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Nigel Adkins - confirmed as permanent Tranmere manager (p52)



  • As it is now confirmed can I be the first to say:

    Go Nads. 
    Do keep up, I posted this joke on page 1.  B)
    Oi! @ea@eaststandmike and @so@soapboxsam  both of you are petty and pathetic. The whole Nads joke thing was started by ME on March 18 on page 46 of the ‘So who / what do you want to be the next manager’ thread ... and I might add I didn’t get a single fckn LOL or Like and then you two Johnny-come-latelys have the audacity to argue over the IP of this . All the while racking up precious LOLs. Pathetic. 
    Page 46 you say, well there lies the problem. Soapboxsam and myself signed a joint patent agreement for Nads commencing on page 47 so any claim you think you have on the IP is sadly invalid.

    Enjoy your lol’s however Sams people are talking to my people as I write this so we may be claiming those lols and likes for ourselves.  ;)
  • Croydon said:
    Sorry, but this is absolute bollocks.

    Adkins did brilliantly for Southampton TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO - he has not worked for two years and failed at his last three clubs.

    This is just so gutting, I am sure he is a lovely bloke and all that but come on people if Sunderland appointed him after sacking Parky we’d have thought them mad.

    Obviously he knows Ged Roddy from working together at Reading and that’s why he got the job, and that is just not good enough I am afraid.

    Feels like a real kick in the teeth and confirms what others have said about tension between Bowyer and Roddy with the former fearing a replacement was being lined up.

    I would love to be wrong but this looks like an awful appointment, please show me a manager that has failed at his last three clubs and then suddenly finds success after two years on his arse. You won’t be able to.

    Really quite angry about this, feels like a complete piss take to be honest.
    If they sack Adkins it will be the most ludicrous sacking in Premier League history, utterly bonkers.

    Nice one mate, great to see you have plenty of time on your hands.

    As I said, Adkins did a BRILLIANT job at Southampton, I saw them play a lot and they were fantastic and he was very badly treated there - although it turned out to be the right decision.

    However, since then he has failed at three clubs, bombed out after a season and a half at Reading, Sheffield United and Hull with a league winning percentage of 36%, 40% and 33% respectively - compared to 55% At Southampton.

    I am sure his eloquence and enthusiasm are very attractive but there is a lot of accumulated football knowledge on this forum and I think only one poster out of hundreds even mentioned Adkins name when Bowyers replacement was discussed.

    Adkins left Hull nearly two years ago and in that time there must have been 40-50 sackings from the 90 plus clubs from the Premier League to League Two and yet not one of those clubs looked about and thought that Nigel Adkins was the man for the job - tells you something if you’re bright enough to see it.

    I would love to be proved wrong and I am sure Nigel is a top bloke and interviews very well indeed - and he did brilliantly at Scunthorpe and Saints but that was a long, long time ago.

    Football moves on and nobody in football gives a shit about Chris Powell winning League One with us back in 2011/12 - incidentally that was the last time Adkins won a promotion too - all they remember now is him failing at Huddersfield and Southend and the same goes for Adkins which is why he has been out of work for two years.

    I’d love to get on the happy bus but this appointment feels like a bad move to me.
    Adkins had a win rate at Hull of 33%, Won 26 Drew 21 Lost 31.

    OK, even if you give him credit for keeping them up and accept the club was in big trouble that’s a very average record over nearly two seasons.

    If we are appointing him on the back of keeping Hull in the Championship then that’s not inspiring me very much.

    Like I said, Nigel has been out the game for two seasons now and his record since leaving Saints is the reason why.

    I want him to succeed but this appointment is very much gambling he can bring back his magic of 2010-12 - I don’t much like the odds.
    What do you think the main strengths of Hull at that time? Do you think there were any underlying problems or issues at the Club? Why do you think he decided to leave? What did their fans think of NA?
  • Dave2l said:
    NM18 said:
    Completely UNDERWHELMED. Nice guys aren't winners.
    "Nice guys aren't winners" said every arsehole ever.

    "Nice guys aren't winners"

    Cringe material.

    A winner is someone that has the ability to openly, honestly and confidently express themself. Ability to wear your heart on your sleeve.

    Liars, actors, parasites. They are lifes true losers
    ....and Estate Agents!! 
  • Dave2l said:
    NM18 said:
    Completely UNDERWHELMED. Nice guys aren't winners.
    "Nice guys aren't winners" said every arsehole ever.

    "Nice guys aren't winners"

    Cringe material.

    A winner is someone that has the ability to openly, honestly and confidently express themself. Ability to wear your heart on your sleeve.

    Liars, actors, parasites. They are lifes true losers. 
    Claudio Raneri won a premier league and he is quite easily one of the nicest guys in football.

