Got me thinking after seeing Tom Baker bellowing "you have a woman's purse m'lord" in the Red Beard Rum episode of Blackadder shown on the BBC earlier, but what are your funniest 3 scenes from a film or TV show. I'm going for the following off the top of my head;
Biggus Dickus - The Life of Brian
Just play the f*cking note! - Father Ted (the first time I'd ever seen a scene from the show and it got me hooked)
Del Boy through the bar - Only Fools (an obvious one but so perfect it its execution)
Planes Trains - Those aren't pillows
Curb - Beloved C***
Partridge "Dan"
Inbetweeners Jay sitting on his hand and trying to close laptop when his mum comes in
So many from fools and horses and us and uk office.
Peep show when mark eggs on jeff. Pretty much all of peep show
Tears of laughter, every time.
Eric Morecambe dancing with Diana Rigg where his sleeves keep getting longer and longer.
McGlashan on Absolutley cycling down to the border and shouting "pooooooooofs" at the whole of England.
Of course there are loads more - but they are three I always remember.
Inbetweeners - "He did that looking at me"
Peep Show - Mark and Dobbie in the stationery cupboard
League of Gentlemen - Charlie the Masseur
And one that's not about wanking:
Mr Winner - Playing the piano in the restaurant
could have killed him. But still makes me laugh.
Life of Brian - What have the Romans ever done for us
Life of Brian - Biggus Dickus
Honourable mentions to "Where's the foetus going to gestate", "Peoples Front of Judea v The Judean Popular Front", "He's not the messiah", "Are there any women here", "Now write it out correctly 100 times or I'll cut your balls off"
1) The bar scene
2) Chandelier
3) Dolls inflating in back of van
4) Del hang gliding
5) Cwying
And one from slightly more recently.
1) I think there’s been a rape up there! GET. THEIR. ATTENTION.
Its very rare I have tears of laughter rolling down my face nowadays from a film.
The only time I can remember recently for some reason was Bad Neighbours 2 and the Garage scene. The whole cinema lost it and I don’t remember the last time that happened:
Batman and Robin running on Only Fools
which led on to ‘ I came as a chauffeur’
When the priests get 'stuck' in the lingerie section of a shop and Ted has to extricate them.
The randy milkman episode, especially the milk float scene as a spoof of the film Speed.
embedded perfectly 🙄
Catherine Ahern......Lauren.......French Exam.
Bob and Ray.....Slow Talkers.....Youtube.
Also there's a scene in the otherwise mediocre film "9 Months" where Tom Arnold and Hugh Grant have a fight with a dinosaur that had me roaring
Seinfeld - Fusilli Jerry
Dumb and Dumber. - Tic Tac sir?
The office - when Gareth slopes of with the swingers in the sidecar of their motorbike