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170,000 twitter followers!



  • You really are joking aren't you?
    I suspect you're on another of your mock Seth Plum sprees.
    It's best if you simply leave me alone.
  • No Seth, I'm only repeating your words.
    I'll say no more. 
  • Repeating my words?
    Am I in some kind of parallel universe?
    Covered End you never miss an opportunity to have some kind of dig at me, it may have escaped your notice that I don't reciprocate.
    Not paranoia, but a pattern that goes back years.
  • @aliwibble I get that you're trying to be kind but the truth for me is that I am very susceptible in terms of mood or optimism or pessimism by the impact of external forces.
    No GP is going to get rid of this government, no GP is going to be able to reverse the absolute horror of racism, no GP is going to be able to reverse the Brexit vote.
    If the suggestion therefore is that I should come to terms with Tories, Racists or Brexit voters, well that would remove the last vestiges of who I am. I have absolutely no common ground with people of that political or social mindset, what I have to come to terms with is being on the losing side against those people.
    That's the hard part.

  • @aliwibble, you're so kind, and you're taking the trouble to reach out and I admire that. I sense you and others are better at coming to terms with things that I am, and I am glad that people are able to find comfort and peace that way.
    I am afraid that I don't have confidence in professional intervention of a medical kind being able to help with the things I wish were different, yet finding a way to reconcile myself to what you call 'larger background stuff' and differentiating or compartmentalising between that and the 'smaller personal things' is the problem.
    To me the political and social context of our times is up close and personal, not background. If it's called being 'pissed off', then it is permanent. Hence my earlier post about degrees of misery, because to me the 'pursuit of happiness' if you like is about the wider world and the personal world in equal measure.
  • aliwibble said:
    seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Lots of businesses assume people have facebook, paypal or twitter.
    These are poor assumptions.
    Facebook is a doorway into your privacy, judging by what people say as in the abuse of Omar Bogle, twittet is a cesspit, and paypal is both incomprehensible and enriches an American nutcase.
    The amount of times somewhere says access something via one of these platforms sickens me but delights Mark Zukengatesmusk I suppose.
    The blokes who 'commentate' on our games invite instant contact via facebook or something to report back things like technical problems. It alienates me, and annoys that we as a club enrich these people without getting commission.
    Additionally these platforms are usually impossible to navigate.
    Is it true that twittet is a cesspit? After all Trump used it to govern America.
    Twitter followers are nothing to get excited or boast about, twitter and tikgram and the like are the Macdonald's of the internet.
    Do you have a similar opinion of Luc Vezina and Vanilla ProBoards?

    There are Facebook groups that are well moderated, and there are those that aren't.  The same is true for any Web hosting service. 

    Like the rest of the Internet Twitter and Facebook can be cesspits, but I am sure there are dozens of other hosting services that allow people to post stuff you don't agree with? 

    Charlton will make some advertising revenue, not a significant amount admittedly, from Facebook and Twitter but it's a massive potential market to completely ignore isn't it? 

    Never heard of those two you mentioned.
    But you are quite happy to post on their social media sites? 
    Am I?
    I think you're about to tell me that Charlton Life is one of those sites.
    Is Charlton Life a social media site?
    I thought it was an opinion/discussion/information site which is different to social media isn't it?
    I thought on social media like Twitter or Facebook or whatever is that you're supposed to use your real name.
    I don't get it very well.
    As for 'happy', after the events of recent times I don't ever expect to experience happiness again, but it is now a question of larger or smaller degrees of misery. 
    Social media doesn't have to use your real name - my twitter account doesn't, tumbler, reddit and co don't either. Facebook (and Google+, which I'm not even sure is still going) is an outlier in requiring real names, and quite a few people I know use pseudonyms on there. Social media just means that the bulk of the content is provided by the general public rather than professionals, so yes this is a social media site too.
    I use my real name on Facebook, bebo, MySpace, grinder, friends reunited and Tinder.  I use this handle on Twitter, Ticktok, Instagram, Snapchat, hangouts and some others.

    Some of that may not be 100% true 
  • But if you don't try Seth, you'll never know - I really didn't get on with CBT as the homework just exacerbated my tendency to get stuck in my own head, but I still got one or two useful things out of it. And surely it's worth giving professional intervention a go, because if it gives you the tools to deal with things better, then the external stuff will get in the way of your personal happiness less. No, it's not going to fix the world, but it may help you to get to a place where you can channel the rage into something more focused and constructive, rather than it casting this massive cloud over everything.
  • @aliwibble, I understand what you're saying but I'm afraid I am not convinced. The options regarding 'professional intervention' seem to be chemical, or changing the person I am in terms of what I feel strongly about.
    Perhaps the cloud is sometimes massive and sometimes a wisp, and perhaps the definition of happiness is variable.
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  • Not at all Seth - CBT isn't chemical, and it isn't about changing what you feel strongly about, it's about changing how you deal with those feelings. And it's not the only type of counselling available, but admittedly it is the one the NHS defaults to, so if it doesn't work for you then you may have a long wait for other options or have to go private. I really do hope you can find something that works for you though.
  • edited January 2021
    Seth, I saw a counsellor about 25 years ago when I was struggling to cope at work with a bully of a boss, unfair work load and also had 2 young children. It definitely helped, no medication involved.

    NB I recall the GP telling me at the time that I shouldn't be concerned asking for help because around 30% of her patients had seen her for advice with dealing with stress/depression/anxiety/unhappiness etc.
  • It is good you got help with what you saw as your problem.
    My response to the political and social world that impacts me is not the same thing.
    I will experience reactive misery to various degrees because of the existence of Tories, brexit voters and racists.
    No Doctor will be able to magic those winners out of existence.
  • No they won't but as aliwibble has advised it is about changing how you deal with those feelings.
    There is up to a point an element of choosing to be happy or choosing to be miserable.
    I choose to be happy.

    You can only offer people good advice, you cannot make people act upon it.
    You can choose a life of misery or you can choose to look for a way out.

    I was going to wish you good luck, but it is nothing to do with luck, it is about accepting and understanding that there is another way, if you wish to have even a single day of happiness in your life.
    Best wishes.
  • This is getting nowhere.
    I am struggling for a precise analogy.
    Let me try this.
    If a gay person feels oppressed because of their experience of external forces, would you suggest that the gay person seeks some kind of intervention in order to change who they are?
    In 'old' Russia, there were examples of dissenters being forced into mental hospitals if they were unhappy with the regime, is that the type of thing you're suggesting?
    If others can achieve happiness in a wider society of isolation, Etonocracy and racism then that's on them. Incomprehensible to me.
  • You can always return to your old self... plus a bit more due to recent experiences.

    It's just likely to be very hard to believe at this point.

    Put yourself 1st. 
  • I am interested in a range of things.
  • Good, but it's more than having a range of interests. It's about not letting the hurts and disappointments in one area mar your ability to function in, and enjoy, the others. 
  • Listening to the live "A chat with Jayden Stockley" on our Twitter account now... very funny when Sam Lavelle joined. Also just love the Big Labrador, what a character
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  • I’m feeling a little guilty having read this thread for the first time.  I’ve always regarded Seth as someone with particular views - sometimes laughable - but now I’ve read all this I realise Seth’s issues go much much deeper.  Best wishes Seth.
  • And why on earth did Valley27000 get banned? 
  • Curb_It said:
    And why on earth did Valley27000 get banned? 
    Complained about all his promotes being stolen.

    Next day, banned.
This discussion has been closed.

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