Unfortunately my Mum has had to go into a Care Home as a permanent resident (I always expected it to come to this but originally she was there as "temporary respite)
I'm now faced with the monumental task of clearing her Council house, she's been living there 74 years & my Dad was born & lived all his life there. They were both collectors / hoarders

There's books & trinkets/ ornaments all over the house plus I believe a whole lot of junk in the loft & a walk in cupboard that I'm sure hasn't seen the light of day in years. I always wanted to clear a lot of the stuff out but Mum never wanted me to.
Anyway I don't drive so can't get rid of much at a time & Social Services have started asking when I will be handing the tenancy back. I think my only option is a house clearance firm. Does anyone have any experience or tips & advice on using this type of company. Obviously want to avoid cowboys who might fly tip but also wondering will they take absolutely everything from junk to stuff that obviously they can sell. I have cleared all paper work/documents & jewellery (not that it would be worth much, more a sentimental thing) & will hopefully give clothing & possibly books to charity shops if they collect, after that I'm stressing out.
Thanks for any advice
I can't remember the firms name but I do still have a name and contact mobile number which I will PM you now.
Relative used one a couple of years ago after the death of their mum and got over £20k for what they thought was just junk.
Caroline @ acswaste.co.uk
is a friend and licenced but as @elthamaddict says be prepared for a bit of a shock at how much a clearance costs.
From what he is describing they won't touch 90% of it.
I had to clear my Mum's 3-bed house near Gravesend and was quoted up to 2.5K .
Local firm I knew had a look and did it for nothing. We kept a few items for keepsakes they took the rest including all kitchen/garage/loft rubbish and make their money from the few decent bits.
They were great but not sure they do London.
He took most of the big stuff from our Dads place.
No idea if they’re still there though, sorry xx
I go round every week to collect post & tidy the garden & start sorting drawers & taking paperwork but it's just overwhelming.
I need someone to knock down an outdated and dilapidated commercial property.
If it helps the post code is SE25 6PU.
Firstly sorry for your loss.
I used to do house clearances for a job.
Unfortunately I can't help you mate as I'm now retired.
But I can offer a bit of advice.
Firstly anything that is metal such as kitchen appliances Tv's Etc if you can take them out the front of your house the scrap metal people will take them.
Any clothing,bedding,curtains and the like you can recycle.
Try phoning a couple of second hand shops and see if they can take anything.
Unless furniture has a fire safety label I doubt anyone will take it.
It now costs about £150 per Ton to tip at council run tips which is the main reason house clearances cost so much.
Anyway good luck and sorry for your loss.