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Who is to blame?



  • Don’t know do we but the recruitment is inadequate and apart from Stockley and Kirk sub standard. Eight adrift and unless we see a complete reversal of form the season is already slipping away. Seems a crazy thing to say after four games but …..

    Yes, so far we know the recruitment has definitely not been good but that could be due to lack of funds. I don't know. We may have had no chance of keeping Aneke or again it may be we lost him due to lack of funds. I don't know who to blame.
    If it’s lack of funds then we really are up shizer creek. Unless we claw ourselves out of this crappy league in the next season or two. Not easy at all. Charlton can consider themselves an established third tier club. If I’m honest I’d take stability this season and for TS to get the building blocks in place but next season has to be different.
  • Don’t know do we but the recruitment is inadequate and apart from Stockley and Kirk sub standard. Eight adrift and unless we see a complete reversal of form the season is already slipping away. Seems a crazy thing to say after four games but …..

    Yes, so far we know the recruitment has definitely not been good but that could be due to lack of funds. I don't know. We may have had no chance of keeping Aneke or again it may be we lost him due to lack of funds. I don't know who to blame.
    It's like selling houses......its always comes down to price.

    With footballers we all know that a player will move because of money. Offer them enough wages & they will move. If we had offered Aneke £10k per week he would have stayed. 

    The budget is to blame. Not saying we should have offered Aneke £10k but you can't expect Gallen to negotiate with clubs & players with tuppence h'penny in his pocket.
  • All I know is I hanker for the days when Chris Powell signed about nine players with no loanees, to get us out of this division. I do not know who was helping him; however, I am sure the system was not as elaborate as the one we have now. Do not hanker for the previous owners though!
  • edited August 2021
    Don’t know do we but the recruitment is inadequate and apart from Stockley and Kirk sub standard. Eight adrift and unless we see a complete reversal of form the season is already slipping away. Seems a crazy thing to say after four games but …..

    Yes, so far we know the recruitment has definitely not been good but that could be due to lack of funds. I don't know. We may have had no chance of keeping Aneke or again it may be we lost him due to lack of funds. I don't know who to blame.
    It's like selling houses......its always comes down to price.

    With footballers we all know that a player will move because of money. Offer them enough wages & they will move. If we had offered Aneke £10k per week he would have stayed. 

    The budget is to blame. Not saying we should have offered Aneke £10k but you can't expect Gallen to negotiate with clubs & players with tuppence h'penny in his pocket.
    Would he though? Because Birmingham probably offered him something similar wage wise AND a chance at Championship football.

    I think that we are competing not only with noveau riche clubs like Ipswich but also Championship teams is PART of the problem but it's not like this has sprung up over the weekend - if it hasn't been working all summer, it's not going to suddenly start working now.
  • RedChaser said:
    Think you’re right on Curbs  Rodders. Chris Powell definitely met all his players and before signing them, wined and dined most of them at the Valley overlooking the pitch.
    Except for Tim Cahill 😉
  • RedChaser said:

    Management by committee has its time and place but at some point you need a decision maker, especially if there is an impasse. If a casting vote is needed has that been delegated to Roddy or is it TS himself?

    There’s a lot to be said for “too many cooks spoil the broth” and trusting those with the expertise based on track record which has to be Gallen doesn’t it 🤷‍♂️.

    Spot on, RC.

    My thoughts entirely.

    I believe that I commented weeks ago that TS/WM appear to be huge fans of committees & I feel that too many have been created of late.

    Didn't we learn that the Early Bird benefits was a decision made by committee ? 

    NO-ONE is taking full responsibility for any major decisions at our club which inevitably means a lack of leadership both on & off the pitch.

    Maybe this works in the US but not here or indeed in football in general but who is there in  SE7 to question this policy ? 

    I understand that Gladys, the tea lady has been effectively gagged.....
  • Is love to know who’s on this recruitment team. 
  • Am I right in thinking that on the cusp of the transfer window closing, the man who makes the final decisions is now back in the states?
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  • It’s obvious we need players and that will be down to what budget we have, as to who makes the decisions on players these days is blurred, not a lover of committees but it does seem there are too many involved. I applaud the notion to use the academy but that takes game time and gradual integration, and if the team isn’t playing well that can’t be good for the youngsters. Young Elerewe coming on was not the reason we lost far from it, we lost because yet again our midfield crumbled with our full backs not supporting. 

    Adkins, JJ and Euell are no fools they know what’s missing and what’s needed player wise. Personally my thoughts are we have little to offer attacking wise from our full backs hence our midfield looking ponderous, easily shut out and an over reliance on a long punt to JS. I was concerned over Adkins after match words that we were not up to pressing them, MK, in the second half, it that’s his tactics then players ain’t fit enough and tactically not up to it, Adkins decides on the tactics. As a team we have height throughout so should be good at set pieces front and back & at long last now 2 pacey wingers, just need a bit more creativity and players who can create space for others. 

