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George Dobson - Gone to Wrexham p136, farewell message p142



  • He looks like he has the classic text-neck posture, then absolutely crunches into tackles. 
  • Had a great game today. Easily the best player on the park.
  • Gribbo said:
    Thought he gave a good account of himself yesterday tbf. Reckon he does look a little bit clumsy on the ball, reminding me a bit if Darren Andertion. Look forward to seeing how he gets on
    I'll see your Ormiston, and raise you @Billy_Mix who gave this a lol
  • Him and Gilbey are the future.
    Add JFC to that in the next couple of months and we'll comfortably have one of the best midfields in the division.
  • I always like to hold my hands up when I’ve had a mare.

    This guy I slagged off many a time on here but since Adkins fucked off he’s looking like a young Josh Cullen, fair play to the lad he’s backed himself and deserve lots of credits.
    On the contrary (I’m not that modest).  I knew it was Adkins and the not the players!
  • When we was playing our better football at the start of the season Dobson was in the team, I think he has one bad game out of the opening 5 games, then dropped, and then we were awful. He is a good player, I mentioned at the time, he is key to our midfield. And I got hammered on here. He is very good at protecting the back 4 and he can pass the ball.

    Hopefully we have now turned the corner, onwards and upwards. 
  • I was impressed. Covered lots of ground and was always closing down the receiving player in midfield. Sloppy late on when he got tired but fuck me, he’s an upgrade of Watson and Pratley that’s for sure. Think he’s got fan favourite potential with his commitment.
    In the style of Ormiston_Addick…..
    Nah you've got to call all the lols etc idiots.
  • P.s he's starting to look the player we all hoped Lapslie would become.
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  • Dazzler21 said:
    P.s he's starting to look the player we all hoped Lapslie would become.
    Totally different type of footballers. Lapslie always played further forward.. 
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    When we was playing our better football at the start of the season Dobson was in the team, I think he has one bad game out of the opening 5 games, then dropped, and then we were awful. He is a good player, I mentioned at the time, he is key to our midfield. And I got hammered on here. He is very good at protecting the back 4 and he can pass the ball.

    Hopefully we have now turned the corner, onwards and upwards. 
    Leuth could see it too, and me, and a few others. But definitely the minority. It is a good point that Adkins dropped him too quickly and it makes you wonder what the professionals see. I think we can sometimes as fans give them too much credit. JJ and Jase could obviously see it because as soon as Adkins walked off, Dobson was back.
  • Dobson played well under Adkins in fact two games he was also MOM including the game v Wigan when he was subbed at 0-0 and Morgan who moved into his role made two mistakes and we lost 0-2 ….. so the last two games has not been a surprise 
  • edited October 2021
    The game has evolved and even in the 3rd tier you need energy and a bit of pace to move around.
    Watson has had a good career but his future lies in coaching not collecting yellow cards as he can't get to the ball quick enough.

    I know it was only the Papa John's but I thought then if Dobson could replicate his tackling, passing and good energy against a League 2 then why not in a cafc League 1 team where everyone knows their job.

    Until the last two games everyone didn't appear to understand what Adkins required.

  • Last 2 games unrecognisable from whoever it was wearing that shirt before 
    If he had a left foot…
    Industrious, switched on and can see a pass
    Maybe that’s what Gallen/Roddy/whoever bought 
    Jacko needs him to avoid injury and suspension cos we ain’t got another one for this role
    Roll on Tuesday 
  • edited October 2021
    Easily the best player on the pitch yesterday, so I marked him 10 on the ratings. Was absolutely everywhere! Wasn't too impressed the first couple of times I saw him, but noted he never hid and always wanted the ball, even when things weren't coming off for him. Playing with gilbey (energy/drive) and Lee (cunning/guile) plus the attacking outlets out wide now certainly suits him. Along with three at the back which gives him the safety/confidence to pick up the ball deep and dictate play. It was a great balance yesterday, but obviously there ate better teams out there. Pleased for the lad. COYA
  • First saw him play well at MK, then Adkins dropped him for only reasons his football non-nous could explain .. every team needs a Dobbo  :)
  • First saw him play well at MK, then Adkins dropped him for only reasons his football non-nous could explain .. every team needs a Dobbo  :)
    He was good at MK Dons until he made a massive mistake in the build up to their equaliser. He crumbled after that.    Him being dropped, for awhile, after that would have made sense. If we had a replacement.

    That being said it is surprising how long he was "frozen out" for.  Another victim of the CDM triumvirate.

    As @MuttleyCAFC said it does make you wonder what the professionals see because Adkins isn't the first manager to freeze him out either. 
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  • edited October 2021
    I think a lot of posters on here spotted things that Adkins was oblivious to. For instance Soare should not have been starting instead of Purrington. Dobson is another, we we can see the qualities even when he hasn't been great, and Adkins farts about playing old slow players or players out of position in the middle freezing the lad out when the team is crying out for his attributes. Dropping Stockley because we pass to him too much is the biggest clue.