    I know Adkins has won things but cant hurt to have another example.
    My favourite Ranieri moment was when we were winning at the Bridge and singing Sacked in the Summer to him. He turned round, smiled, shook his head and said you're wrong; May.
  • Has anyone established who Nigel is referring to when he says 'we'?

    I wonder if it was a typo from Rich... From Benjy's write he's says:

    “First of all, I didn’t want to leave Hull. I wanted to see if we could get back to the Premier League. So I made a decision, having been offered a contract there, to leave on good terms. From my point of view to go back to the Premier League, I wanted to be at a Championship club that could give ourselves the opportunity (to go up). So I was getting offered jobs in League One, League Two, and abroad. And there were two clubs in the Championship that I was very close to joining. But Covid gave everybody a big problem.
  • Has anyone established who Nigel is referring to when he says 'we'?

    I wonder if it was a typo from Rich... From Benjy's write he's says:

    “First of all, I didn’t want to leave Hull. I wanted to see if we could get back to the Premier League. So I made a decision, having been offered a contract there, to leave on good terms. From my point of view to go back to the Premier League, I wanted to be at a Championship club that could give ourselves the opportunity (to go up). So I was getting offered jobs in League One, League Two, and abroad. And there were two clubs in the Championship that I was very close to joining. But Covid gave everybody a big problem.
    The interview with NA and Sandgaard is free to watch on Valley Pass and I think the quote is correct.
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  • Redrobo said:
    Has anyone established who Nigel is referring to when he says 'we'?

    I wonder if it was a typo from Rich... From Benjy's write he's says:

    “First of all, I didn’t want to leave Hull. I wanted to see if we could get back to the Premier League. So I made a decision, having been offered a contract there, to leave on good terms. From my point of view to go back to the Premier League, I wanted to be at a Championship club that could give ourselves the opportunity (to go up). So I was getting offered jobs in League One, League Two, and abroad. And there were two clubs in the Championship that I was very close to joining. But Covid gave everybody a big problem.
    The interview with NA and Sandgaard is free to watch on Valley Pass and I think the quote is correct.
    You just want me to sit through the interview now dont you Mr Sandgaard?
  • Andy Crosby is only at Port Vale until the end of the season. I wonder if he was part of these discussions and will join up with Adkins for next year hence the “we”?
    Sounds like it, very early in the interview on VP he mentions Andy Crosby
  • Really hope the new gaffer drops one of these with Minto and Curbs on Valley Pass:

     That is f*****g hilarious.

  • edited March 2021
    MattF said:
    I'll believe it when I see Scarfie!!
    Ask and you shall receive 

  • Nigel Benn, Nigel Worthington, Nigel Mansell and Nigel Adkins.

    Some top Nigel's.

    Just as well we didn't go for Wally Downs.

    Nigel Tufnel. 🎸
  • Not sure if this has been mentioned Gallen also being retained?
  • Has anyone established who Nigel is referring to when he says 'we'?

    I wonder if it was a typo from Rich... From Benjy's write he's says:

    “First of all, I didn’t want to leave Hull. I wanted to see if we could get back to the Premier League. So I made a decision, having been offered a contract there, to leave on good terms. From my point of view to go back to the Premier League, I wanted to be at a Championship club that could give ourselves the opportunity (to go up). So I was getting offered jobs in League One, League Two, and abroad. And there were two clubs in the Championship that I was very close to joining. But Covid gave everybody a big problem.
    And what clubs do you think Nads wasn't keen on, do you suppose?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Has anyone established who Nigel is referring to when he says 'we'?

    I wonder if it was a typo from Rich... From Benjy's write he's says:

    “First of all, I didn’t want to leave Hull. I wanted to see if we could get back to the Premier League. So I made a decision, having been offered a contract there, to leave on good terms. From my point of view to go back to the Premier League, I wanted to be at a Championship club that could give ourselves the opportunity (to go up). So I was getting offered jobs in League One, League Two, and abroad. And there were two clubs in the Championship that I was very close to joining. But Covid gave everybody a big problem.
    And what clubs do you think Nads wasn't keen on, do you suppose?
    Impossible to tell given the amount of Managerial turnover in the Championship
  • edited March 2021
    MattF said:
    MattF said:
    I'll believe it when I see Scarfie!!
    Ask and you shall receive 

    Jesus H Christ, I have seen the light.
  • Not particularly informative that piece. What positions do they play (apart from the keeper obviously), how good are they, is there likely to be competition to sign them?
  • edited March 2021
    Think it’s great that we have an intellectual guys that can string more that 2 sentences together unlike the Bowyer at times 

    Onwards and upwards and I know Thomas is happy !!
  • Croydon said:
    Croydon said:
    Sorry, but this is absolute bollocks.

    Adkins did brilliantly for Southampton TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO - he has not worked for two years and failed at his last three clubs.

