I read the CAST notes. Some of what he says makes some sense and some of it is, as @Airman Brown says, delusional. But main thing I took from it was his arrogance in that he thinks that he knows best and implies that we are only fans and we don't understand how business works - which, I think, is a bit offensive to many on here!
Where to even start with that! Could be here all day
So we have the 4th highest budget & it's higher than last year but we are I believe 10 players light from last season & we hear that we are paying 4th division wages. Jack Payne for one came here on less wages than he was offered at Swindon, so where is this higher players budget being spent ?
Where to even start with that! Could be here all day
So we have the 4th highest budget & it's higher than last year but we are I believe 10 players light from last season & we hear that we are paying 4th division wages. Jack Payne for one came here on less wages than he was offered at Swindon, so where is this higher players budget being spent ?
Where to even start with that! Could be here all day
So we have the 4th highest budget & it's higher than last year but we are I believe 10 players light from last season & we hear that we are paying 4th division wages. Jack Payne for one came here on less wages than he was offered at Swindon, so where is this higher players budget being spent ?
"We suggested that two years into his ownership there is not a clear
shape to the structure of the organisation on the non-football side.
Thomas said that “we’ll figure it out” and that “you don’t need to worry
about that – just turn up and cheer on the team”. "
What a penis... how condescending
Yup ... a pat on the head and telling us not to get involved in stuff we don't understand ... very condescending ... cannot believe I ever defended this bloke!
4th highest budget yet Garner saying we need open heart surgery and that he would have massively over achieved to get top 6. Is TS talking rubbish or is Garner of defeatist attitude?
4th highest budget yet Garner saying we need open heart surgery and that he would have massively over achieved to get top 6. Is TS talking rubbish or is Garner of defeatist attitude?
I read the CAST notes. Some of what he says makes some sense and some of it is, as @Airman Brown says, delusional. But main thing I took from it was his arrogance in that he thinks that he knows best and implies that we are only fans and we don't understand how business works - which, I think, is a bit offensive to many on here!
It’s the arrogance which steers him down the path to needing to be delusional for attempted face saving
There is so much to be commented on I don’t know where to start. However, does anyone know exactly what costs have been cut for players overnight stays at away games? Are they being asked to stay with mates in the area?
I have missed out on this rumour, is it factual LA?
It’s in the CAST notes from the recent meeting with Thomas, link on previous page 138. He actually says ‘reducing away travel costs’ so it might not be accommodation but I’d have thought that would be the biggest outlay.
4th highest budget yet Garner saying we need open heart surgery and that he would have massively over achieved to get top 6. Is TS talking rubbish or is Garner of defeatist attitude?
Both can be true if you’re spending a lot of money on players that aren’t very good.
After reading that I've come to the conclusion that what Thomas Sandgaard thinks and what Thomas Sandgaard says and does exist in two very different realities.
4th highest budget yet Garner saying we need open heart surgery and that he would have massively over achieved to get top 6. Is TS talking rubbish or is Garner of defeatist attitude?
Both can be true if you’re spending a lot of money on players that aren’t very good.
Who are we realistically paying big money to? Stockley, Fraser, possibly Dobson (he was on big money at Sunderland) and at a push Aneke.
It's arguable that Gilbey could be on biggish money but I don't see that anyone else is on big club first team money. For us to have the 4th largest budget we are either including all the 1st and 2nd year pros, who are nowhere near the first team or paying some people ridiculously high wages.
Where to even start with that! Could be here all day
So we have the 4th highest budget & it's higher than last year but we are I believe 10 players light from last season & we hear that we are paying 4th division wages. Jack Payne for one came here on less wages than he was offered at Swindon, so where is this higher players budget being spent ?
Didn’t say player budget did it?
Yes it did.
I stand corrected !
funny I just read it assuming it would be suitably vague / open to interpretation of what it really covers.
I still can’t help but think there’s some manipulation of numbers involved given we let go the players we did and their assumed costs. But maybe not.