    Some professionals try to be too clever whereas football is ultimately a simple game. Have goals in your team, work rate and energy and have a system that players can buy into and which suits them and you make a difference. Especially when you have better players than your opponents. It is why I was always calling for JJ to get a chance. What I didn't know was what JJ would do differently, but that is the question Thomas should have asked him, and the answer has turned out to be quite lot. Whether he asked him or not.

    JJ was always worth a go because a) he knows the players as well as anybody b) He will have developed his own ideas on what was going wrong c) He is somebody players respect and will play for as they did for Powell d) He has done his time working for this chance and finally e) He carries the good will of Charlton fans who want him to do well with all their hearts and this will have taken pressure off of the players.

    Replacing Adkins with some other experienced manager, let's be honest, we can't get Pep, would have been another case of us trying to be too clever. I'm glad Sandgaard has given him the chance and took what was a no brainer option. If JJ failed he is the caretaker and easier to change. Overthink and it often ends badly. 
  • Billy_Mix said:
    Last 2 games unrecognisable from whoever it was wearing that shirt before 
    If he had a left foot…
    Industrious, switched on and can see a pass
    Maybe that’s what Gallen/Roddy/whoever bought 
    Jacko needs him to avoid injury and suspension cos we ain’t got another one for this role
    Roll on Tuesday 
    He really wasn’t unrecognisable… he played well in several early game that either fans didn’t look past result or his performance was impacted by the likes of Morgan being dreadful (I.e. Oxford)
  • Dobson played well under Adkins in fact two games he was also MOM including the game v Wigan when he was subbed at 0-0 and Morgan who moved into his role made two mistakes and we lost 0-2 ….. so the last two games has not been a surprise 
    Why have you never mentioned this before?…..
  • edited October 2021
    Loved that picture of his tunnel jump. Added bonus of Tracey Leaburn looking as pleased as punch in the background 
    If you have a look at the video, it looks like Tracey might be showing him what to do just beforehand :) :
  • I think a lot of posters on here spotted things that Adkins was oblivious to. For instance Soare should not have been starting instead of Purrington. Dobson is another, we we can see the qualities even when he hasn't been great, and Adkins farts about playing old slow players or players out of position in the middle freezing the lad out when the team is crying out for his attributes. Dropping Stockley because we pass to him too much is the biggest clue.

    Some professionals try to be too clever whereas football is ultimately a simple game. Have goals in your team, work rate and energy and have a system that players can buy into and which suits them and you make a difference. Especially when you have better players than your opponents. It is why I was always calling for JJ to get a chance. What I didn't know was what JJ would do differently, but that is the question Thomas should have asked him, and the answer has turned out to be quite lot. Whether he asked him or not.

    JJ was always worth a go because a) he knows the players as well as anybody b) He will have developed his own ideas on what was going wrong c) He is somebody players respect and will play for as they did for Powell d) He has done his time working for this chance and finally e) He carries the good will of Charlton fans who want him to do well with all their hearts and this will have taken pressure off of the players.

    Replacing Adkins with some other experienced manager, let's be honest, we can't get Pep, would have been another case of us trying to be too clever. I'm glad Sandgaard has given him the chance and took what was a no brainer option. If JJ failed he is the caretaker and easier to change. Overthink and it often ends badly. 
    You say a lot of posters spotted it, but what are the professionals see we aren't?

    I don't think Bowyer picked Matthews ahead of Gunter at right back last season.  The only times Matthews played was when Gunter was unavailable or, more often, deployed elsewhere.    Matthews was poor when he did play at right back.  Every poster, bar none, was saying Matthews should be dropped this season.  The first thing Jackson did was put him back in.  The first time Adkins picked a team he brought Matthews back in.

    Under Bowyer Purrington was a strong candidate amongst "posters" for Bowyer's "he will never play for me again" comment.  The first thing Adkins did was bring him straight back in.  He was poor this season, everyone moaned that Kirk needed an attacking left back.  The first thing Jackson did was bring him back in.....

    Jason Pearce looked like he had already retired last season under Bowyer.  He looked like he had led in his boots and was more likely to win the WWF World championship than POTY.  Adkins came in and he had his best game in a year at Sunderland away and carried that through to the rest of the season.    This season shocking, Sunderland away, again, back to captain, leader, legend. 

    You could say the same about some others as well. 

    I said that one of the first things any new manager would do is drop Watson.  I also said Watson would be back on the team by Xmas.  I stand by that, even if its still Jackson. 

    In my opinion we only have two or three "proper" players.  The fitness, or inability to get them on the team, of all of them cost Adkins his job and should have cost Bowyer his as well.  

