Other than assistance dogs, no I don’t! If they were would I take mine in? No, I wouldn’t! But to blame dogs in any behaviour is also wrong, 99.9% of issues lie at the other end of the lead. We put dogs in a situation/place then they get the blame when it goes tits up.
Saying that if there’s a seat empty next to Keohane I’m taking my three in next season, Bow knows I don’t like him 😂
If we ever get to play the spanners again I'd allow dogs in for the day, pit bulls and mastiffs only, then let them off the leads directed to the away end.
Other than assistance dogs, no I don’t! If they were would I take mine in? No, I wouldn’t! But to blame dogs in any behaviour is also wrong, 99.9% of issues lie at the other end of the lead. We put dogs in a situation/place then they get the blame when it goes tits up.
Saying that if there’s a seat empty next to Keohane I’m taking my three in next season, Bow knows I don’t like him 😂
If we ever get to play the spanners again I'd allow dogs in for the day, pit bulls and mastiffs only, then let them off the leads directed to the away end.
A football-related dog story: I have had the pleasure of owning Border Collies over a 35 year period, albeit it one at a time. From my experience, BC's love balls of any shape and size. They are also highly trainable and none of my dogs were ever on a lead, once the initial training period ceased.
Whilst refereeing at local level, I would always take my dog. The last dog was able to play head tennis with me and a football, reaching a maximum of 8 headers before the ball touched the ground. I could also kick the ball away and he would fetch it to my feet, by using his nose and sides of face to control the direction of the ball. His party piece would be to join me at the coin tossing stage prior to the start of the game and I would brandish a red card and he would slink off of the pitch, never to return until half or full time! Sadly, I never videoed any of my dogs (the last passed away 18 months ago) and thus dont have any lasting record of their history.
The last dog (Wilson) is still fondly remembered by the local youth football community.
There used to be plenty of dogs at the football in Sutcliffe Park back in the day. The pre-match warm up consisted of running up and down the pitch with a shovel.
I like dogs, but I often find their owners to be very tedious. It seems an unwritten law you must tell everyone how great your dog is, show endless photos etc - the reality is most people don't care.
I like dogs, but I often find their owners to be very tedious. It seems an unwritten law you must tell everyone how great your dog is, show endless photos etc - the reality is most people don't care.
The word you are missing is "Pride". Surely anything that is "life enhancing" such as achievements by your children, wife or dare I say dogs, is a source of pride; and it is natural to want to share that pride with close friends.
T.C.E. regularly updates this forum on the considerable achievements he undertakes regularly with his German Shepherds and I, for one, admire his hobby. Long may that continue and long may he "endlessly" share his experiences.
I like dogs, but I often find their owners to be very tedious. It seems an unwritten law you must tell everyone how great your dog is, show endless photos etc - the reality is most people don't care.
The word you are missing is "Pride". Surely anything that is "life enhancing" such as achievements by your children, wife or dare I say dogs, is a source of pride; and it is natural to want to share that pride with close friends.
T.C.E. regularly updates this forum on the considerable achievements he undertakes regularly with his German Shepherds and I, for one, admire his hobby. Long may that continue and long may he "endlessly" share his experiences.
Cheers @PeterGage enjoy the photo..................
To be fair @cafcsinger has a point, a percentage of people with dogs (I hate the term dog owners, l own their registration) we have a dog beach some 100yards from my house, the perception by some that should people be enjoying a picnic for example and their dog goes rampaging through it causing chaos, is they should expect it . That’s wrong on so many levels . Today I met 4 different groups to and from school who wanted to say hi to Bow and I was happy to stop and let them take photos. I met one person who’s dog was aggressively barking at Bow while the smiling owner told me he’s saying hello, Bow likes a chat so replies with “just f*** off type bark, with that the guys said “who’s upset you, no need to be so nasty “ Cant agree on the photos though, with over 14000 photos of our dogs working everyone tells a story, some happy some tragic some have been seen some will never be seen. But a record of the smiles they’ve been putting on faces for 12+ years I don’t think there’s to much wrong with that .😉
No thank you, i have dogs, i would never a) bring them to football b) want other dogs next to me or near.
There really is no need to bring your dog, if they can't stay at home or with someone don't go to football. Once you get a dog you have made the commitment that you need to put them first, unless its a requirement i don't see why anyone should bring one along.
Spoke to the dog after the game. He said he enjoyed it, but thought that Morgan was crap! He also thought we could do with a couple of greyhounds up front, a great dane in goal, a rottweiler in defence and a couple of terriers in midfield.
I like dogs, but I often find their owners to be very tedious. It seems an unwritten law you must tell everyone how great your dog is, show endless photos etc - the reality is most people don't care.
The word you are missing is "Pride". Surely anything that is "life enhancing" such as achievements by your children, wife or dare I say dogs, is a source of pride; and it is natural to want to share that pride with close friends.
T.C.E. regularly updates this forum on the considerable achievements he undertakes regularly with his German Shepherds and I, for one, admire his hobby. Long may that continue and long may he "endlessly" share his experiences.
Cheers @PeterGage enjoy the photo..................