Any staff/former staff worried about taking on the mighty Freshfields, need not worry to much. They are now using a fixed fee brief on an industrial estate in Maidstone to conduct their business/settlements.
Okay, this is just my opinion. But no one needs to worry too much about Freshfields. In the end the truth wins, not the lawyers. They have their specialisms, that is for sure. No doubt they have worked hard but earned well for/from Thomas. But they are not God. They have their employment lawyers, sure. But it is not a big earner for them nor does employment law do much for their reputation.
In any event, if Freshfields are the other side of the table, some satisfaction can be taken from how much it is costing the opposition. And how nice the biscuits will taste.
He’s getting triggered when he’s now having to mention Duchatelet. Not even 10 percent that went on with the protests etc back then, are even close to now.
I don’t see him being owner of Charlton by the start of next season in my opinion. Not been told or heard anything but running it down to the bear minimum may (in his mind) make it easier to sell by next summer
I do dearly hope he isn't.
If he doesn't want to be treated like Duchatelet, howabout he stops behaving like him.
What a clueless, condescending piece of shit the bloke is. Utter fantasist.
PS Can't believe the bullying concerns and myriad staff 'losses' weren't brought up at the meeting!
I can.
In terms of the reports that the culture inside the club was aggressive he said that it was “deliberate to challenge staff and in the name of change [in culture]”. He said we need something different either through the people already employed or by new people coming in. A “whole different culture” is needed or “nothing will ever change”. He regretted that “initiatives that are well meant are viewed as offensive and aggressive by employees or people who are outside of the organisation”.
" Change the culture" ...hmmm.
Is that USA speak for " We want all the existing staff out, then fill those posts with newer, cheaper bods ASAP" ?
I've been told by a few people ITK over the past year or so, that THIS was clearly TS's cunning plan.
Think Chris Parkes as one of the first, prime examples....
Seems like what he's doing. Sacking and not replacing or replacing with cheaper.
There’s one major point that has been unclear to me for a while now. How drastically has the recent financial affairs at Zynex affected TS and his decision making? Maybe the unforeseen collapse of the share prices has left him in a position he hadn’t expected when he originally took over? I think there’s a strong possibility that it has drastically affected his liquid assets and that he doesn’t have the same confidence in financing us as he had planned. I have a hunch that how well Zynex is or isn’t performing is, and will continue to be, having a major effect on us.
Yes I think nearly all fans believe this to be true.
He’s getting triggered when he’s now having to mention Duchatelet. Not even 10 percent that went on with the protests etc back then, are even close to now.
I don’t see him being owner of Charlton by the start of next season in my opinion. Not been told or heard anything but running it down to the bear minimum may (in his mind) make it easier to sell by next summer
I do dearly hope he isn't.
If he doesn't want to be treated like Duchatelet, howabout he stops behaving like him.
What a clueless, condescending piece of shit the bloke is. Utter fantasist.
PS Can't believe the bullying concerns and myriad staff 'losses' weren't brought up at the meeting!
I can.
In terms of the reports that the culture inside the club was aggressive he said that it was “deliberate to challenge staff and in the name of change [in culture]”. He said we need something different either through the people already employed or by new people coming in. A “whole different culture” is needed or “nothing will ever change”. He regretted that “initiatives that are well meant are viewed as offensive and aggressive by employees or people who are outside of the organisation”.
" Change the culture" ...hmmm.
Is that USA speak for " We want all the existing staff out, then fill those posts with newer, cheaper bods ASAP" ?
I've been told by a few people ITK over the past year or so, that THIS was clearly TS's cunning plan.
Think Chris Parkes as one of the first, prime examples....
Seems like what he's doing. Sacking and not replacing or replacing with cheaper.
It is a false economy then
Is it surprising that deals didn't go through on deadline day on the first one after Chris retired?
He’s getting triggered when he’s now having to mention Duchatelet. Not even 10 percent that went on with the protests etc back then, are even close to now.
