I recently came across a post on this forum where some people are talking about Charlton fans dressing in A Clockwork Orange gear for a number of matches. Some of the matches mentioned are an away match at Playmouth in 1973 (what seems to be the first time the clothes were worn), a match against Rochdale also in 1973, & the photo below was then in 1979.
I would love to hear more stories about this and how it came about. Some of the main questions I'm wondering are:
How did this start?
Where did you get the clothes?
How much did A Clockwork Orange influence you?
Did the fighting in the film influence the fights?
How often were they worn / when did people stop wearing them?
Did any other teams wear them?
How common was it for teams to dress up like this?
t was also mentioned that Cardiff also wore the Clockwork Orange style outfits & potentially had a fight with Charlton fans over this at the valley. Does anybody have any more info on this?
I'm all ears for any info anybody has on this, not just the questions I asked. Any information at all would be really great to hear. I think this is a really interesting part of football history that has been lost with time.
Thanks for reading & I look forward to hearing your stories.

Many locals worked as extras on the film and local fashions such as the white boiler suits influenced the costume designers, not the other way round. They don't appear in the Burgess book.
When the film came out most locals dropped the look straight away, not wanting to be associated with such a controversial depiction of working class life.
RIP Selwyn.
Charlton's Droog attired following is mentioned in Garry Bushell's bookHoolies: True Stories of Britain's Biggest Street Battles which was published in 2010
A few in attendance that day.
I can remember that.
The umbrellas were an interesting idea. Was wondering if they went as far as the eye makeup as well.
Thanks for the Longbenton Clockwork suggestion, had not come across this at all. Another wormhole to go down.
Appreciate the help
We all thought the film was crap, but I still enjoy Beethoven !!