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The Bromley Boys

Please feel free to ignore and/or send some flak in my direction but have just read that a 2018 film thus entitled will be available on Netflix from next Tuesday. Pretty sure that most Lifers will already be aware of this gem.
Allegedly a comedy although the review states " The jokes don't always land but the film neatly captures the awkwardness of adolescence"...

For anyone remotely interested the film is about a misfit suburban teen who follows Bromley FC in 1969-70, it's worst ever season.

Enjoy, or maybe not !


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    Might be worth a watch...not many details on IMDB.
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    its not a bad film, I enjoyed it
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    One of my old golfing buddies at Dartford, Alan Soper, was the real life goalkeeper portrayed in the movie. He speaks quite highly of it. Reasonably accurate with a bit of dramatic license. He notes that he is about a foot taller and considerably better looking that the actor who portrays  him. 🤣
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    I thought the film was on a BBC1 level of safe sofa dross, being neither funny or believable.
    The book is far better.
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    I will watch it
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    PopIcon said:
    I thought the film was on a BBC1 level of safe sofa dross, being neither funny or believable.
    The book is far better.
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    stonemuse said:
    PopIcon said:
    I thought the film was on a BBC1 level of safe sofa dross, being neither funny or believable.
    The book is far better.

    Stopped watching after 30 minutes, it could have got better, apologies if it did.  I had not idea it was considered a comedy until now.  

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    I enjoyed it, escapist fun. 
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    Read the book - captures the spirit and soul of footie and in particular outlines hilariously the agony we seem willing to suffer when supporting a team that always disappoints .
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    I knew a few of the boys who followed Bromley back in the day.
    This film bears no resemblance to any of them.
    Not a film I enjoyed  
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    Shame the film had to sex up the ending. The reality in the book  was better
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    Shame the film had to sex up the ending. The reality in the book  was better
    You don't say they had sex in the middle of the pitch as I believe is all the rage nowadays.
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    edited June 2023
    clive said:
    Ah, thanks, clive.

    Not surprised it's been mentioned before.

    TBH, I'm looking for anything that keeps me away from following the Battle of the Spitfires at Canterbury today ! 
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    edited June 2023
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    I have seen it twice, it's great and captures, the real heart ache of being a supporter. The feeling we only know so well.
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    The book is excellent, but dipping into the film yesterday I noticed it was filmed at Crockenhill FC, one of my old venues when I was a referee.
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    Where players wore shinpads, in the Sunday leagues I put a copy (yes it was thin and flexible) down the front of my socks. If a player wished to argue I would whip out the laws of football and invite them to show me where I’d got it wrong.
    I found having a loud voice and yelling ‘play on’, plus a decisive whistle technique😉 was a big bonus, and keeping up with play and giving ‘eight yard’ decisions was a good idea because I would be closer to the incident than most of the players.
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    I just watched it and was thinking the whole time, that really looks like Crockenhill FC! I knew it! I live very local and drive by Crockenhill FC regularly. 

    The film was pretty good for what would appear to be a low budget production. Light hearted and easy watch. 
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    I watched it last night.
    Wasn't expecting too much after the comments but I really enjoyed it.
    Laughed a bit, especially when Rav from Crimewatch rocked up in the old Panda car lol
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    Going to watch it this weekend. Looking forward to it having spent 5 years in Bromley Common from the age of 13-18 and used to cycle to the ground. Approaching 50 now so seems an age ago!
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    I watched it last night.
    Wasn't expecting too much after the comments but I really enjoyed it.
    Laughed a bit, especially when Rav from Crimewatch rocked up in the old Panda car lol
    Read the book. It is much much better than the film.
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    Watched it over the weekend. Really enjoyed it.  :)

    Thanks for the recommendation @Fanny Fanackapan.
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    Watched it over the weekend. Really enjoyed it.  :)

    Thanks for the recommendation @Fanny Fanackapan.
    You're welcome ! 

    ( We haven't watched it yet....) 
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    Watched it yesterday and I was a good easy watch 
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    Watched it last week, not because of this thread, just happened upon it.
    Had some good moments, fair to middling 
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    I was just searching for films to watch on Netflix and have come across this film and so I am watching it right now. 
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