I don’t see him being owner of Charlton by the start of next season in my opinion. Not been told or heard anything but running it down to the bear minimum may (in his mind) make it easier to sell by next summer
I do dearly hope he isn't.
If he doesn't want to be treated like Duchatelet, howabout he stops behaving like him.
What a clueless, condescending piece of shit the bloke is. Utter fantasist.
PS Can't believe the bullying concerns and myriad staff 'losses' weren't brought up at the meeting!
I can.
In terms of the reports that the culture inside the club was aggressive he said that it was “deliberate to challenge staff and in the name of change [in culture]”. He said we need something different either through the people already employed or by new people coming in. A “whole different culture” is needed or “nothing will ever change”. He regretted that “initiatives that are well meant are viewed as offensive and aggressive by employees or people who are outside of the organisation”.
" Change the culture" ...hmmm.
Is that USA speak for " We want all the existing staff out, then fill those posts with newer, cheaper bods ASAP" ?
I've been told by a few people ITK over the past year or so, that THIS was clearly TS's cunning plan.
Think Chris Parkes as one of the first, prime examples....
Seems like what he's doing. Sacking and not replacing or replacing with cheaper.
Never crossed my mind they would be worried about Freshfields, just an example of big ideas and reality. The truth is they were hiding behind a HR email address they tried desperately to get former staff to accept their offered settlement and it failed, they had no choice but to pay a brief on some industrial estate to sort it out as to whether it is, I only know what I’ve read.
There’s one major point that has been unclear to me for a while now. How drastically has the recent financial affairs at Zynex affected TS and his decision making? Maybe the unforeseen collapse of the share prices has left him in a position he hadn’t expected when he originally took over? I think there’s a strong possibility that it has drastically affected his liquid assets and that he doesn’t have the same confidence in financing us as he had planned. I have a hunch that how well Zynex is or isn’t performing is, and will continue to be, having a major effect on us.
Yes I think nearly all fans believe this to be true.
Yet it’s an opinion rarely mentioned here on the Forum.
Appreciate CAST’s efforts. Fair play that TS made the time to meet with CAST - he is under no legal obligation to do so, but equally, I think he must be under the false apprehension that he is addressing some enthusiastically naive junior employees with some of the condescending tone and what I believe to be half truths at best (4th highest budget 🤨). Thing is, when certain business leaders put themselves into their own bubble and start drinking the same Kool-Aid as those they are serving it up to, they end up in their own vicious little circle. If he genuinely is here for more than the end of this season, I fear we are going to need to buckle up…
I for one got no sense of relief nor optimism from reading his answers to some pretty straight forward questions, other than him confirm that Myles is not for sale. Renege on that, expect the Katrien banner treatment and more!
He’s getting triggered when he’s now having to mention Duchatelet. Not even 10 percent that went on with the protests etc back then, are even close to now.
I don’t see him being owner of Charlton by the start of next season in my opinion. Not been told or heard anything but running it down to the bear minimum may (in his mind) make it easier to sell by next summer
PS Can't believe the bullying concerns and myriad staff 'losses' weren't brought up at the meeting!
Some won’t bite the hand that feeds them it seems.
The largest drop in Zynex's share price happened in July 2020, when it fell from a sharp peak of about $26. TS took advantage of that peak to sell, and provide funds to buy and run the club. It then dropped back but in recent months i dont think its performed too badly in the context of the wider market, and todays bump wont hurt.
TS clearly, like a lot of football club owners, liken the running of a football club to their success with their previous business models, worst still is that TS believes the relationship with his staff should be based on his USA model. At this rate he will have everyone, including the players on zero contract hours.
He’s getting triggered when he’s now having to mention Duchatelet. Not even 10 percent that went on with the protests etc back then, are even close to now.
I don’t see him being owner of Charlton by the start of next season in my opinion. Not been told or heard anything but running it down to the bear minimum may (in his mind) make it easier to sell by next summer
PS Can't believe the bullying concerns and myriad staff 'losses' weren't brought up at the meeting!
