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Will Bowyer eventually walk out?

I’m surprised he hasn’t yet!

Low budget, key players leaving, such a small squad and the way Roland messed around with Bowyers contract surely Lee must be stressed to the bone.


  • I think he knew what the situation would be when he signed his new contract.  However if something like Taylor being sold against his wishes then that could well make him jump.
  • If he did, he would drop Duchatelet right in the shit. But he won't.
  • He's only been in charge of one competitive game since he's signed a new contract
  • he won't .. anyone who read his interviews in Saturday's papers, and we must assume that Bowyer is telling it how it is, will realise that he is OK if not delighted with the ownership and available cash situation. Hard to understand ?, perhaps.  It is what it is and no amount of wailing on here will change it. Bowyer is determined to make the best of the situation because HE LOVES THE CLUB and sees his job as a hugely enjoyable challenge. We will see
  • Well if he's going to get more results like Saturday then it doesnt make sense walking - Why leave a job when your clearly showing everyone what you can do with no money

    Out of work and he'll run the risk of being forgotten again
    Good point
  • I wouldn’t be surprised if he told the wankpuffin (I will keep using this new word at every opportunity) where to go in Jan when we cash in on Taylor! 
  • We need Leeds to do well or they will come knocking.
  • he won't .. anyone who read his interviews in Saturday's papers, and we must assume that Bowyer is telling it how it is, will realise that he is OK if not delighted with the ownership and available cash situation. Hard to understand ?, perhaps.  It is what it is and no amount of wailing on here will change it. Bowyer is determined to make the best of the situation because HE LOVES THE CLUB and sees his job as a hugely enjoyable challenge. We will see
    He loves both the club AND his players; he wouldn't just abandon them like that.

    He said that they're like "robots" in that he has to keep repeating his praise and encouragement to the players until they eventually believe that they really are as good as he says.  If you take Lee out of the equation, then the players will likely lose a lot of that self-confidence and belief, leading to an imminent "collapse" by the team; he would never let that happen by his own choice.
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  • Definitely. He'll walk out of Sparrows Lane tonight

    Before returning tomorrow morning
  • No.

    If he didn't walk after that statement in the summer then he won't walk on the sale of a right-back
  • edited August 2019
    Bowyer as a player was an irritant. A wind up merchant who would use whatever tactics, fair or foul, to help his team. At no time did I think he would be a manager.

    As a result of Robinson’s best decision as our manager he found himself involved in professional football again. As a coach he was clearly heavily involved from the dugout at each game.

    Then, in keeping with the odd goings on under RD’s reign suddenly he is made manager of his boyhood club.

    Since then he had led the club, ably assisted by Jackson and Gallen, better than anyone could have imagined. Not since Powell have we had a manager who represents us so well. Whilst not as articulate as CP is, Bowyer’s qualities stand out. His honesty and drive, his determination and resilience.

    I think he is fully accepting and aware of RD’s narcissism, controlling ways and total fucking oddities and just cracks on with the job and he is making an amazing success of it.

    I believe he will stay as he loves the club. However when a better offer comes in - as I think it will sometime this season, then he could well accept it. I wouldn’t blame him one iota if he did. He is already well in credit.
  • He knew exactly the situation when he signed the contract extension. He loves the club, he is enjoying the challenge. Of course he wants the budget of a Middlesbrough or West Brom but Dushitsalot will never give him that and he knows it so he is making the best of the situation.

    Would you walk walk out of a £400k job with nothing else lined up if you just had a 5 fold pay rise?
  • He has 8 months to grind out and not forfeit his pay cheque..I'm sure he'll manage with this cunt running the club. 
  • Bowyer know's like the rest of the players with 1 year contract left, when the right team comes in for him he will be off. Bowyer is just a bit more fortunate he earned a lot of money as a player. Kag, Aribo, Anfree etc haven't had any type of decent wedge yet.
  • Bowyer these days keeps his calm.

    It's all about the challenge, the learning curve and the experience.

    And perhaps, the loyalty to Jacko, Gallen and Marshall .... they are trying to build something together that transcends the football ignorance and idiocy of the owner.

    Bowyer always says, if it's out of his control, then there's nothing he can do about it.
    I believe he'll keep his calm and composure and keep his eye on the long term objective.

    And maybe even the belief that one day Duchatelet will be gone and the situation will change.

  • Bows has said, on numerous occasions, and to anybody that will listen, (obviously, we can exclude the original poster!) that he never wanted to get into management.

    I don't believe interest from any other club (with the possible exception of Leeds), will have the slightest effect on him. Let's not forget, where he is now, he is a short drive and train ride, from his fishing lake in France.

    He loves it at Charlton, knowing full well the constraints he is under with the current owner, and "is on a journey".

