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Valiant House Residents


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    Nearly bought a flat in that building about 5 years ago but was advised against it at the time due to a suggestion by a mortgage advisor that it might struggle to get a mortgage in years to come.

    View from the kitchen on the 7th floor overlooking the ground was breathtaking in the flesh.
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    I remember watching from there in the 70’s before the stand was built. Good view of both goals.
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    It didn't look to me like a couple of those pictures were of our ground, then I realised it's just the top tier of the Covered End you can see in the background. 

    Agree with the woman who said its "not fair" to the residents though. I mean, imagine living in that peaceful and tranquil tower block and waking up one morning to find someone's built a 27,000 capacity football stadium outside your window overnight. "Not fair" indeed.
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    Got to laugh at those complaining about the noise, place has been like a morgue for the last few seasons 
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    Got to laugh at those complaining about the noise, place has been like a morgue for the last few seasons 
    The poor sods also have to listen to Addicks to Victory every game
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