Some won’t bite the hand that feeds them it seems.
Stu / Boggzy - why not try reading the notes of the meeting before you comment ?
"In terms of the reports that the culture inside the club was aggressive he said that it was “deliberate to challenge staff and in the name of change [in culture]”. He said we need something different either through the people already employed or by new people coming in. A “whole different culture” is needed or “nothing will ever change”. He regretted that “initiatives that are well meant are viewed as offensive and aggressive by employees or people who are outside of the organisation”.
We outlined how in general salaries for non-football staff tend to be lower when compared to other industries so the rewards must come in other ways such as working in a fun and pleasant environment. He said he had been through the same process in the company he runs in the U.S. and eventually it turns into a great place to work."
4th highest budget yet Garner saying we need open heart surgery and that he would have massively over achieved to get top 6. Is TS talking rubbish or is Garner of defeatist attitude?
Both can be true if you’re spending a lot of money on players that aren’t very good.
Who are we realistically paying big money to? Stockley, Fraser, possibly Dobson (he was on big money at Sunderland) and at a push Aneke.
It's arguable that Gilbey could be on biggish money but I don't see that anyone else is on big club first team money. For us to have the 4th largest budget we are either including all the 1st and 2nd year pros, who are nowhere near the first team or paying some people ridiculously high wages.
Only others i can think of would be Macgillivray, who's always been at league one clubs and you'd assume when moving signed better contracts, and he would've probably been on decent money at Portsmouth and Kirk as he was in league one and other clubs were sniffing around him, so i'd guess our contract offer to him was decent.
Appreciate CAST’s efforts. Fair play that TS made the time to meet with CAST - he is under no legal obligation to do so, but equally, I think he must be under the false apprehension that he is addressing some enthusiastically naive junior employees with some of the condescending tone and what I believe to be half truths at best (4th highest budget 🤨). Thing is, when certain business leaders put themselves into their own bubble and start drinking the same Kool-Aid as those they are serving it up to, they end up in their own vicious little circle. If he genuinely is here for more than the end of this season, I fear we are going to need to buckle up…
I'm sure I've read on here a few times before that budget figures are only available for the previous season once accounts are filed, so surely he must be guessing?
Is TS talking rubbish or is Garner of defeatist attitude?
It's arguable that Gilbey could be on biggish money but I don't see that anyone else is on big club first team money. For us to have the 4th largest budget we are either including all the 1st and 2nd year pros, who are nowhere near the first team or paying some people ridiculously high wages.
We won't have the 4th highest wage bill
It's bollox
funny I just read it assuming it would be suitably vague / open to interpretation of what it really covers.
In any event, if Freshfields are the other side of the table, some satisfaction can be taken from how much it is costing the opposition. And how nice the biscuits will taste.
Sacking and not replacing or replacing with cheaper.
Is it surprising that deals didn't go through on deadline day on the first one after Chris retired?
The truth is they were hiding behind a HR email address they tried desperately to get former staff to accept their offered settlement and it failed, they had no choice but to pay a brief on some industrial estate to sort it out as to whether it is, I only know what I’ve read.
I for one got no sense of relief nor optimism from reading his answers to some pretty straight forward questions, other than him confirm that Myles is not for sale. Renege on that, expect the Katrien banner treatment and more!
"In terms of the reports that the culture inside the club was aggressive he said that it was “deliberate to challenge staff and in the name of change [in culture]”. He said we need something different either through the people already employed or by new people coming in. A “whole different culture” is needed or “nothing will ever change”. He regretted that “initiatives that are well meant are viewed as offensive and aggressive by employees or people who are outside of the organisation”.
We outlined how in general salaries for non-football staff tend to be lower when compared to other industries so the rewards must come in other ways such as working in a fun and pleasant environment. He said he had been through the same process in the company he runs in the U.S. and eventually it turns into a great place to work."