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How did Dean Holden do?



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    Agree with those saying that no manager could have taken over when he did and got us in the playoffs. He’d have needed top of the table form right from the off, never going to happen.

    Think that game summed us up completely. Likely to score, prone to defensive lapses and as such extremely unlikely to keep clean sheets and simply not currently good enough to be in the play off spots next season.

    Dean has done a really good job with the tools given and I hope he’s allowed to use better tools next year 👍
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    Not impressed IMO we need better if we are going to get out of this league 
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    Thanks Naby Sarr.
    I can't agree we would have ended up similar under Garner.
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    I'll start to believe in him when he stops our players fart-arseing around passing back and side and back and side and then finally booting it forward. And when he forbids players from getting a throw in in the opposition's half and sending it back to someone who then passes it back to the goalie. Until then.....
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    edited May 2023

    How did Dean Holden do?

    He finished 10th. 
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    Out of 10:

    Character 10
    Man management 9
    Communications 7
    Fan engagement 8
    Tactical ability 6
    "In game" decision making (formation, tactics, subs) 6
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    Davo55 said:
    Out of 10:

    Character 10
    Man management 9
    Communications 7
    Fan engagement 8
    Tactical ability 6
    "In game" decision making (formation, tactics, subs) 6
    I think that's a bit harsh.
    What's wrong with his communication?
    Plus it's hard to be great tactically, with a load of shite on the bench.
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    I wouldn't see a 7 as something "wrong"; just not as impressive as other aspects of his management IMO. If I were to try to pin it down, I'd say his press conferences and interviews are a bit too predictable and he might usefully adopt a more dynamic style - but I don't think he's bad at comms at all.
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    Our defense is as bad now as when he come  still lack of communication between them that cost us first thing a good manager would have sorted out 
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    We were only going one way with Garner... and it wasn't improving. That said, he had dross at his disposal after being promised better, so I feel for him. Holden has us playing some good stuff, we're very dangerous attacking, and he's used youngsters far better than Garner. It's a mych better fit for us. BUT, the only period where we've looked solid at the back was when Ness was playing CB (with Inniss, to be fair), and that's where the squad overhaul is required, that's where I would be happy to see them all shipped out (barring Ness and Mitchell), and start again. The defence isn't good enough.

    8/10 for me for Holden. 
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    Jac_52 said:
    Wellred said:
    Not impressed IMO we need better if we are going to get out of this league 

    In fairness I wasn't impressed with Chris Powell when he took over. We had some awful performances but during those performances he obviously managed to see what he wanted for the next season and we all know what happened then.

    Not suggesting Holden can repeat the trick but I'm happy to see him given a chance to show what he can do with a full preseason and hopefully some new players who can consistently do what he wants.
    Well he won't be going anywhere fast so let's hope for all our sake I am wrong & he will come good 
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    8/10 for all manner of reasons, but as a former defender hope he can tighten it up at the back next season with new players and more discipline. With the right backing think he will get a proper tune out of us 
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    He has said he made mistakes. Key is support and having resources to do the job. Will he get that next season? I am sure he doesn't mind a challenge but he needs some odds.
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    se9addick said:
    I think I would give him a B overall. We were a real state when he came in, relegation felt like a possibility (not a probability, but still). He’s had to contend with some major failings in the quality of the playing squad that are not of his making. 

    I don’t think he’s the second coming of Curbs, but so far I think he’s a decent manager. I’m happy for him to be in charge at the start of next season.

    I have been pleased with our end of season when there was nothing to play for, that was probably more of a test for Holden than when he came in and pulled us from the relegation worries.
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    I'd say pretty well after inheriting a team of average players from a worse manager. 

    Pleased he's staying for stability firstly and that how much he wants to do well here. Connected with the fans which has been lacking on a non-playing staff level for a while now! 
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    Solid B from me.  Hopefully he's backed to build a squad of his own , comes across as a top guy off the field too. 

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    shirty5 said:
    Alll this he gets us is  total bollocks.

    If he was at any other football club he would have not done anything different, so all this all gets us bollocks is a load of old shit.

    He does it cause he’s a decent man with a good character. What you see is what you get. No hairs no graces. Just a man who will work hard to the best of his ability, 

    Beautifully put.
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    edited May 2023
    Shit team. Car crash club with 15 years of failure behind us. He's done OK.
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    He's done ok, personally think we need a bit better and he was fortunate with having one of the best forwards in his league with JRS and maybe even Leaburn at his disposal,

    Seems like he is a good character and won't allow any chancers in the team. 

    The concern is the results against the big teams in the league, we rolled over completely, so it's a question mark for me.

    I'll say this much, if he stays I ain't bothered if he goes I ain't bothered. I don't see us getting a better manager and that's all there is to it
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    He deserves a chance with a squad of his players and needs to be backed and I like him but I’m not convinced he is the answer.
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    Nice bloke done well 7 out of 10. Did he have any input into the January recruitment, that would mark him down, he admits tactics is not his strength so needs to bringing in support to advise, a Pound land Don Howe!

    Closest we have had to a Curbs like personality, a bit "highs never too high and lows never too low".

    Unlike Garner tried to understand the club and fans, Garner at the fans meeting said he did notvreally know about the club history.

    Looks like he has a foundation from which to move forward next season but we said the same about Atkins.
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    edited May 2023

    If his brief was to simply keep us out of the relegation mire, then job done. I don't think that was the main reason for Garner's departure in early December though, albeit by the time DH took over the reins in late December relegation was looking more of a possibility.

    I was actually a little more worried by the turn of Feb ( even though results had picked up) because of the transfer business. But Holden said he was happy with the window, and whilst most who came in have had limited success, those he wanted out have not been missed at all. With the exception of Mcgrandles I don't think any will return.

    Whilst i also welcome him publicising his no dickheads policy and for his generosity in the royal oak, let's be straight it's not exactly been promotion form since he took over. So let's just see how far he can take us as the current off field instability lingers on.
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    Holden’s first game was Peterborough (H) on Boxing Day.

    Before that game, we were 18th on 24 points from 21 games. Four points above relegation and ten points behind the top six. 1.14 points per game.

    Ended the season in 10th on 62 points from 46. Seventeen points above relegation and fifteen behind the top six. We obtained 1.52 points per game from his 25 in charge.

    A couple of key points to the PPG for Garner and Holden.

    - was pretty hamstrung I'd say by needing to have Stockley as the focal point of a 4-3-3. I think at the start of the season it would have been untenable to drop Stockley (especially for Leaburn), as our captain and 1 of the highest paid players. And 4-3-3 was what we had planned for. With this problem, it was always destined to fail.

    - by the time he came in, Stockley's position had weakened considerably due to a goal scoring drought, so dropping him was feasible. We were much better with a pacy front 3.
    - for the last third of the season we've not had anything to play for. I'd like to think we would have eaked out a few more points if we were still in the playoff hunt like the teams were that were above us.

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