Thanks to
@AFKABartram and the rest of the CL team for letting the museum do this.
As we slowly but steadily upgrade the museum one of the things we've badly needed were proper museum quality cabinets that locked and had internal lighting and adjustable shelving.
These don't come cheap but two Charlton fans (both lifers as it happens but I'll let them ID themselves, if they want to) stepped forward to sponsor a cabinet and have a name plaque remembering their families in the cabinets.
It would be great to have a similar Charlton Life cabinet in the museum.
@charltonnick sourced some great cabinets which with delivery and VAT the cabinets cost just under £1,000.
Charlton Life already raised £550 for the museum via the trip to the Somme so another £450 would pay for a Charlton Life cabinet to house valuable Charlton objects.
£1,450 would be enough for two.
So if you can help, that would be fantastic
You can make any size donation into our bank account via
Charlton Athletic Museum
Sort Code 60 16 03
Acct no 7377 2593
or via PayPal to
If neither works for you please inbox us
If there are any individuals, companies or supporters' groups reading this who'd like to get involved and have their own sponsored cabinet then we're all ears.
This is what the two new cabinets already purchased look like empty and in use. You can see in the second photo what a step up they are from the much smaller, and non-lockable, display shelves (left of photo) we've been using.
Thanks in advance, everyone.

A lot going on at the moment - Lyle's cancer fund, Valley Centenary etc etc - but it's important, no, essential, that the Museum does itself justice, not to mention providing secure displays for this precious material, so I'm in for the CL cabinet for a bulls-eye. See you on Saturday Nick.
Your donation came through.
Under £400 now to hit the target for one cabinet.
£320 away from the first Charlton Life cabinet.
£310 to go
Thanks also to NP who also donated overnight.
Another £70 donated overnight so £240 away from the first cabinet.
Just had a £1,000 donation from one lifer for the second cabinet.
Just wow.
£240 to get that Charlton Life cabinet.
Very early VOTV (1 - 10) have some value.
The aways could be of interest as would any minor cups/friendlies.
We just don't have the storage for the programmes we have now and haven't yet sorted through but thanks.
No donation too small, it all helps.
But scrub that. One very kind lifer just sent £200 (plus gift aid as we're a registered charity) via their CFA account so you've done it.
CL cabinet paid for
@AFKABartram and @LoOkOuT What do you want to plaque to say?
Thanks from all trustees and volunteers.
Can I give it on payday next Friday.
Been snowed under this week, brilliant effort from those who have generously donated
Congrats on securing the funding for the cabinets. Did you see that I Inboxed you and CharltonNick with a list of those away programmes I had in case of any use to the museum?