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Dean Holden - Jan 2024: now assistant manager at Al Ettifaq in Saudi Arabia (p46)



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    Getting Lee Bowyer vibes in his no nonsense and grown up approach. Think it's exactly what this squad needs. 
    Think he’s also got a calmness that Bowyer (and Garner) didn’t have. Don’t see him losing his cool with officials and blaming others which were some of Bowyers more annoying habits 
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    Don't want to get carried away as he still needs to prove himself, but it appears sacking Garner and getting holden in, was a good decision.

    I assume Sandgaard was advised and he listened to the advice!
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    I posted this thread on the post match vs Utd, but has some relevance here.

    Reflecting on the game, the result wasn't that important. What stood out for me is that there is a reconnect between the players, manager and the team, with the fans. For too long, whether it was caused by owners, managers and the frustration of inconsistent results, players that didn't seem to be putting in a shift, there was so much vitriol. Fans seemed ready to pounce, to pan the team for poor performances, and some might say fully deserved. But when push comes to shove, it's our Charlton, our team, our heritage.
    How much is this down to Dean Holden, I don't know, but listening to his press conferences about we've got to learn to win ugly, the Dobson tackle against Lincoln springs to mind, the mindset of the players seemed to have changed, they appear more together, instructions simplified, eg Inness lumping the ball out for throw ins, rather than trying to be cute around the back four. Pushing Fraser further up the pitch to influence games, getting CBT and Rak-Sakyi to put in a shift, and I could list many others. All these small, but significant changes look like they have galvanised the team.
    Guess the acid test will be against Barnsley on Saturday, but certainly there is a new vibe around the club.
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    I liked that clip inside the dressing room after the game, posted on Twatter, particularly when Holden said, “ look at me when I’m talking to you” ........ 
    My Dad used to tell me that!  :/

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    Oggy Red said:
    I liked that clip inside the dressing room after the game, posted on Twatter, particularly when Holden said, “ look at me when I’m talking to you” ........ 
    My Dad used to tell me that!  :/

    Yes, I know that one too 😾 @Oggy Red
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    Hear he's doing a Q & A in Bromley on 19 January 
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    edited January 2023
    Curbishley loved to trot out “we need to get back to basics” after a few bad results. It’s probably a tired cliche but it does help to push the reset button every now and then. I see Holden as that sort of manager. First and foremost I think players at our level certainly need to have a shape to the team and feel confident in what they are doing. I don’t think the players under Garner were good enough to follow his more complex direction. So far I’m quite impressed with DH. Whether he can push on from just steadying the ship remains to be seen. 
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    I think whilst it is laudible when a team builds from the back, you don't do it when you have Lavelle and Innis. Holden is looking at what he has got and allowing that to dictate how we play which is the right thing to do unless you spend bucketloads bringing the type of players in to play a system.
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    We have all seen that the team was crying out for a bit of direction, organisation, leadership and backbone.

    The proof of the pudding etc ........

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    Going a bit against the crowd here, but I’m Reserving judgement.

    Definitely,  5 mins in who knows how good/bad/ugly this northerner is going to be .
    We all want him to be the bees knees but no point tugging him off until he has a proper hard on,  rather than the fellatio that was performed by some far too early on Garner before he'd even risen to the occasion 

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    Anyone know who does the interviewing, sounds a bit like Olly or am I hearing things?
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    @Dazzler21 Agree! Think it might show how many need a holiday. Let's get a poll going to establish whether there is an active link ;)
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    Anyone know who does the interviewing, sounds a bit like Olly or am I hearing things?
    I imagine its George Jones, they both sound quite similar
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    Anyone know who does the interviewing, sounds a bit like Olly or am I hearing things?
    I imagine its George Jones, they both sound quite similar
    Thanks, they do, don’t they!
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    He seems to have galvanized the squad.  I won’t get too carried away, as Jackson had an impact when he first took over, and then it became stale.  

    However, there is something about his manner and the way he talks that has made me warm to him.  And that’s coming from an opinion where I didn’t have too much respect for the fact he took this job on and working for TS.  Let’s see.  

    If he does stay longer than 6 months, then the whole family up north thing would be hard for him.  I just don’t think it’s good to be away from your home like that 
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    edited January 2023
    He clearly believes he can do it and we should afford him every chance we can to prove it. Chances like this don't always arrive in football and I'm sure there are lots of good managers who never get them. I would expect his family to move down here if he does establish himself but it wouldn't make sense now, not because of the fans, but the unpredictable way the club seems to be run.
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    Gribbo said:
    Got a feeling Warnock charges a bit of a premium for coming south of Watford. 

    Proper Northerner
    He lives in Cornwall now
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