  • I think it comes down down to personality clashes. Dobson was mustard in a couple of the Pizza Cup games. I for one questioned why he was left out a couple of times and Purrington as well as I thought Soare was shit. Also with a striker like Stockley you have to get the ball wide and cross it to give him something to attack. It looks like we have worked on. DJ put in a few good crosses yesterday. Can't play him as a lone striker as not fast enough or technically adept.   
  • Of course I didn't hear it from Adkins, but there was an implication that Soare got the nod over Purrington for his more attacking qualities. At this level, attacking seems to me to be a strength of Purrington and something we haven't seen much of from Soare to date. Maybe it is there and fitness is the barrier but as has been said, Purrington showed enough in the Pizza cup to suggest he was worth putting in but he didn't even make the bench under Adkins. Same for Dobson, who I liked from the minute I saw him play. 

    The last two games, the midfield has been exciting and dynamic, yet Adkins contrived to put one out that lost virtually every battle. We can all say he is a nice guy but as a manager, JJ is showing how bad he has been this season. Whilst I have highlighted things posters have identified that seemed beyond Adkins' understanding, JJ has shown that some of the issues we identified were not issues with players at all.

    It is great being too clever when you get the results, but when you don't you lose the players a bit and then it becomes even harder to achieve what you are trying to. This happens at all levels of football and is because you are dealing with human beings rather than robots. 
  • edited November 2021
    Cafc43v3r said:
    I think a lot of posters on here spotted things that Adkins was oblivious to. For instance Soare should not have been starting instead of Purrington. Dobson is another, we we can see the qualities even when he hasn't been great, and Adkins farts about playing old slow players or players out of position in the middle freezing the lad out when the team is crying out for his attributes. Dropping Stockley because we pass to him too much is the biggest clue.

    Some professionals try to be too clever whereas football is ultimately a simple game. Have goals in your team, work rate and energy and have a system that players can buy into and which suits them and you make a difference. Especially when you have better players than your opponents. It is why I was always calling for JJ to get a chance. What I didn't know was what JJ would do differently, but that is the question Thomas should have asked him, and the answer has turned out to be quite lot. Whether he asked him or not.

    JJ was always worth a go because a) he knows the players as well as anybody b) He will have developed his own ideas on what was going wrong c) He is somebody players respect and will play for as they did for Powell d) He has done his time working for this chance and finally e) He carries the good will of Charlton fans who want him to do well with all their hearts and this will have taken pressure off of the players.

    Replacing Adkins with some other experienced manager, let's be honest, we can't get Pep, would have been another case of us trying to be too clever. I'm glad Sandgaard has given him the chance and took what was a no brainer option. If JJ failed he is the caretaker and easier to change. Overthink and it often ends badly. 
    You say a lot of posters spotted it, but what are the professionals see we aren't?

    I don't think Bowyer picked Matthews ahead of Gunter at right back last season.  The only times Matthews played was when Gunter was unavailable or, more often, deployed elsewhere.    Matthews was poor when he did play at right back.  Every poster, bar none, was saying Matthews should be dropped this season.  The first thing Jackson did was put him back in.  The first time Adkins picked a team he brought Matthews back in.

    Under Bowyer Purrington was a strong candidate amongst "posters" for Bowyer's "he will never play for me again" comment.  The first thing Adkins did was bring him straight back in.  He was poor this season, everyone moaned that Kirk needed an attacking left back.  The first thing Jackson did was bring him back in.....

    Jason Pearce looked like he had already retired last season under Bowyer.  He looked like he had led in his boots and was more likely to win the WWF World championship than POTY.  Adkins came in and he had his best game in a year at Sunderland away and carried that through to the rest of the season.    This season shocking, Sunderland away, again, back to captain, leader, legend. 

    You could say the same about some others as well. 

    I said that one of the first things any new manager would do is drop Watson.  I also said Watson would be back on the team by Xmas.  I stand by that, even if its still Jackson. 

    In my opinion we only have two or three "proper" players.  The fitness, or inability to get them on the team, of all of them cost Adkins his job and should have cost Bowyer his as well.  

    Why do you think Watson will be back in the team by Xmas? If Dobson is out he may go for Arter (who I believe recently had an injury) or even Clare ahead of Watson.

    Adkins could have tried the formation Jackson’s used but didn’t (when he played a back 3/5 he used a front 3). He could have used Dobson more often and played two up front.

    I’m not so convinced by the claim the players weren’t fit enough during Adkins last few games. Jackson’s picked the more energetic players and it’s no surprise the team as a whole is working harder and fitness doesn’t appear to be an issue.
  • edited November 2021
    Arter seems to be the logical replacement for Dobson should he get injured. He just needs to build his fitness up. Watson can still do a job, but from the bench when we are closing out a game.

    As for the point about fitness. In the last two games, it seems to be a strength rather than the weakness it has looked all season. The press doesn't fall apart like under Adkins after no time at all. And the bodies in the box both offensively and defensively is another indicator. This has gone from terrible to excellent since JJ took over. You wouldn't have believed it possible if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes.
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