At the moment there is only one cheaper option.
Dep Kings Cross 08.06 arrive Middlesborough 11.07 change at Eaglescliffe
Dep Middlesborough 17.55 arrive Kings Cross 20.59 change at York
This means buying a single ticket in each direction between Kings Cross & York outgoing price £18.10 [£12.35] return price £13.30 [£8.80] a day return between York & Middlesborough costs £18.10 [£11.95]
More options may appear later,also SKY have not yet picked their live games yet.
Railcard fares in brackets.
A slightly cheaper option appears lower in this thread.
Dep Kings Cross 08.06 arrive Eaglescliffe 10.50 price £25.60 [£16.90]
Dep Eaglescliffe10.55 Arrive Middlesborough 11.07
Dep Middlesborough 17.43 Arrive Eaglescliffe 17.53
Dep Eaglescliffe 18.14 Arrive Kings Cross 20.59 price £16.70 [£11.05]
A day return between Eaglescliffe & Middlesborough costs £3.20 [£2.10]
Sorry for any confusion but the 17.43 return train to Eaglescliffe is not shown on some timetables.
Railcard fares in brackets.
Book it NOW.
A cab from boro to Eaglescliffe after the game is about £16.
Should be ok on the train though.
Option 1 Advance single to Middlesborough £50.20 [£33.15] return £37.00 [£24.40] total £87.20 [£57.55]
Option 2 Advance single to Eaglescliffe £43.50 [£28.70] return £25.60 [£16.90] Day return Eaglescliffe to Middlesborough £3.20 [£2.10] total £72.30 [£47.70]
Option 3 Advance single to York £32.30 [£21.30] return £18.70 [£12.35] Day return York to Middlesborough £18.10 [£11.95] total £69.10 [£45.50]
The above options all depart Kings Cross 08.06 Arrive Middlesborough 11.07 change at Eaglescliffe
Return on option 1&3 Dep Middlesborough 17.55 Arrive Kings Cross 20.59 change at York
Return on option 2 Dep Middlesborough 17.43 Arrive Kings Cross 20.59 change at Eaglescliffe
Railcard fares in brackets.
Cheaper fares may appear when LNER release their Advance Tickets on 8th November
Both stadiums.
A soulless outpost of England.
I think for me to go again I would need paying.
Amended service between Doncaster and Peterborough from 20:30 Saturday 7 until 12:00 Sunday 8 Dec. Your journey may be affected by engineering work.
It appears the 3 departures listed below are unaffected by the engineering works,full details should appear when LNER release their advance fares on 8/11/19
Dep MBR Arr KGX18:10 21:44
Is Boro that bad? I am thinking i may just go up on the Friday and stay in town the night