    There do seem to be members of this forum who seem more interested in the failure or RD, than the success of Charlton.
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  • The other aspect of the job that people have to remember is that Bowyer could walk away and within a month Roland could have a mood swing and sell up

    Bet Bowyer would be gutted in that instance he does seem to love it here (as others have said) and will surely want to take us as far as a club of our size can possibly go under the right ownership
  • Davo55 said:
    If he did, he would drop Duchatelet right in the shit. But he won't.
    Hang on Duchatelet wants us to fail, so why would that "drop him right in the shit"? 
  • edited August 2019
    The other aspect of the job that people have to remember is that Bowyer could walk away and within a month Roland could have a mood swing and sell up

    Bet Bowyer would be gutted in that instance he does seem to love it here (as others have said) and will surely want to take us as far as a club of our size can possibly go under the right ownership
    or almost perversely, would a new owner put more pressure on Bowyer .. 'I've put in the money and I know what I want' .. it seems that Ol Duchy gives Bows a pretty free hand so long as he is as miserly as possible with fees and salaries .. almost the opposite of the situation with Chris Powell when Katie and Duchy took over .. nothing is permanent other than change .. so saith someone or other
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Davo55 said:
    If he did, he would drop Duchatelet right in the shit. But he won't.
    Hang on Duchatelet wants us to fail, so why would that "drop him right in the shit"? 
    Because Bowyer is probably the only manager who stands a chance of keeping us up in the Championship. And being in the Championship, with a league one budget, enables Duchatelet to break even, aided by the sale of yet another young player from  the academy production line. No Bowyer league one becomes much more likely, less income, no break even = in the shit.
  • edited August 2019
    The other aspect of the job that people have to remember is that Bowyer could walk away and within a month Roland could have a mood swing and sell up

    Bet Bowyer would be gutted in that instance he does seem to love it here (as others have said) and will surely want to take us as far as a club of our size can possibly go under the right ownership
    or almost perversely, would a new owner put more pressure on Bowyer .. 'I've put in the money and I know what I want' .. it seems that Ol Duchy gives Bows a pretty free hand .. almost the opposite of the situation with Chris Powell when Katie and Duchy took over .. nothing is permanent other than change .. so saith someone or other
    Bowyer would love masses more money to spend, but actually has things quite nice at the moment, with an absent owner and lots of control over how the club is run, like Curbs did. I'm sure he would hate having a Director of Football or a hands on CEO telling him what to do, I couldn't imagine him being so happy as  a "head coach" just responsible for coaching the first team
  • I think Bowyer has been around long enough to work it out that RD is a psychopath, as are many successful business men, ala Trump. The art of working with such people is to keep them on good terms, that way you survive. I very much doubt Lee thinks of him as his pal, but just somebody he has to get along with for the good of the club. If he has Charlton at his heart, he will do what is right for both until that is no longer an option. Fishing beckons any time, but this last hurrah may be a pleasant life change he wasn't expecting, hence his genuine acceptance of the ups and downs. 
  • edited August 2019
    Bows has said, on numerous occasions, and to anybody that will listen, (obviously, we can exclude the original poster!) that he never wanted to get into management.

    I don't believe interest from any other club (with the possible exception of Leeds), will have the slightest effect on him. Let's not forget, where he is now, he is a short drive and train ride, from his fishing lake in France.

    He loves it at Charlton, knowing full well the constraints he is under with the current owner, and "is on a journey".

    There do seem to be members of this forum who seem more interested in the failure or RD, than the success of Charlton.’s no wonder you refer to yourself as loopy if you post like this.

     Whether Bowyer wanted to get into management or not is irrelevant. Managers walk out due to their relationship with the owner. Look at the way Curbs walked out of West Ham for starters and he’s a West Ham fan himself! As for location to his fishing lake, maybe he should manage Southampton, Portsmouth or even Dover Athletic lol! Yes he loves it at Charlton but circumstances change.

    You may love your job at the moment but if an opportunity arose where you’d earn more money and work under better management you’d take that. Bowyer has done a terrific job and we wouldn’t be in this position now if it wasn’t for him but Roland’s failure brings an almost impossible job to this journey.
  • edited August 2019
    Too early to walk out now. But by October/November there will a dozen clubs in the Championship, Premiership (and larger clubs in Div One) who are not doing as well as their directors and fans expect and are looking for a change of manager. He will get his pick of jobs.
  • If he does he has principles.
    If he doesn't he's either very successful or just a slave to the money. (Even if it is less than other Championship managers.)

  • edited August 2019
    I think Bowyer has been around long enough to work it out that RD is a psychopath, as are many successful business men, ala Trump. The art of working with such people is to keep them on good terms, that way you survive. I very much doubt Lee thinks of him as his pal, but just somebody he has to get along with for the good of the club. If he has Charlton at his heart, he will do what is right for both until that is no longer an option. Fishing beckons any time, but this last hurrah may be a pleasant life change he wasn't expecting, hence his genuine acceptance of the ups and downs. 
    There's very little chance Bowyer will be sacked by Roland anyway, as Roland has completely lost interest in any form of active management of the club, and sacking a manager would only cost him more money anyway. Indeed since he sacked Slade in Nov 2016, we've only had 2 managers in nearly 3 years, and Robinson walked rather than being sacked.

    It's a win win situation for Bowyer really, keep us up and he'll be a hero AND really noticed by the wider football world, while if we go down everyone (fans AND the wider football world) will blame Roland and say it was an impossible job!
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Roland Out Forever!