Fraction Hell
Chill Fear Not
Chlorine Flat
Choir Fall Net
Clone Halt Fir
Cloth Line Far
Craft Hill One
Filch Lone Rat
Frantic Hello
Anchor Fillet
Chalet For Nil
Choral Elf Tin
Collar Fit Hen
Ethnic Floral
Flinch Ale Rot
Carol Thin Elf
Chant Fore Ill
Chart Lion Elf
Chief Roll Ant
Chill Fart One
i knew there was something dodgy about this site!
AFKA Bartram = Kram Fart Baa
WestSideStory = Wet Tory Sides
Lookout = Kool Out
Suzisausage = I Zeus U A Gas
And Big Dick
Nervy Hiring
Glen Lover
CharltonDan errrrrrrm, uhhhhhh, errrrrrrrrmm
Ape toe kicker
Kick Pee to Ear
A Cannibal So Pure
A Cannabis Role Up
Ruin a palace snob
Charltondan = Dalton Ranch - Your porn star name?
Chant Roland - A new addick signing? Or,
Can Land Thor - an entry on your CV.
LOL, porn anagrams:
Paulbaconsarnie: Ian R Lap Sauce Nob
A Slag Fest Lymph
Lamest Flash Gyp
Flash Slag Empty
Shaft Gap Smelly
Slags Lamp Hefty
Falls Shag Empty
Gamy Splash Felt
Asthma fells gyp
Flame halts gyps
Feast Slag Lymph
Gamest Flash Ply
Lapels Fag Myths (i've heard the rumours as well)
Korie K Cat Pee
Kite Ace Poker
Quality Afka, a lot of slags and shags going on there !!!
Going for a curry tonight, so tommorow my SHAFT GAP will be SMELLY !
Yes it is only a myth!
Len Glover = Revel Long
And not forgetting that :-
Shag = Gash