Following on from favourite smells how about your favourite sounds. Mine are, small children playing, birdsong, The Red Red Robin when the lads enter the pitch ( also the final whistle when we have won) & voices of family I've not seen for a while.
Something dropped into water, (like when Harry Callaghan kicks David Souls police helmet into the Briney in Magnum Force).
School bell- going home time.
Car horn (when someone has got their head under the bonnet!)
The Kettle clicking off - Teas up!
Berties little growl when he can hear the postman near the door.
The build up noise before the Tunnel Jump.
Red Red Robin starting up.
The sound of a Chinook helicopter thumping away as it gets near.
The Rolls Royce Merlin in the Spitfires that fly over from Biggin Hill - always look up.
In fact, I think she's addicted to the sound of the "pop" of a cork because she's always asking me to open another bottle.
A steam train traveling at full pace
A blackbird singing at dusk
The whir of a bicycle's fixed-gear transmission
The Psst as you open a beer with a bottle-opener
The crack of a cricket ball being whacked
The sizzling sound of bacon being fried
Tyres on a wet cobbled road,
Clicking of old turnstiles,
pulling and releasing the arm of a one armed bandit,
(as opposed to the grunting of female tennis players)
Mind you google has just reminded me how old I am, Arlott retired in 1980
Song Thrush
Baying Bloodhounds