I was mates with Con when I was younger, we played football together, our season tickets were close to each other in the East stand and we went to away games together a couple of times. He and his family are good people and this thing is being blown way out of proportion. Robertson approached him, pretty sure he grabbed him and Con has shrugged him off.
Given the abuse that officials receive from players, fans and managers it’s probably is a matter of time before one snaps and lamps someone - but that isn’t what happened here.
I think the starting point is what the appropriate outcome would have been if the lino had been a player. If there’s no case for leniency there it will be a struggle for the FA not to apply a sanction, albeit it doesn’t warrant a life ban or summary execution.
Is he? Oh well, that's alright then. He can claim mitigating circumstances. They're bound to take pity on him and treat him leniently. I do hope the article also acknowledged the vital support role played by the loved ones of the officials because they always get overlooked and are deserving of so much more recognition. Let's hear it for them for a change 👏👏👏
I've seen this a fair few times now and it's clear he is just shrugging Robertson off - the replay and the image above make it look like a WWE Finisher is about to be applied.
The only injury from this incident is Robertson has fracrured his vagina.
God I hate the Daily Mail sometimes....sorry, all the time
Its a shame the PGMOL dont come out with a statement shrugging it off, bascially saying: "Well this is nothing compared to the abuse Officials get up and down the country"
Unfortunately can see that type of reaction doing a lot more harm than good
Its a shame the PGMOL dont come out with a statement shrugging it off, bascially saying: "Well this is nothing compared to the abuse Officials get up and down the country"
Unfortunately can see that type of reaction doing a lot more harm than good
I thought that's what he was doing, shrugging it off I mean
A) it's a nothing shrug off to a player that grabbed him
Why is Robertson trying to grab him in the first place?
C) Why did Mitrovic get a 7 game ban for grabbing/pushing an official yet no-one else has, despite players grabbing and surrounding officials all the time?
I think a blanket "you touch an official, you're sent off" rule should come into place
Its a shame the PGMOL dont come out with a statement shrugging it off, bascially saying: "Well this is nothing compared to the abuse Officials get up and down the country"
Unfortunately can see that type of reaction doing a lot more harm than good
They certainly get a lot of abuse. However this is to a large extent their own fault. It used to be an offense to use foul and abusive language to a referee ( in fact I once got sent off for it, few compliants), but they have let it creep into the game like a lot of other rule breaking that is now considered "professional"!
I think the starting point is what the appropriate outcome would have been if the lino had been a player. If there’s no case for leniency there it will be a struggle for the FA not to apply a sanction, albeit it doesn’t warrant a life ban or summary execution.
Without the benefit of any information other than the video clip above, I'd say a three match ban for a red card offence would be appropriate.
I was mates with Con when I was younger, we played football together, our season tickets were close to each other in the East stand and we went to away games together a couple of times. He and his family are good people and this thing is being blown way out of proportion. Robertson approached him, pretty sure he grabbed him and Con has shrugged him off.
Given the abuse that officials receive from players, fans and managers it’s probably is a matter of time before one snaps and lamps someone - but that isn’t what happened here.
I already loved him, now I love him even more. Freedom of The Valley for our Con & a heroes welcome.
I can’t stand that Robertson fella & by the look of Con, if he really wanted to hurt him……….he wouldn’t have been able to complain about it 🤣🤣🤣
did he 'elbow' Robertson ? .. what I saw was the player taking hold of the official's arm or clothing and the official shrugging him off .. Robertson, a player I like as a whole hearted performer, should face a ban for touching a match official .. much ado about not a lot
Nice of the Mail to give us his life story, but then would expect nothing less from the press these days
Maybe he could elbow John Marquis for me who I have an absolute irrational dislike for.
The only injury from this incident is Robertson has fracrured his vagina.
God I hate the Daily Mail sometimes....sorry, all the time
Unfortunately can see that type of reaction doing a lot more harm than good
C) Why did Mitrovic get a 7 game ban for grabbing/pushing an official yet no-one else has, despite players grabbing and surrounding officials all the time?
I think a blanket "you touch an official, you're sent off" rule should come into place
Freedom of The Valley for our Con & a heroes welcome.
I can’t stand that Robertson fella & by the look of Con, if he really wanted to hurt him……….he wouldn’t have been able to complain about it 🤣🤣🤣