To be fair @cafcsinger has a point, a percentage of people with dogs (I hate the term dog owners, l own their registration) we have a dog beach some 100yards from my house, the perception by some that should people be enjoying a picnic for example and their dog goes rampaging through it causing chaos, is they should expect it . That’s wrong on so many levels . Today I met 4 different groups to and from school who wanted to say hi to Bow and I was happy to stop and let them take photos. I met one person who’s dog was aggressively barking at Bow while the smiling owner told me he’s saying hello, Bow likes a chat so replies with “just f*** off type bark, with that the guys said “who’s upset you, no need to be so nasty “ Cant agree on the photos though, with over 14000 photos of our dogs working everyone tells a story, some happy some tragic some have been seen some will never be seen. But a record of the smiles they’ve been putting on faces for 12+ years I don’t think there’s to much wrong with that .😉
To be fair I admire your work with dogs, and photos like these are great. It's more the 'how cute does X look here' over and over!
I like dogs, but I often find their owners to be very tedious. It seems an unwritten law you must tell everyone how great your dog is, show endless photos etc - the reality is most people don't care.
The word you are missing is "Pride". Surely anything that is "life enhancing" such as achievements by your children, wife or dare I say dogs, is a source of pride; and it is natural to want to share that pride with close friends.
T.C.E. regularly updates this forum on the considerable achievements he undertakes regularly with his German Shepherds and I, for one, admire his hobby. Long may that continue and long may he "endlessly" share his experiences.
I like dogs, but I often find their owners to be very tedious. It seems an unwritten law you must tell everyone how great your dog is, show endless photos etc - the reality is most people don't care.
The word you are missing is "Pride". Surely anything that is "life enhancing" such as achievements by your children, wife or dare I say dogs, is a source of pride; and it is natural to want to share that pride with close friends.
T.C.E. regularly updates this forum on the considerable achievements he undertakes regularly with his German Shepherds and I, for one, admire his hobby. Long may that continue and long may he "endlessly" share his experiences.
Wasn't having a go at T.CE. as i'm sure you know
Never for one moment was I suggesting that you were having a go at T.C.E. I was trying to point out that people who are proud of their dogs, cats, mice etc would naturally sing their praises from the rooftops - and why not.
I like dogs, but I often find their owners to be very tedious. It seems an unwritten law you must tell everyone how great your dog is, show endless photos etc - the reality is most people don't care.
The word you are missing is "Pride". Surely anything that is "life enhancing" such as achievements by your children, wife or dare I say dogs, is a source of pride; and it is natural to want to share that pride with close friends.
T.C.E. regularly updates this forum on the considerable achievements he undertakes regularly with his German Shepherds and I, for one, admire his hobby. Long may that continue and long may he "endlessly" share his experiences.
Wasn't having a go at T.CE. as i'm sure you know
Never for one moment was I suggesting that you were having a go at T.C.E. I was trying to point out that people who are proud of their dogs, cats, mice etc would naturally sing their praises from the rooftops - and why not.
I think the last 4 words on his post answer that one.
Other than assistance dogs, no I don’t! If they were would I take mine in? No, I wouldn’t! But to blame dogs in any behaviour is also wrong, 99.9% of issues lie at the other end of the lead. We put dogs in a situation/place then they get the blame when it goes tits up.
Saying that if there’s a seat empty next to Keohane I’m taking my three in next season, Bow knows I don’t like him 😂
If we ever get to play the spanners again I'd allow dogs in for the day, pit bulls and mastiffs only, then let them off the leads directed to the away end.
I like seeing pictures of people's dogs because I love dogs. I put the odd picture of my dog up because I assume some people, like me, might like to see it. If you don't that's fine, but some do.
Whilst refereeing at local level, I would always take my dog. The last dog was able to play head tennis with me and a football, reaching a maximum of 8 headers before the ball touched the ground. I could also kick the ball away and he would fetch it to my feet, by using his nose and sides of face to control the direction of the ball. His party piece would be to join me at the coin tossing stage prior to the start of the game and I would brandish a red card and he would slink off of the pitch, never to return until half or full time! Sadly, I never videoed any of my dogs (the last passed away 18 months ago) and thus dont have any lasting record of their history.
The last dog (Wilson) is still fondly remembered by the local youth football community.
T.C.E. regularly updates this forum on the considerable achievements he undertakes regularly with his German Shepherds and I, for one, admire his hobby. Long may that continue and long may he "endlessly" share his experiences.
To be fair @cafcsinger has a point, a percentage of people with dogs (I hate the term dog owners, l own their registration) we have a dog beach some 100yards from my house, the perception by some that should people be enjoying a picnic for example and their dog goes rampaging through it causing chaos, is they should expect it . That’s wrong on so many levels . Today I met 4 different groups to and from school who wanted to say hi to Bow and I was happy to stop and let them take photos. I met one person who’s dog was aggressively barking at Bow while the smiling owner told me he’s saying hello, Bow likes a chat so replies with “just f*** off type bark, with that the guys said “who’s upset you, no need to be so nasty “
Cant agree on the photos though, with over 14000 photos of our dogs working everyone tells a story, some happy some tragic some have been seen some will never be seen.
But a record of the smiles they’ve been putting on faces for 12+ years I don’t think there’s to much wrong with that .😉
There really is no need to bring your dog, if they can't stay at home or with someone don't go to football. Once you get a dog you have made the commitment that you need to put them first, unless its a requirement i don't see why anyone should bring one along.
posting in 2001
"Watch this video of a dog preventing a goal".
"Blimey, what are the chances of that happening!"
Posting in 2023
"What have I just watched
"I literally can't breathe"