You're a no nothing streak of piss, and no-one gives a toss where you are
I don't comment much on here but it does make me chuckle when people like you make statements like this to impress the crowd. Very easy to do behind the safety of a computer or phone.
Probably not so easy when face to face though eh?
We've found sausagedog.
The irony is that that's exactly what sausage dog does too
No you've not found Sausagedog, his name is Rick and mine is quite openly the same as my username as I don't feel the need to hide behind fake profiles or names.
Who's hiding behind fake names and profiles, besides Sausagedog?
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You're not a swordfish?! I had my doubts, always thought you might have actually been a Marlin or a Spearfish
Much as it pains me to say it, Jordan’s obvious hilarity at that comment, will bite TS in the arse for years to come (if he even stays for years)
Why don’t I just go to bed early and wake up and find we’ve signed Leko like we always do
oh and he’s going to neither