Hi all
Doing a bit of work on this today....aaaaand...I figure you guys are an excellent source of information and so I want to tap you up.
1) Are there any words you would add or remove to this list of useful abbreviations (it was created in 2014):

"hodl" is one I have picked up from the Cryptocurrency thread on here
Anything else that we use a lot on CL?
ffs is not appropriate for what I am doing
Allow it -"I agree with this sentiment"
Pre's - "meeting up to get pissed before going out"
FOMO - Fear of Millwall opinions
TMI - Too much information
All these abbreviations are fine. They free up valuable time ... which can then be better spent asking others about ... well ... abbreviations and that kind of thing.
Here's another idea ... there are a huge number of potential words of two or three letters which haven't been used yet (for example ... hgw, mmv, eeq).
Why don't we make up meanings for all of those first?
There must be some CL fun to be had with that one
Can you give me 5 words to replace these representations of youth slang:
peng = excellent/physically attractive....or has that already become "peak"
What more modern versions could the other 4 be replaced with?
apparently low key is a term
in our day (late 90s), you were looking at terms like blem, which meant cigarette. That’s the only one I can think of off the top of my head. A lot of youngsters say ‘bare’ a lot. Ive still never got how white kids adopt a ghetto/rude boy twang. I don’t say it because I think there is anything wrong with it. People can speak how they want. I just don’t know how it happens.
I also don’t get how Scottish people tweet their accent in some tweets I see. I can’t ever imagine tweeting or typing something in my saaarf London twang
Thank God It’s Friday
Why, even on the BBC we are now exhorted to view things on 'Aah plair'.
Separately, I'm OK (sorry ... allow it) with low key (although it should be 'low-key', of course). Probably in use since the early 1800s, it can mean undramatic, understated, showing no visible reaction ... although I believe that it can also mean 'secret' now.
This is the beauty of language ... making established words mean something else. And then waiting for the rest of the World to catch up ... probably on Aah Plair.
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