BEFORE THE IDC (March 2020)
A) Individual charges against those in senior positions at Sheffield Wednesday FC
Mr Chansiri: Owner
Mr Redgate: Financial director
Ms (c’est ne pas moi) Meire: CEO
IDC: These individual charges are dismissed; the reasons will remain confidential and we will now retire for four months to consider Charges 1 and 2 relating to breaches of EFL profitability and sustainability (P&S) rules (FFP) made against the Club.
BEFORE THE IDC (July 2020)
Charges 1 and 2 against
Sheffield Wednesday FC
IDC: We reconvene in July 2020 having studied all the documents and representations in relation to possible P&S breaches. We dismiss Charge 2 which we consider to be unreasonable. We find Sheff Weds in breach on Charge 1 and recommend to the EFL a 12 point penalty deduction to be applied not this season but to season 2020/2021.
Off the record in the room:
So, when do we publish? Ok, the PR people tell us that the late afternoon before the Saturday 1st August Cup Final would be the optimum time to ‘kill’ the media attention. Agreed? Yes, off to the wine bar anyone?
Off the record in the wine bar:
Job well done eh but how do we explain putting the sanction into next season rather than this one? Hmmmm, you lawyer chaps had better come up with the goods eh!!! Much laughter ensues before another bottle of Bollinger.
Some weeks later
IDC: our reasons for
putting the Sheffield Wednesday points deduction into next season are found in
detail in paragraphs 34-36 of our statement but in effect some very clever people (i.e. us) considered it
grossly unfair that Sheffield Wednesday, having been found guilty, should
suffer relegation as a result of the penalty which we felt appropriate for the offence and we
consider it to be far fairer that an innocent club against whom no charges have
been brought (in this case Charlton Athletic) are relegated instead.
That brings this matter to an end and we expect not to see you in court.