    Hopefully a few loanees will come in as I doubt anyone on the free transfer list have much to offer and I will be both delighted and shocked if we buy anyone now. 

    There’s still a long way to go season wise. 
  • Does anyone know how much longer Gallen has on his contract if he has one and how much he is paid?
  • Part of me thinks that this is all too much hysteria after 4 games but I watched last night and we were worse that v Wednesday (also seen on TV) so hmmm. Saturday will be interesting.
  • Does anyone know how much longer Gallen has on his contract if he has one and how much he is paid?
    Fair enough to ask contract length, but what does his salary have to do with the situation?
  • Would be interesting to know what TS thinks this morning. He can’t have intended the first 3 league results surely ? 
  • Gallen: For all we know he may well be unhappy with the situation but is on a very healthy contract (money and length) and would not walk. 
  • I think as the club never hit admin/insolvency/booted out the league, the reality of us being in real trouble just feels like a newspaper headline to many.

    TS could have picked up the Club after this period on the cheap, but that was not the plan. Who would that have helped.

    The current situation with the playing squad is disappointing but lets not turn into entitled fans. The short and mid term reality shows that we are (pains me to say), a bloody League One team and club.

  • One of the two sides is failing. We need to figure out which one. 
  • Although I'm not going to say we have enough strength in depth, most people (including fans and observers outside the club) thought our starting 11 had enough to seriously challenge for a play off place although not for automatic. I personally feel there is something seriously not gelling in the team and it looks as though there is no cohesion and that the players are new to each other. The fact is only 2 outfield players are new and different from the team that went on a strong run at the end of last year. My conclusion is that our pre season was not only ineffective but actually counter productive. This can only be the fault of NA. 

    The other problem of course was the over promising by both TS and NA. A much more laid back approach and building for long term future rather 'blowing away the league this year' would have been accepted by most fans (bearing in mind a year ago we were seriously doubting whether we would still exist.
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  • edited August 2021
    RedChaser said:

    Management by committee has its time and place but at some point you need a decision maker, especially if there is an impasse. If a casting vote is needed has that been delegated to Roddy or is it TS himself?

    There’s a lot to be said for “too many cooks spoil the broth” and trusting those with the expertise based on track record which has to be Gallen doesn’t it 🤷‍♂️.

    I understand that Gladys, the tea lady has been effectively gagged.....
    She retired in the New Year.

    The delightful Henners took over the Sparrows Lane Catering team. Got rid of the gingham plastic table cloths quicker than a 34 year old holding midfielder.

    I think she's related to @addick1956
  • I am a great believer in Benjamin Bloom's idea that any club in the bottom three divisions, which does not have parachute payments, needs to get on a cycle of buying/developing good young players, selling them on at a profit, investing the money, and then doing it again.
    From that perspective, it is hard to really appreciate just what a dreadful position we were in at the end of last season - was there a single player who we could have sold for anything more than chickenfeed? Really no.
    What seems to be going on at the club at the moment is all about trying to establish strong foundations for the future - paying out for new senior management, the women's team, CharltonTV - and also paying out what for this level is an absolute fortune for new players.
    But all that player spending is going on getting on that cycle to develop, sell, and reinvest. That means some bad performances as things settle down (see also Ipswich), but it had to be done at some point, and it is frankly impressive to be doing it during a financial crisis caused by the pandemic.
    I will say that, in this context, some of the more gung-ho comments after last season were a mistake because they set expectations at a height which will be hard to meet, but I would prefer an owner and manager who are too optimistic and ebullient, rather than what we have seen in recent years.
  • I think we as fans deserve to know , clearly the recruitment this summer has been completely dire and yet them in his most previous interview said he felt we had the making of a strong squad 
  • edited August 2021
    I understand the concern and worry. In short, it probably poses the question. How comes we managed to get a stronger team together under an unconcerned Owner and a bunch of crooks than we have now?

    I don't actually know how to answer that and have been told to wait another two weeks.
  • Wait another 2 weeks 
  • Howard Jones.

  • I wonder who the ex sporting director of Reading was aiming this at? 
  • I personally think it's way too early to be writing any of the new signings off. Of those that have left, the ones that we had a chance of signing to new deals I guess only Shinnie would be the one that we could have any questions about but he'd be behind a fit Gilbey anyway.

    Therefore the question needs to be around why haven't we made more signings? None of us know what the budget is or the exact workings of who is responsible for what so it's near impossible to pinpoint why. External factors are at play as well with still not huge amounts of transfer activity across the leagues and we're still waiting to see about any loans.
  • I don't use Twitter much and I've never followed TS on there. I get the impression from what's posted here though that he doesn't tweet much about the club anymore, is that correct? There was a time when he was tweeting daily (that's conservative) and responding to anyone who messaged him. If that's happening now, it must be very humdrum because the only things I seen posted lately on here where I've seen any enthusiasm from him have been about that song. I really do hope I'm wrong, but I can't help but wonder if he just wanted a bit of short term adulation and is starting to think that the costs of maintaining it are too high.
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