Tupolev Tu-144. Concorde. Overture.
The first two were, of course, the initial supersonic passenger aircraft built by the Soviet era OKB,
Tupolev Design Bureau and BAC/Sud Aviation, respectively. And both have long been retired.
However, Boom (surely a name dreamed up by a losing Apprentice team) have sold up to 60 of its Mach 1.7, supersonic, single class, 88-seat jet to American Airlines, having already cut deals with Virgin Atlantic and United Airlines.
They are due to roll off the production line in 2025, with the first passenger services planned for 2029.
So, it won't be long before, once again, we can all dream of being able to afford to fly at faster than the speed of sound.
I know they're not trains, obviously (that's why I didn't put NSFW on the thread title). But they're still pretty cool, aren't they?

I imagine it'll be like £5k to New York
We're rich!!!
I actually got to go inside at an Air Museum, can’t remember which one and couldn’t believe how narrow it was.
I’m not the trainspotter type but was genuinely sad when it was retired.
Such a beautiful plane.
Edit- Actually on second thoughts maybe I am a trainspotter, I certainly like the Trans Europe Express and a lot of the bullet trains. Also like ✈️ and classic 🚙
Is there a trainspotters meet up?
But with all the delays and changes to the aircraft in such a short amount of time, can see the final model being decades away.
All of these claims will obviously face fierce interrogation from Boeing and Airbus lobbyists, but at least they're starting out in the right way and heading off the obvious criticism that will be levelled against them from day one.
It'll be the equivalent of a first class price, or higher. First class is dying out due to business class offering what most people want, a lie flat bed. LHR to JFK is the most lucrative flight in the world and planes have like 8-12 first class seats and they don't all get sold. Most long-haul routes don't even have first. How many seats will this have, 30-40? I don't think the market is there. It's why Concorde stopped running. Obviously the Paris disaster and 9/11 didn't help but ultimately people were find drinking champagne with more space for an extra 4 hours for a fraction of the price or getting a decent sleep.
Great design though and quite a few have been sold already, Delta and American have put in big orders. Interesting to see how it pans out.
Those giant windows look amazing!
Never tired of seeing it and it always stopped me in my tracks whatever I was doing.
On the environmental front, the return of hydrogen fuel systems to the plans of aerospace companies is different altogether. I believe that is decades (and decades, and decades) away. SAF is the focus in the meantime.
If they can do that then hopefully it will eventually become more the usual way to travel rather than just those with the cash.
It therefore became a white elephant from Day 1.
What is going to change with the sonic boom issue to avoid history repeating itself? Difficult to engineer out the laws of physics, surely?
A fighter jet breaking the sound barrier doesn't usually do a huge amount of damage does it?
BA owned the project outright having been given it by UK Gov some years earlier.
But BA were/are still smarting from Branson proving they'd been using dirty and illegal practices against Virgin, and others, to prop up their global market share and dominance of UK airspace.
BA's official version of events is of course very very different. You'll read endless balls about safety and numbers of competent engineering staff because Concorde was 'old' technology. Ignoring the fact that Virgin would have had the opportunity to train whoever they liked.
BA literally cut off its own nose out of pure spite and refused to negotiate any sale to Branson and Virgin. If Virgin had paid BA £Millions for a white elephant WTF would BA care?
As if we needed any more reasons to avoid that shabby overpriced badly run fiasco of a flag carrier.
My guess would be that a passenger aircraft would potentially create a much bigger "boom" than a fighter jet given their relative size?
Not my area of expertise of course!
Imagine that timing. They’d have been queuing up for tickets, and a lot more Concordes would have been built.
A 'sonic boo' just doesn't sound as impressive as the full boom.
Lower level aero components go through stages of testing, qualification, pre-series production and then finally full series production. These things are still relatively early on, but definitely ‘metal is being cut’ now.
Forget supersonic anyway, check out these guys for where this is really heading. Again this is happening now, not still up on a whiteboard.