I know one Charlton fan on Ile de Ré and I think that there is another in Charante. Anyone out there who lives in Pays De La Loire or Brittany, or most importantly uses Nantes airport?
I think a lot of the benefits of geographical based groups have been eroded by the internet. The strongest ones that functioned as a group, actually had structure, were based on travel and access to tickets when scarce. They usually had strong leaders.
I won’t presume to comment too much on Bromley, but I’m not convinced it has the same coherence as, for example, Maidstone in the past, which isn’t to say it doesn’t hold successful meetings.
I don’t really think there is critical mass in many overseas countries to build significant groups, although there’s no harm in trying.
What happens if there are competing “groups” in the same area, which is likely if you offer ticket incentives? Who decides which group is the “real” one or do fans in that area get competing publicity messages? Why is geography the determinant and not age, race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc, where that characteristic might be a more meaningful distinction than location?
Lots of questions and a recipe for confusion with even more people claiming to lead groups in order to get to the table than we already had at the fans’ forum. It looks like half an idea that hasn’t been properly thought through - hence the probably illegal initial attempt to harvest data.
That, by the way, is what the Target 10k/40k committee did - tested such ideas out with a group of experienced fans before launching them to identify the pitfalls and iron them out.
Couldn't agree more.
I think there is a temptation, understandably, from within in most groups of people, to want a seat at the table. If there is a table.
If in my part of the word if we had a social group that could arrange tickets for local away games, maybe even a mini bus, organise meetings with ex players every now and then maybe the odd quiz or race night type of thing. Brilliant, I would be intrested.
Once you get "representatives" it becomes a very different animal. Even a "social group" that gets too big risks becoming overwhelming political, often at the expense of the poor sods that put the hard work in in the first place.
You're not on the Bromley Addicks committee anymore @Cafc43v3r get over it : - )
The German Addicks made it as well. Our project to get the International Addicks (my call for supporters in Europe has been a success) aproved as an affiliated group isn't progressing. The name of the group seems to be a problem to the club.
A group of supporters, mainly based in Northern America, pulled out after issues with their name.
PYONGYANG ADDICKS today release the following statement:
“We take this opportunity to warn the new NORTH AMERICAN ADDICKS, led by low IQ Joe Biden, trying hard to give off the [gun]powder smell in our land. If it wants to sleep in peace for [the] coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a stink at its first step.”
I can see why "International Addicks" might be a problem as too broad a name.
Not sure why "North American Addicks" would be an issue though. Did the club say why?
Maybe they want smaller geographical areas?
The reason for the name "International Addicks" came up because the interested parties are based in the Czeck Republic (1), Austria (1), Switzerland (3), France (1), Denmark (2), Spain (1), Ireland (1), South Korea (1), New Zealand (1), Serbia (1), Argentina (1) and Germany (13). Apart from Germany we don't reach the critical mass to form a group. So we took an name which includes everyone in this group.
I can understand that the club wants smaller geographical areas, but in the "modern, online world" we all live in this seem a bit outdated. The North American group had the same issue. They wanted to call themselves "Addicks International".
I don't recall reading anything that said you have to be within a certain geographical area. If that's the case how have non geographical groups (such as CADSA or Armed forces) been able to sign up? Was their membership addresses checked?
That was so obvious and predictable. We had this discussion when we became aware of the similarity in naming between the North American and our group. cheap laughs
We've had a plan B if the other group could get their certificate before us.
I don't recall reading anything that said you have to be within a certain geographical area. If that's the case how have non geographical groups (such as CADSA or Armed forces) been able to sign up? Was their membership addresses checked?
That isn't the problem . Its rather that - and this is nobody's fault - you have international groups that already existed before this initiative started. I believe (and @MadGerman can confirm if I got this right) that the North American group have invested money in merchandise, and it bears the legend "Addicks International" or something like that. I can think of solutions in terms of names, but not a solution that won't result in the NA Addicks finding their merchandise a bit redundant.
I don't recall reading anything that said you have to be within a certain geographical area. If that's the case how have non geographical groups (such as CADSA or Armed forces) been able to sign up? Was their membership addresses checked?
That isn't the problem . Its rather that - and this is nobody's fault - you have international groups that already existed before this initiative started. I believe (and @MadGerman can confirm if I got this right) that the North American group have invested money in merchandise, and it bears the legend "Addicks International" or something like that. I can think of solutions in terms of names, but not a solution that won't result in the NA Addicks finding their merchandise a bit redundant.
Not sure how that effects being affiliated - or are you saying NA Addicks wanted to use the term Addicks International and that someone was already registered as International Addicks? I thought both were turned down? (only going by this thread I have no inside knowledge!)
Now where's ours 😠
Fans Forum meetings going to be very cosy with just us and Thomas.
Not sure why "North American Addicks" would be an issue though. Did the club say why?
Maybe they want smaller geographical areas?
“We take this opportunity to warn the new NORTH AMERICAN ADDICKS, led by low IQ Joe Biden, trying hard to give off the [gun]powder smell in our land. If it wants to sleep in peace for [the] coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a stink at its first step.”
You need a minimum of two members