contribution in helping the climate.

    It seems to me something people could try, instead of not bothering because supposedly the planet is being killed off by China or wherever.

    There you have it, something positive and practical that might help a little bit.
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  • edited July 2023
    I don't personally agree with the sentiment of this piece because it downplays the significance of the cause JSO are fighting for, and Rahm himself isn't quoted there as saying anything about it, but I've linked it due to it's relevance.

     furious motorist punches and kicks a Just Stop Oil protestor

  • edited November 2023
    What a c***
  • clive said:

     furious motorist punches and kicks a Just Stop Oil protestor

    Love it - if you could guarantee not getting nicked, would do it myself in same situation

    I would justify it by explaining it is direct action against the cause of the traffic jam, after attempts to discuss the situation with the leaders of JSO led to no change.
  • So one of their mates gets beaten up, and the rest of them just carry on as if nothing happened.

    Some will call it perseverance, but to me that’s just bloody weird.
  • A lot of people insist on getting married in a Christian church, and Jesus said ‘turn the other cheek’. I assume the people who have church weddings agree with that and they’re not hypocrites.
  • MrOneLung said:
    clive said:

     furious motorist punches and kicks a Just Stop Oil protestor

    Love it - if you could guarantee not getting nicked, would do it myself in same situation

    I would justify it by explaining it is direct action against the cause of the traffic jam, after attempts to discuss the situation with the leaders of JSO led to no change.
    So you'd like to live in a society where someone can physically assault anyone inconveniencing them without fear of prosecution? I'm not sure you're in the majority on here and I know I wouldn't.
  • The bloke taking his coat off to run away 🤣🤣🤣
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  • The bloke taking his coat off to run away 🤣🤣🤣
    Seemed to me that he was going to put it on the road before realising the road was wet!

    Doubt he would run away when the person who got cheap shooted and kicked stood straight back up and looks to be at least 50.
  • swordfish said:
    MrOneLung said:
    clive said:

     furious motorist punches and kicks a Just Stop Oil protestor

    Love it - if you could guarantee not getting nicked, would do it myself in same situation

    I would justify it by explaining it is direct action against the cause of the traffic jam, after attempts to discuss the situation with the leaders of JSO led to no change.
    So you'd like to live in a society where someone can physically assault anyone inconveniencing them without fear of prosecution? I'm not sure you're in the majority on here and I know I wouldn't.
    I didnt say that

    Although I would want to live in a society where people cannot disrupt peoples ability to earn a living
  • If the police we're to do their job and move the JSO  people off the road then situations like this would be avoided. 
    If that was a group of football supporters the old bill would come in very heavy handed but for some reason this lot are given a free pass.
    I don't agree with the bloke doing what he done but if the police refuse to do their job don't be surprised to see things like this more often. 
    Football fans slow down traffic across pretty much every town/city centre across the country every Saturday. That's just your average fan in the crowds, not even counting a large police escort that gets slowly marched down the middle of a road towards the ground.
  • MrOneLung said:
    swordfish said:
    MrOneLung said:
    clive said:

     furious motorist punches and kicks a Just Stop Oil protestor

    Love it - if you could guarantee not getting nicked, would do it myself in same situation

    I would justify it by explaining it is direct action against the cause of the traffic jam, after attempts to discuss the situation with the leaders of JSO led to no change.
    So you'd like to live in a society where someone can physically assault anyone inconveniencing them without fear of prosecution? I'm not sure you're in the majority on here and I know I wouldn't.
    I didnt say that

    Although I would want to live in a society where people cannot disrupt peoples ability to earn a living
    Apologies if I misrepresented your view.
  • edited July 2023
    Pretty horrible stuff, what I found odd is the bloke and his Mrs were in the car on the opposite side of the road, that was moving. Looks like he’s tried to cut across and didn’t see the van which has hit him. Maybe the JSO lot caused it by distracting him, but he was the one blocking traffic on the other side. Unless I’m  being totally daft. 

    Didn’t know people still did the whole jacket off, hold me back kind of thing. Took me back to my youth. 
  • Croydon said:
    If the police we're to do their job and move the JSO  people off the road then situations like this would be avoided. 
    If that was a group of football supporters the old bill would come in very heavy handed but for some reason this lot are given a free pass.
    I don't agree with the bloke doing what he done but if the police refuse to do their job don't be surprised to see things like this more often. 
    Football fans slow down traffic across pretty much every town/city centre across the country every Saturday. That's just your average fan in the crowds, not even counting a large police escort that gets slowly marched down the middle of a road towards the ground.
    The same could be said for any event that has a large crowd. 
    Pop concerts etc.
    But the difference is that it is not being done deliberately. 
  • edited July 2023
    Croydon said:
    If the police we're to do their job and move the JSO  people off the road then situations like this would be avoided. 
    If that was a group of football supporters the old bill would come in very heavy handed but for some reason this lot are given a free pass.
    I don't agree with the bloke doing what he done but if the police refuse to do their job don't be surprised to see things like this more often. 
    Football fans slow down traffic across pretty much every town/city centre across the country every Saturday. That's just your average fan in the crowds, not even counting a large police escort that gets slowly marched down the middle of a road towards the ground.
    The same could be said for any event that has a large crowd. 
    Pop concerts etc.
    But the difference is that it is not being done deliberately. 
    Could argue the more 'ultra' themed groups do it deliberately. The large European groups that come over for CL matches or even the wannabe groups like Ashburton Army or Union Bears. Fact is the police don't steamroll into them for being in the road.
  • Croydon said:
    Croydon said:
    If the police we're to do their job and move the JSO  people off the road then situations like this would be avoided. 
    If that was a group of football supporters the old bill would come in very heavy handed but for some reason this lot are given a free pass.
    I don't agree with the bloke doing what he done but if the police refuse to do their job don't be surprised to see things like this more often. 
    Football fans slow down traffic across pretty much every town/city centre across the country every Saturday. That's just your average fan in the crowds, not even counting a large police escort that gets slowly marched down the middle of a road towards the ground.
    The same could be said for any event that has a large crowd. 
    Pop concerts etc.
    But the difference is that it is not being done deliberately. 
    Could argue the more 'ultra' themed groups do it deliberately. The large European groups that come over for CL matches or even the wannabe groups like Ashburton Army or Union Bears. Fact is the police don't steamroll into them for being in the road.
    But you are using as an example an event where tens of thousands of people are turning up to watch a sporting event. 
    There is bound to be some disruption to traffic in these circumstances. 
    I don't really see this as a fair comparison to a dozen or so people deliberately spreading themselves across a road to cause as much inconvenience as they can deliberately. 
  • The police aside, this is the problem with people reacting to JSO.  For some reason, people have got it into their heads that they get a free pass when it comes to taking the law into their own hands.  You don’t agree with their actions and find it an inconvenience, so what?  I hope the guy gets done by the police and a charge is brought against him.  What a tough guy going after someone who’s simply holding a banner blocking traffic 
This discussion has been closed.

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