    This is just so gutting, I am sure he is a lovely bloke and all that but come on people if Sunderland appointed him after sacking Parky we’d have thought them mad.

    Obviously he knows Ged Roddy from working together at Reading and that’s why he got the job, and that is just not good enough I am afraid.

    Feels like a real kick in the teeth and confirms what others have said about tension between Bowyer and Roddy with the former fearing a replacement was being lined up.

    I would love to be wrong but this looks like an awful appointment, please show me a manager that has failed at his last three clubs and then suddenly finds success after two years on his arse. You won’t be able to.

    Really quite angry about this, feels like a complete piss take to be honest.
    If they sack Adkins it will be the most ludicrous sacking in Premier League history, utterly bonkers.

    Nice one mate, great to see you have plenty of time on your hands.

    As I said, Adkins did a BRILLIANT job at Southampton, I saw them play a lot and they were fantastic and he was very badly treated there - although it turned out to be the right decision.

    However, since then he has failed at three clubs, bombed out after a season and a half at Reading, Sheffield United and Hull with a league winning percentage of 36%, 40% and 33% respectively - compared to 55% At Southampton.

    I am sure his eloquence and enthusiasm are very attractive but there is a lot of accumulated football knowledge on this forum and I think only one poster out of hundreds even mentioned Adkins name when Bowyers replacement was discussed.

    Adkins left Hull nearly two years ago and in that time there must have been 40-50 sackings from the 90 plus clubs from the Premier League to League Two and yet not one of those clubs looked about and thought that Nigel Adkins was the man for the job - tells you something if you’re bright enough to see it.

    I would love to be proved wrong and I am sure Nigel is a top bloke and interviews very well indeed - and he did brilliantly at Scunthorpe and Saints but that was a long, long time ago.

    Football moves on and nobody in football gives a shit about Chris Powell winning League One with us back in 2011/12 - incidentally that was the last time Adkins won a promotion too - all they remember now is him failing at Huddersfield and Southend and the same goes for Adkins which is why he has been out of work for two years.

    I’d love to get on the happy bus but this appointment feels like a bad move to me.
    Adkins had a win rate at Hull of 33%, Won 26 Drew 21 Lost 31.

    OK, even if you give him credit for keeping them up and accept the club was in big trouble that’s a very average record over nearly two seasons.

    If we are appointing him on the back of keeping Hull in the Championship then that’s not inspiring me very much.

    Like I said, Nigel has been out the game for two seasons now and his record since leaving Saints is the reason why.

    I want him to succeed but this appointment is very much gambling he can bring back his magic of 2010-12 - I don’t much like the odds.
    I would say keeping Hull up under those circumstances was a great achievement. The win percentage is irrelevant when you look at the situation - he kept them up and then consolidated them. Job done. 
    Ormiston_Addick said:
    Croydon said:
    Sorry, but this is absolute bollocks.

    Adkins did brilliantly for Southampton TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO - he has not worked for two years and failed at his last three clubs.

    This is just so gutting, I am sure he is a lovely bloke and all that but come on people if Sunderland appointed him after sacking Parky we’d have thought them mad.

    Obviously he knows Ged Roddy from working together at Reading and that’s why he got the job, and that is just not good enough I am afraid.

    Feels like a real kick in the teeth and confirms what others have said about tension between Bowyer and Roddy with the former fearing a replacement was being lined up.

    I would love to be wrong but this looks like an awful appointment, please show me a manager that has failed at his last three clubs and then suddenly finds success after two years on his arse. You won’t be able to.

    Really quite angry about this, feels like a complete piss take to be honest.
    If they sack Adkins it will be the most ludicrous sacking in Premier League history, utterly bonkers.

    Nice one mate, great to see you have plenty of time on your hands.

    As I said, Adkins did a BRILLIANT job at Southampton, I saw them play a lot and they were fantastic and he was very badly treated there - although it turned out to be the right decision.

    However, since then he has failed at three clubs, bombed out after a season and a half at Reading, Sheffield United and Hull with a league winning percentage of 36%, 40% and 33% respectively - compared to 55% At Southampton.

    I am sure his eloquence and enthusiasm are very attractive but there is a lot of accumulated football knowledge on this forum and I think only one poster out of hundreds even mentioned Adkins name when Bowyers replacement was discussed.

    Adkins left Hull nearly two years ago and in that time there must have been 40-50 sackings from the 90 plus clubs from the Premier League to League Two and yet not one of those clubs looked about and thought that Nigel Adkins was the man for the job - tells you something if you’re bright enough to see it.

    I would love to be proved wrong and I am sure Nigel is a top bloke and interviews very well indeed - and he did brilliantly at Scunthorpe and Saints but that was a long, long time ago.

    Football moves on and nobody in football gives a shit about Chris Powell winning League One with us back in 2011/12 - incidentally that was the last time Adkins won a promotion too - all they remember now is him failing at Huddersfield and Southend and the same goes for Adkins which is why he has been out of work for two years.

    I’d love to get on the happy bus but this appointment feels like a bad move to me.
    Adkins had a win rate at Hull of 33%, Won 26 Drew 21 Lost 31.

    OK, even if you give him credit for keeping them up and accept the club was in big trouble that’s a very average record over nearly two seasons.

    If we are appointing him on the back of keeping Hull in the Championship then that’s not inspiring me very much.

    Like I said, Nigel has been out the game for two seasons now and his record since leaving Saints is the reason why.

    I want him to succeed but this appointment is very much gambling he can bring back his magic of 2010-12 - I don’t much like the odds.
    Kind of certain parallels to our ownership under RD and the ESI according to this article:

    'Adkins still holds a frustration at how it all ended, that stems from how close an extension came. A sizeable pay cut had been agreed in principle, while another reduced budget was not considered an issue.

    The stumbling block was always in the contractual fine print.

    “I wanted to stay, the owners knew that,” said Adkins. “I sat there twice with my lawyer and he even said ‘Do you not understand, he wants to stay.’

    “The previous summer the buzzword had been sustainability so I knew where we were going. I’d had conversations with Assem and Ehab so I knew what they wanted to do. The top and bottom of it was that they wanted to sell the football club.

    “I still wanted to be there so I needed to know how we’d get through the situation.

    “Some of the wages had to go, fair enough, but it had nothing to do with wages for me. It was where we were going and what we were trying to achieve.”

    First appointed in December 2017 as successor to Leonid Slutsky, Adkins was given the task of stabilising a club taking on water in the lower reaches of the Championship.

    Readjusting to life outside of the Premier League had been a struggle and, as Sunderland proved at the end of the season, relegation to League One was a very real threat.

    Adkins’ salvage operation took time, with only one win coming in his opening 10 league games, but a run of six victories from the next 12, including the demolition of QPR and Burton, brought survival at a canter.

    “Michael Dawson said to me at the end of the season ‘Gaffer, we were relegated but you’ve managed to change it around.’ That was because we had everyone together as one,” said Adkins, whose loan signing of Liverpool winger Harry Wilson made a telling difference.

    "When we joined we quickly realised the club was on a downward spiral. There was a lot of fan protests and we knew the atmosphere around the club wasn’t great.

    “You’re thinking of ways to turn it around and a few people said you’ve got no chance.

    “We had to try. We had good people there that just needed some direction and organisation. We needed to be together and have that belief.

    “We just tried to change the culture and the environment for how we wanted to do things. The senior players bought into that. We needed to develop a discipline about the club and we did that.”

    It was the summer that followed that first brought signs of irritation from Adkins. A ponderous recruitment drive eventually saw George Long, Jordy de Wijs and Reece Burke all signed – perhaps the three biggest assets left at the KCOM Stadium – but contributed towards a sloppy start.

    City were bottom of the league by October 2018 with Adkins under increasing scrutiny, but a remarkable run saw the Tigers propel themselves up to the fringes of the top six inside three months. Six straight league wins came in an unbeaten sequence of 10 games.

    “It was an unbelievable run,” said Adkins. “The Leeds game (winning 2-0 at Elland Road) was fantastic. We’d lost two key players in Tommy Elphick (recalled by Aston Villa) and Jackson Irvine (called up by Australia for the Asia Cup), they were flying, the place was packed but we changed things around and it worked a treat. David Marshall didn’t have a save to make.

    “After that we beat Bolton 6-0 and then Sheffield Wednesday 3-0. What a performance that was. Fantastic football.”

    What would prove to be Adkins’ final transfer window as head coach ultimately failed to deliver enough last January. Although Jarrod Bowen, Kamil Grosicki and Markus Henriksen were all retained, Adkins had wanted more than the additions of Marc Pugh and Liam Ridgewell.

    “We just needed to bring in a few new faces,” said Adkins. “Without a shadow of doubt, that’s what was needed.

    “The owners believed they were helping because they kept Jarrod and Kamil. There was a chance (to reach the top six) so you’ve got to give them credit for that but we needed to bring more in. I said that but it didn’t happen.

    “We huffed and puffed after that and we started to lose a few games when we were short on bodies. That’s when it started to tail off. We couldn’t quite get there.”
  • edited March 2021
    aliwibble said:
    Not particularly informative that piece. What positions do they play (apart from the keeper obviously), how good are they, is there likely to be competition to sign them?
    Irvine: Winger
    Burke: Centre-Back
    Toral: Defensive Midfielder
    Obita: Left-Back

    Entirely guess work and mostly crap from that website so wouldnt pay too much attention
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